Rumor no more(well...kinda) WAND COMING DOWN!!


New Member
Hey you don't have to take my word for it either if you don't want to. I couldn't care less.

Now, THAT was rude!

Seems someone was upset that their credibility was in question. Perhaps someone has a mighty high opinion of themselves?

In any case, the verdict that NO ONE knows what is going on until it is announced is correct. Your information is no more reliable than that of the original monorail driver's. So, if you want to question his information, do not take offense if someone questions yours.


New Member
Now, THAT was rude!

Seems someone was upset that their credibility was in question. Perhaps someone has a mighty high opinion of themselves?

In any case, the verdict that NO ONE knows what is going on until it is announced is correct. Your information is no more reliable than that of the original monorail driver's. So, if you want to question his information, do not take offense if someone questions yours.

First, saying 'you don't have to trust me' isn't rude. I can't see how you can take it that way.

Second, some people DO know whats going on. It might not be a lot of people, and it might not be anyone who posts here. But to say 'no one' is incorrect.

Nana birdie

New Member
Here is what I was told at work today. Yes, I am a $7.10 CM (love my job) so take it for what it is worth and what you want to believe. I worked at the new VIP Siemen's Lounge (upstairs - it is absolutely gorgeous). It was getting late and we were waiting for the workshop to end. We were standing around talking and one of the Siemen's guys said he was going to LA to work on the new plans for the ride - I wish I had asked him about their new plans for the ride BUT instead I said to him - there is a rumor on the web about the wand coming down. Is it true or not? He asked me - do you want it to come down and I told him I like the wand but my husband doesn't and would like the purity of Spaceship Earth without the wand. He said, well the purity is coming back - the wand is coming down when we reopen the ride and it'll all tie into the 25th anniversary of Epcot. This guy has worked at Disney since it opened in 1971 and now works for Siemens. I wanted to say, " They aren't celebrating the 25th anniversary of Epcot" but I didn't. If he is correct the wand will be down by November and the ride will be open again and maybe we'll somehow be celebrating the 25th anniversary. I certainly hope so. EPCOT is the BEST!!!


New Member
Here is what I was told at work today. Yes, I am a $7.10 CM (love my job) so take it for what it is worth and what you want to believe. I worked at the new VIP Siemen's Lounge (upstairs - it is absolutely gorgeous). It was getting late and we were waiting for the workshop to end. We were standing around talking and one of the Siemen's guys said he was going to LA to work on the new plans for the ride - I wish I had asked him about their new plans for the ride BUT instead I said to him - there is a rumor on the web about the wand coming down. Is it true or not? He asked me - do you want it to come down and I told him I like the wand but my husband doesn't and would like the purity of Spaceship Earth without the wand. He said, well the purity is coming back - the wand is coming down when we reopen the ride and it'll all tie into the 25th anniversary of Epcot. This guy has worked at Disney since it opened in 1971 and now works for Siemens. I wanted to say, " They aren't celebrating the 25th anniversary of Epcot" but I didn't. If he is correct the wand will be down by November and the ride will be open again and maybe we'll somehow be celebrating the 25th anniversary. I certainly hope so. EPCOT is the BEST!!!

Don't employees of the company staff its lounges?


Well-Known Member
Don't employees of the company staff its lounges?

I'm not vouching for anyone else's authenticity (no offense), but it is true that Siemens originally hated having the wand towering over their sponsored pavilion. Remember, we're talking about a company whose products often feature minimalistic German aesthetics. The glitzy wand did not impress them.

Whether or not Disney will actually remove the structure remains to be seen...


Whether or not Disney will actually remove the structure remains to be seen...

If Siemens wants it down, Disney will take it down. When there's a big sponsor who not only wants it gone but will help foot the bill, Disney is really left with no reason to keep the wand up--at this point, with Epcot as popular as it is on its own merits, I don't buy that the wand is needed for park recognition (there always have been and always will be those scattered dolts who have no clue that they're in a Disney park if it's not Magic Kingdom--that applies to all post-MK gates. Not to mention, the "naked" sphere was a clear and universal symbol of EPCOT and Disney for a good 17 years before the wand went never needed it before and doesn't need it now). We'll just have to wait for more official word on Siemens' stance.

And thanks for that post, Nana birdie...interesting, very interesting. I still maintain that, even though every rumor brings with it a thousand valid reasons why it could be untrue, there are so many separate signs (however small) building up right now and pointing to the wand removal in some way that it adds more than a little weight to this rumor.


Account Suspended
One thing I read recently was that the "take it down" was ok'ed, but the matter of money became the issue. Siemens was willing to let it come out of the refurb budget, but weren't planning to increase the budget to compensate. Imagineering wanted all the cash they could get for the ride, so apparently lots of infighting later, someone caved.

Either the ride budget has been reduced in some manner or a new budget was created just for the wand. The way it's implied, the ride got to keep its money.


New Member
It's not known the form that Armageddon will take. It may be a super volcano, giant meteor, nuclear war, eating ourselves to death, or being put into the Matrix to generate energy for robots.

But no matter its form. One thing is for sure; the wand will be the last thing standing on the face of the earth.


One thing I read recently was that the "take it down" was ok'ed, but the matter of money became the issue. Siemens was willing to let it come out of the refurb budget, but weren't planning to increase the budget to compensate. Imagineering wanted all the cash they could get for the ride, so apparently lots of infighting later, someone caved.
Either the ride budget has been reduced in some manner or a new budget was created just for the wand. The way it's implied, the ride got to keep its money.

Interesting. You're touching on some of the points that caused me to be asked to sit on some info. Nice that it's getting out there, wherever it came from.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
This thread is still a crock....

Nobody has a source that means anything. Its all wishful thinking.
all wand threads are a bunch of crock but you just cant resist in getting in on the action. see my title. lol.... and hate wand threads. laura had the best idea, everyone should put there opinion in there sig and these threads would not exist. oh wait, i have. thanks martin.

One thing I read recently was that the "take it down" was ok'ed, but the matter of money became the issue. Siemens was willing to let it come out of the refurb budget, but weren't planning to increase the budget to compensate. Imagineering wanted all the cash they could get for the ride, so apparently lots of infighting later, someone caved.

Either the ride budget has been reduced in some manner or a new budget was created just for the wand. The way it's implied, the ride got to keep its money.
now that is an interesting tug of war. WOW. what would i choose. to be honest, that is a tough one. spend part of the money on removing the dockside crane or putting it into the attraction and leaving it.


Well-Known Member
all wand threads are a bunch of crock but you just cant resist in getting in on the action. see my title. lol.... and hate wand threads. laura had the best idea, everyone should put there opinion in there sig and these threads would not exist. oh wait, i have. thanks martin.

And laura is the end all, be all of proper behavior?! :ROFLOL: :ROFLOL:

Thats too much...... :lol: :lol:

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