Save the Adventurers Club


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Carol Stein. She spent years as the Comedy Warehouse accompanist, and I believe was a substitute Fingers on occasion.

Unkadog, you care to give a hint as to a source? Because the only word I've heard in months (reiterated this weekend) is that the building is coming down.

unkadog is a BANNED member.
From "Right Guard" Ian's Facebook:

"went by the Club again tonight. 1.) Saw construction walls up to take the Celebrate Tonight erection down. 2.) Saw the scaffolding no longer up inside the Main Salon. 3.) Noticed the chandelier is. . . still up! 4.) Thinks he saw Bedouin Saddle Gear back up on the wall that weren't there before the scaffolding! All this waiting and hoping hurts, but by God I'm a stubborn man and I'll stick it through! Kungaloosh!"


save PI blog has info about AC as well as other happenings on PI

While I would welcome any kind of return of the AC, including it in an expansion of the AK doesn't seem like the best option. It would probably be converted to a family friendly restaurant environment. I'm not sure how well that conversion would go.

Although, maybe they could kick out the rainforest cafe and turn the building into a hybrid AC family restaurant and separate (but integrated thematically) night club area. One entrance facing outside the park for the club and the restaurant portion having an entrance facing into the park. Preferably that entrace would come from a new Mysterious Island type land.

A man can dream I suppose....


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Here's the latest from the Save PI blog on AC. While it sounds great, the rumor also has a "Blue Sky" feel to it:

No news about Adventurers Club except that the AC/Soundstage building is still on the list to be demolished. Perhaps it will fall along with RRBC. But AC fans should not fret. Sources say Adventurers Club will be returning to the new land that is definitely going to be built in Animal Kingdom. The plans have already been drawn and interestingly, the very same company has also already drawn the plans for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter expansion at Islands of Adventure!


It does beg the question, what kind of land could it be in. It would have to be animal related in some way, seeing how this is Animal Kingdom...

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
It does beg the question, what kind of land could it be in. It would have to be animal related in some way, seeing how this is Animal Kingdom...

The two most heard rumors of a new land at AK are either Australia or Dark Kingdom. I know Dark Kingdom was rumored as more of a 5th theme park but it could fit as a new night time only land in Animal Kingdom in which the Adventurers Club is one of the many attractions.


Well-Known Member
I can believe AK needs guests the most--it seems the most expendible park (slogans aside, it's a weak zoo with one decent coaster and the most un-fun water rapids ride ever built), and with a lot of guests spending at least two days at Universal, it's probably taken the biggest hit at WDW.

That said, I don't see the Club fitting there for two reasons. First, AK prides itself on realism. The Club is more Jungle Cruise than Hamarabe. Even the cartoons featured in AK--Nemo, Lion King--are "realistic" animals as opposed to, say, Robin Hood or the Great Mouse Detective. What kind of land will the Club fit into that will fit into AK?

Second, let's be blunt, AK is very "tree huggy." All the rides are geared toward learning environmental lessons like some green after-school special. I don't know that a club with animal heads on the wall run by a fisherman, a woman in animal skin who just got back from safari and a guy in leather jacket/boots who brags he "bagged a wild iguana" fits the theme.


Well-Known Member
I can believe AK needs guests the most--it seems the most expendible park (slogans aside, it's a weak zoo with one decent coaster and the most un-fun water rapids ride ever built), and with a lot of guests spending at least two days at Universal, it's probably taken the biggest hit at WDW.

That said, I don't see the Club fitting there for two reasons. First, AK prides itself on realism. The Club is more Jungle Cruise than Hamarabe. Even the cartoons featured in AK--Nemo, Lion King--are "realistic" animals as opposed to, say, Robin Hood or the Great Mouse Detective. What kind of land will the Club fit into that will fit into AK?

Second, let's be blunt, AK is very "tree huggy." All the rides are geared toward learning environmental lessons like some green after-school special. I don't know that a club with animal heads on the wall run by a fisherman, a woman in animal skin who just got back from safari and a guy in leather jacket/boots who brags he "bagged a wild iguana" fits the theme.

Oh I disagree. I really look for Disney to make AK's future expansions much less based on live animals. Mainly due to cost but also the logistics of it. The is why MI was seriously considered. I also look for the green message to be played down if not eliminated altogether in any new "lands". A little bit goes a long way and people are not going to want to be preached at all day.

Finally, I really think the S.E.A. concept is being considered seriously as a 100% Disney franchse that is developing itself in a sense. So the idea of Joe being able to develop a "land" in what is essentially his park and based on his concepts is very appealing. I think it could be truly amazing. Think Adventuer's Club plus Night Kingdom. That would be my guess.
Shame is the original announcement of closing led us all to believe that the building would be demo'd well w/i 2 years. Tho it's been gutted, that building is rather unique was was in fact the #1 prop for the AC.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
Shame is the original announcement of closing led us all to believe that the building would be demo'd well w/i 2 years. Tho it's been gutted, that building is rather unique was was in fact the #1 prop for the AC.

Well couldn't a new building be built exactly the same as the old building? Or build it similarly but make it larger to handle larger crowds if it was built inside the theme park?

If they actually built a night-time only "land", it would allow AK to stay open later by offering an area away from the animals or only animals that are nocturnal. Seems to make some sense.
Well couldn't a new building be built exactly the same as the old building? Or build it similarly but make it larger to handle larger crowds if it was built inside the theme park?

If they actually built a night-time only "land", it would allow AK to stay open later by offering an area away from the animals or only animals that are nocturnal. Seems to make some sense.
well, sure, but it won't be cheap. I hear moving Beezel alone would be $1 Billion.

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So, I spoke with "Right Guard" the other day, and two weeks ago, he did, in fact, see scaffolding inside the Main Salon and was worried that meant the chandelier was coming down. However, two days later he went by again and saw no scaffolding, the chandelier still up, and Bedouin Saddle Gear re-attached to the wall. About a week later, his brother wandered by and saw scaffolding up again and thought he saw more items being added to the walls. Well the next day, back "Right Guard" went and once again no scaffolding, the chandelier still up, and now the Bedouin Saddle Blanket back up next to the Saddle Gear. So, who knows what the heck is going on (hopefully more artifacts to the walls)!

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!



So, I spoke with "Right Guard" the other day, and two weeks ago, he did, in fact, see scaffolding inside the Main Salon and was worried that meant the chandelier was coming down. However, two days later he went by again and saw no scaffolding, the chandelier still up, and Bedouin Saddle Gear re-attached to the wall. About a week later, his brother wandered by and saw scaffolding up again and thought he saw more items being added to the walls. Well the next day, back "Right Guard" went and once again no scaffolding, the chandelier still up, and now the Bedouin Saddle Blanket back up next to the Saddle Gear. So, who knows what the heck is going on (hopefully more artifacts to the walls)!



So, I spoke with "Right Guard" the other day, and two weeks ago, he did, in fact, see scaffolding inside the Main Salon and was worried that meant the chandelier was coming down. However, two days later he went by again and saw no scaffolding, the chandelier still up, and Bedouin Saddle Gear re-attached to the wall. About a week later, his brother wandered by and saw scaffolding up again and thought he saw more items being added to the walls. Well the next day, back "Right Guard" went and once again no scaffolding, the chandelier still up, and now the Bedouin Saddle Blanket back up next to the Saddle Gear. So, who knows what the heck is going on (hopefully more artifacts to the walls)!

Strange.... I wonder what they are up to. :shrug:

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