
Marley's Ghost

Active Member
Original Poster
Got in late last night from WDW. The Imaginears...messed up POTC. now I know that people love jack sparrow. Lots of angry posts to follow will say how wrong I am. I like the movies and I like the ride. One inspired the other but while similar they are seperate and thats how they should have stayed. I am a tradionalist. I want to take my three kids to the ride I went on if I want them to see capin jack I will turn on the DVDs.
This was the last ride Walt supervised. The gift shop even has asian themed "artifacts" to go along with the "asian pirate" in the auction scene. all for the new movie. I am fine with progress and I know I am late to the party with this referb happining long ago. I am fine with little changes but the skull before the drop is gone and the whole last room shrunk. My wife bought me the soundtrack which includes the float through to shut me up... It didn't work.

The Genii

New Member
Sorry, but you are merely repeating disinformation when you state that Pirates of the Caribbean was the last ride Walt supervised (Disney itself repeats this as well).

Walt Disney not only supervised a good deal of the creation of the Haunted Mansion (which was in process long before his death--you can see him looking at Marc Davis's concept art on The Wonderful World of Disney TV show) but he also approved of the the concept of Space Mountain: a futuristic indoor roller coaster. This concept art also predates his death.

Walt approved many things at WDI that took ages to complete. So, while you're entitled to your opinion about the recent additions to the Pirates ride (personally, I think it's great on both coasts, but I miss the captain of the Wicked Wench and Paul Frees's vocal), the fact is that it was not Walt's final contribution to the parks.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I guess I'm not a traditionalist. :shrug:

I liked the old ride and I like the changes. I don't think anything has a requirement to stay the same as it always was. Were that the case, we'd be reading the Bible in Ancient Greek and Aramaic. We'd never have developed computers.

Change happens... Embrace it! :D


Liker of Things
Premium Member
Got in late last night from WDW. The Imaginears...messed up POTC. now I know that people love jack sparrow. Lots of angry posts to follow will say how wrong I am. I like the movies and I like the ride. One inspired the other but while similar they are seperate and thats how they should have stayed. I am a tradionalist. I want to take my three kids to the ride I went on if I want them to see capin jack I will turn on the DVDs.
This was the last ride Walt supervised. The gift shop even has asian themed "artifacts" to go along with the "asian pirate" in the auction scene. all for the new movie. I am fine with progress and I know I am late to the party with this referb happining long ago. I am fine with little changes but the skull before the drop is gone and the whole last room shrunk. My wife bought me the soundtrack which includes the float through to shut me up... It didn't work.

I liked the changes and my son who is a fan of Jack Sparrow loved seeing him. The skull is gone...but you didn't enjoy the Davy Jones/mist effect? I agree with the prevoius poster that the last ride Walt supervised argument is factually spurious. Besides, do you really think Walt didn't expect attractions to be plussed, upgraded, changed and swapped out? Heck the Pirates movie franchise was such a big success that I have a hard time picturing Walt NOT approving something like this were he still alive. Besides, I think you should look at the changes to the attraction on their own merits and not use Walt Disney's inclusion (or lack thereof) on the design phase of an attraction as an argument for or against something being changed.

BG Rugger

New Member
Regardless of who supervised what, I agree that the previous version was better. POTC was a nostalgic, fun and entertaining ride that was a staple of any trip to the MK. I realize the changes were made to tie the movies and ride together and to make it more "hip", but to me it just comes off as a shallow marketing ploy to capitalize on the movie popularity and to appease the teenagers who think the ride was based on the movie. I still LOVE the ride and will go on it every time I get, but I'll have fond memories of plundering without Cap'n Jack.


Well-Known Member
And it even goes further than old and new; remember that they changed the pirates chasing the women to the women chasing the pirates. Things change, no big deal. Of course, and for sure, you are entitled to your opinion; I just don't agree.


