Say goodbye to ALL the clubs at PI.


New Member
I too will miss the was the only bright spot left of what was once a great area. PI had fallen a long way from the days of fireworks, outdoor concerts by big names, and "street parties. I am happy that the slow "death of this area is finally over.


New Member
I have mixed feelings about this. The first was "It's about time!" but the second was "Oh no, Adventurer's Club is going tooooo!".
But even given that, I never really went to PI aside from when I was a CP, and the walk around/under from Marketplace to West Side was always kinda silly. I'll be interested to see what they put there. I guess I have faith in something.
Though people may go to Citywalk for their clubbing, I don't think this will harm Disney. In fact, I think it further separates Disney from Universal in scope and vision. I always thought PI didn't quite jibe with the rest of Disney's feel.
Sad for those people losing their positions, though, and sad about those memories that will be lost to so many who had good times at PI...


Well-Known Member
I would say that this is really a great loss, but I have never actually been inside of the clubs at PI. However, I have been saying for the past three years that I am going to go to Adventurer's Club. Luckily my next trip falls before September 27. I will definitely be going to Adventurer's Club on my next trip just in case it is one of the other three clubs not named.


I have to say that this is a poor decision. I have been going to disney ever since i was a littler kid and now even when i am grown up of 28 and single, but do go to disney with my family. Pleasure Island is a great place to get away from the kids for just a couple of hours and be an adult and have adult converstation. I would have no problem if Disney was getting rid of pleasure island, if htey relocated it to a different part of the property or had more Loungues or bars in each hotel , beside the boardwalk to relax in an adult setting and having a nice conversation or some fun, without having kids around. I just think sometimes Adults need there own place too. I think this is why they opened up pleasure Island to adults. I can honeslty say that I think it was dumb on Disney to put in disney's west side on the other side of pleasure island. I mean really they could not see all of the headaches this would cause and it did. I

I feel that pleasure island went downhill when they acutally opened the island to everyone and started to card at every bar and you have people with kids running around after dark with there kids in adult oriented entertainment district. I think Disney did not plan well. There are people who may disagree with me about my opinion, but guess what pleasure island had been there a long time before downtown disney west side. So i feel the west side was the demise of pleasure island.
I know disney is a family resort and I agree with that, but i love disney over universal any day and I just think this is a bad decision tht will bite them in the future. I dont need to go drink to have fun, but on vacation at disney is not a vacation without stopping by pleasure island especially the AC and comedy clubs. It was something different that I would not normally get to see everyday. I can go to a mall and restaraunts any day. Pleasure Island was unique.

Long live PI RIP Pleasure Island,



Well-Known Member
To make things clear, there are only six clubs at PI. BET SoundStage Club, Mannequins Dance Palace, 8Trax, as the article mentions, then there's AC, Comedy Warehouse, and Motion. All of those clubs will be closing, unfortunately.

I'm still hoping AC and CW will be redone. They could easily be reworked into family friendly attractions that many people will still love. It wouldn't be that hard.

I see the rumored ESPN Zone heading into this area. It would be a good fit for the middle of Downtown Disney and draw in a lot of people to the area. I was looking at the Rock and Roll Beach Club building and I think it's the perfect size for it. Perhaps this is in Disney's plans. I don't know for sure, but that's my guess.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty upset that my favorite nightclub Adventurer's club will be gone away! Please don't take Adventurer's Club away!:cry: I will be happy that rumor of ESPN Zone will be in the Downtown Disney!:cool:


New Member
SO what do singles/party-minded folk do now?

And closing the AC? Are they serious? If anything they should keep the AC as the benchmark spot of PI.

On the other hand, there were talks of making a giant new AC as the entry to *gasp* the night kingdom idea...

Just going to be a sad sad day on the 27th of sept.



New Member
I'm seriously considering a special trip down there just to go to Adventurer's Club one more time. I absolutely love it there!! :( so sad that they are closing it.


Well-Known Member
I never even got to see Pleasure Island.

I would hope CW and AC would stay or be moved to another area, those folks look really talented.

Here's a question though, how long until Jellyrolls and Atlantic Dance get the boot for more shopping?


Well-Known Member
i went to my first night club..the rock'n' roll beach club. had so much fun with my parents and friends. i loved the adventures club and the comedy club. well.... disney needs to save the comedy show and the adventures club


Well-Known Member
I hate to be this way... but the ONLY thing I'll miss from PI is Adventurers Club.

RIP, Kungaloosh. :( (Let's hope that the W.A. rumors about AC being revamped/reimagined and going elsewhere on property are true).

I have to agree. PI used to be a lot of fun when Disney had live entertainment on the West End Stage, and fun bands in the Beach Club, but those days are long gone.

