Kungaloosh Adventurers,
As King Bob of the Save Pleasure Island Blogspot states, "There Is Finally Hope On The Island"!
http://savepleasureisland.blogspot.com/2013/01/pi-update-there-is-finally-hope-on.html. Starting Feb. 1st, WDW President, Meg Crofton is being replaced by Disneyland President George Kalogridis and Senior Vice President of Downtown Disney & Disney Sports, Ken Potrock being replaced by Disney Cruise Lines, Tom Wolber. These two seem to not have forgotten that Disney is supposed to be for all ages and not just children are being put in positions that could spell the rebirth of our favorite night time destination! It is time that a new letter writing campaign begin to bring to the attention of the men who brought Disneyland ElecTRONica and Mad T Party, and the Disney Cruise Line nightclubs, that Adventure keeps calling our names!
Having relistened to "MouseStation Episode 249"'s interview with certain actors from the Adventurers Club
http://www.podfeed.net/episode/MouseStation Episode 249 Bonus Audio - October 3 2008 - Interviews with Adventurers Club cast members/1415441 the night before closing, what they mentioned around 6:30 was absolutly true, "Don't stop trying!" Send personal hand-written letters that tell how long you've visited the Adventures Club, what kept you coming back, personal experiences and what Disney principals it upheld. Keep sending them well past the closing to let the executives know that there is still a need for this unique experience. And keep them professional.