New Member
I liked the old ride and I like the changes. I don't think anything has a requirement to stay the same as it always was. Were that the case, we'd be reading the Bible in Ancient Greek and Aramaic.
Actually, we would be reading the Bible in Greek and Hebrew (although it's true that a small portion of the Old Testament was penned in Aramaic, during the exile in Babylon).

As for the ride - both my wife and I enjoyed the update to what has always been one of my favorite rides. We felt that it kept the heart of the traditional ride - but updated it so that many new fans will want to see it. Job well done.

Yo ho.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Actually, we would be reading the Bible in Greek and Hebrew (although it's true that a small portion of the Old Testament was penned in Aramaic, during the exile in Babylon).
My bad, omitted Hebrew. I did know that, it was just an oversight :rolleyes:

But my point remains valid. :D



New Member
I agree with Monti... Walt even said his parks would be ever changing and would never remain the same. I personally think he would be P.O.-ed that so many attractions have NOT changed. Walt always pushed the envelope in aspects of progress and innovation and was constantly re-thinking his ideas from every angle, reguardless of how much change that might result in.


Well-Known Member
Other than the ending of the ride, how bout in future visits you close your eyes while the boat passes by Jack Sparrow, then you will experience the ride as you remember it...Oh, and plus you could imagine waterfalls flowing everywhere you look during the beginning of the ride, that way you dont have to be bothered by a Slimy-Tentacle-Faced Pirate Monster who tells you that dead man DO tell tales, so says he.....then shortly after you plunge a whopping 10 feet, you may notice a Geoffry Roush look alike Pirate avasting the fort he is attacking. Radiohost:cool:


Well-Known Member
This was the last ride Walt supervised.

Even if it was true, he didn't supervise the WDW incarnation. Ours is already sad compared to DL's version. Plus Walt said things would constantly be changing and never stay the same in his parks. While I don't love the updates to pirates I do think it was necessary. The few times I'd been on it since the movies I heard more and more people getting off of it upset because Capn Jack wasn't on it and they felt they'd been mislead. Sure they were just uninformed, but it was needed. I don't feel it ruined the ride at all. Changed it? Sure, but ruined? Hardly.


New Member
When Walt was alive he was always looking to "plus" everything by either creating something totally new, or updating an existing idea. WDW really only exists because Walt wanted to plus the idea he originally had with Disneyland and make a place that could totally transport you away from reality.

With this in mind, I think Walt would have loved to see the changes that have been made to Pirates that keep the attraction fresh and original. Instead of letting the ride age, the Imaginer's updated the ride elements to fit with an every changing public opinion towards POTC. at first i was against the addition of jack and barbossa, but now, upon thinking about walt's hopes for the parks, i would saying it is totally in step with his goals. the addition simply "pluses" an existing attraction and brings it into a modern era.


Active Member
I was not a HUGE fan of the movie; it was alright. I still haven't seen the sequel, so I don't know the storyline behind Davy Jones.

I vaguely remember the original version of the ride, but from what everyone is saying, the rehabbed version seems very true to the original, just with 3 Sparrows added. I thought it was done very well, where if you didn't want to follow the Sparrow storyline, you could still enjoy a less-detailed story as you rode through. I agree...if you don't like the Sparrows, close them out and just take in everything else. After the first ridethrough and watching Sparrows, I didn't care for him much anymore, anyway. The Davy Jones effect is great, and I still love the dueling cannons and town-on-fire scenes.


Well-Known Member
If making the ride popular again ruins it...

But seriously, there weren't a lot of major changes to the ride, the slapped in a few animatronics, and changed what some of the existing ones say a little. The only major changes are the ones like you mentioned, the skull before the drop, and the last room, which yea, while I miss too miss the skull, to say they ruined the ride is stretching it a little bit.


Well-Known Member
I loved the original, but you simply can't expect things not to change. Rides need to identify to a new generation of CHILDREN. The parks are really there for them. They will love these rides, and having experienced the new pirates, it simply isn't that different. Those who say "ruined" I would have to disagree with. The only thing I really miss is the Skull, but the Davey Jones effect is pretty cool, too.

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