I'll miss the Adventurer's Club, though.


New and better? More themed restaurants and shops like already all over The World and Orlando in general?

Like I said, 2 steps forward and one step back. They had a misguided plan, a knee jerk reaction to bad press (again), and a badly planned and executed quick fix that failed. This is the result.

How can a company that has attractions such as RnRC, M:S and ToT play the 100% family orientated resort? There are needs for everyone, from ToonTown to Pleasure Island, from DiveQuest to Paragliding. This will come back to haunt them for years to come.


Well said. The idea is to attract as many people as possible, not turn around and limit your audience.

I never visited Pleasure Island, and I have no emotional attachment to it beyond my love of Disney. I do take exception to the closure on principle, because it shows that WDW really is taking a step backwards in terms of innovation. Instead of reinventing PI, we will be seeing Marketplace: The Sequel. Nothing new, a lot of the same, and all for profit, not quality.



New Member
(Insert MALESTORMRULES screaming here)
in my opinion it isn't a big loss. well to drunk people yes but to me no. disney never allowed alcahol on WDW property anyway, and micheal eisner ingnored that rule, so if walt would see this he would be :)
so really no big loss
but this is good for those DTD rumors, now they have more room to make them come true!


Well-Known Member
(Insert MALESTORMRULES screaming here)
in my opinion it isn't a big loss. well to drunk people yes but to me no. disney never allowed alcahol on WDW property anyway, and micheal eisner ingnored that rule, so if walt would see this he would be :)
so really no big loss
but this is good for those DTD rumors, now they have more room to make them come true!

What do you base this on? WDW has served alcohol on property since day 1, just not in the MK. As a matter of fact, Walt had Club 33 put into DL so him and his friends could enjoy a drink and a meal in an adult, safe setting. To me this is what PL delivered to the masses. :shrug:

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
, but I don't think they should just kill it off. The PI concept is still a great business model that would work in Disney, but it's placement between two family oriented areas certainly didn't help, and allowing kids to walk through was also a huge mistake.
I always hated all that walking at DTD trying to get around PI. I use to enjoy PI when it was a gated community, New Year every night and CC. But I haven't have only bypassed PI going from one end to the other for at least the past 5 years.


New Member
Disney is the leader in the theme park industry. If you go to IAAPA and ask anyone there they will tell you that Disney does something and other people in the industry watch. If it works out they adopt it and it slowly becomes park of every regional and local park in the world.

PI was no exception. When it was added almost 20 years ago it was unheard of. It was an innovation for a theme park operator to open a nightclub, or multiple as Disney did. So... fast forward almost 7 years later and Universal sees... "wow, they have managed to keep clubs open for years when most cant even make it past its first year." Universal saw that if you constantly innovate the clubs, stay on the cutting edge of the industry (ie - adoption of music videos, changing music formats, etc..) you can keep making a profit. PI thrived under that mindset and CityWalk thrives under it. The problem is that Disney stopped innovating, they forgot about PI. They were so busy building third party partnerships that they lost sight of what put it on the map. So once West End Stage was paid off they cut it because it wasnt making them money. They looked at the party at midnight and saw... well we dont see profit off of that, lets cut it. Thats how Disney works. Once they have a hard time finding a profit they just cut it with out looking at how to innovate it. Remember... its takes less thought to just cut it and turn it into a path then try to re-innovate the brand.

Disney has really lost its sight this time. For the first time the company has allowed its business people to walk all over the creative people. Rather then turning to imagineering they just found what worked for them in Marketplace and Disneyland and made a carbon copy. Thats Disney's way of being bold and new today, to design something once and make many carbon copies.




Well-Known Member
Tokyo Anyone?

Found this on Screamscape from February. Take it for what its worth:

Adventure’s Club Tokyo - Rumor - (2/27/08) I don’t know any details, but an very interesting rumor floated across my screen today claiming that we may see an all new version of the Adventure’s Club, a unique interactive experience at Walt Disney World’s Pleasure Island, created somewhere at the Tokyo Disney Resort. Given the rather interesting theme about a cursed artifact causing all the problems over at the Disneysea version of Tower of Terror I’ve got to wonder if this may be considered as some kind expansion of that theme. Perhaps for a new walk-through exhibit, an interactive show or even a fun restaurant concept placed near the Tower.


Active Member
What do you base this on? WDW has served alcohol on property since day 1, just not in the MK. As a matter of fact, Walt had Club 33 put into DL so him and his friends could enjoy a drink and a meal in an adult, safe setting. To me this is what PL delivered to the masses. :shrug:

Let them have their imaginary fantasy that never existed. They want to live in a puritan's dream world.

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