Rude Space Mt CM...AGAIN!!


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(I won't be able to do this story justice in writing, because much of this CM's rudeness involved his tone of voice and body language. But nevertheless, I'll try.)

For the second time in about 4 years, I experienced an unbelievably rude WDW CM. And just like the last time, it occured on Space Mountain. Here's what happened...

On December 4 at about 1pm, my wife and I were visiting MK. For the most part, the park was pretty empty that day (at least while we were there). Everything was pretty much a walk on and we were in the process of riding Space Mountain for the third time in a row. On both of the previous rides, we had requested to sit in the front row. We don't make this request to be difficult or "disruptive". We do it because we've found that on this ride in particular, the back is just too rough and uncomfortable. This is generally not a problem for the CMs (or at least if it is, they generally don't indicate it's a problem). So on this third trip, when we made the request, the CM initially told us to stand in rows 4 & 5 (which are in the back rocket). Thinking he didn't hear our request, I approached him and said, "Excuse me, we were hoping to sit in the front.", to which he responded, "You'll have to wait" (in a very stern and snappy tone). He pointed to a "bull pen" area on the platform and ordered us to wait in that spot. We apparently misunderstood which square inch of space to stand in on the platform, and he let us know by repeating several times (and again, very rudely) "Not there. There. There. There! Stand back, back back!" It was literally ridiculous and very obviously a power trip on the part of this CM. I leaned over to my wife and whispered in her ear, "I'm beginning to lose my patience with this guy." When we finally got assigned to rows 1 & 2, we stood patiently waiting for our rocket to arrive. After a few seconds, the guest in front of us turned to us and said, "Was it just me, or was that Disney employee really rude?" At that point it occurred to me that there was a problem with this CM and unless someone did something, who knows how many guests he'd be treating this way. So I walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder and asked him his name. He told me that his name was Mark and I could in fact see that his name tag confirmed this. So I said to him, "Well Mark, I just want to let you know that you're being really rude to your guests and we don't appreciate it." His response to this was simply "Don't grab me" (apparently he interpreted my tapping him on the shoulder as a "grab"). I let him know that I was asking for his name because at the end of the ride I intended to speak to a manager about his behavior. His response... "Good for you!"

So my question to all of you is this: Under any circumstance, is this type of response acceptable? I've never had this type of interaction anywhere, much less at Disney.

What seemed especially odd about this response was the fact that he didn't seem worried that I'd be complaining about him. I've worked in the service industry before (including a stint at Disney) and I remember when a guest complaint was something you'd do anything to avoid. By informing him that I'd be complaining, I wasn't making an idle threat. I was giving him an opportunity for service recovery, to apologize or ask me what the problem was. But by simply saying, "Good for you!" and then walking away, he pretty much guaranteed I would follow through on my promise to complain.

What I found almost as frustrating as this treatment, however, was the manner in which it was "handled" when I did complain. Though I had asked for a manager, the person I ended up speaking to said he was the "coordinator of this attraction". This individual (his name was Erik) barely listened to my complaint. He kept interrupting me and immediately jumped to offering me something called a "no strings attached" pass, which worked essentially like a Fastpass without any window of time associated with it. What Erik failed to understand was that I didn't want compensation for my trouble. I wanted this CM to be spoken to.

We ended up going to Guest Relations on our way out of the park. Once again, we were not given the opportunity to speak to a manager about what happened. Instead, we were offered a coupon for a free soft drink. I explained that I really didn't want anything, I just wanted to speak to someone in a position of authority about what had happened. The person at Guest Relations gave me a mailing address and an email address that I could write to about the situation. I asked if there was a phone number where I could actually SPEAK to someone and he said, "We don't really do it that way." When I once again asked if there was just someone there with whom I could speak about this, he reiterated, "No, we really don't do it that way."

So now I'm frustrated that this rude CM (Mark) got away with treating us this way, and that he'll continue treating guests this way because there's no consequences for his actions.

It may seem like a little thing (and again, in writing it doesn't sound as bad as it actually was), but it really upset us for a few hours afterward. It was really a shock to be treated this way by a Disney CM.

So I'd appreciate any advice that any of you have (particularly any WDW CMs) on how I might get through to a manager about this. In the meantime, if any of you happen to know Mark, feel free to let him know that I haven't given up and will be writing letters to Disney management regarding his attitude.


New Member
Well Merlin, you are guilty of several criminal offenses by your own admission! The main problem is your battery (unwanted touching) of the CM. Why do you persist in this type of disruptive behavior? You are lucky the CM did not press charges against you.
Tell you the truth, Space Mtn. and RockNRoller Coaster CM's get real rude when your request front row. They make you feel really bad about asking for it. This is one area where Universal & even Six Flags understand people's desire to be in the front on a fast thrill ride and have the ques planned for front row lovers and nice employes to help you get to that front row. Disney CM's just seem to roll their eyes if you request the front. Anyone else experienced this?


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Originally posted by Timothy W.
Tell you the truth, Space Mtn. and RockNRoller Coaster CM's get real rude when your request front row. They make you feel really bad about asking for it. This is one area where Universal & even Six Flags understand people's desire to be in the front on a fast thrill ride and have the ques planned for front row lovers and nice employes to help you get to that front row. Disney CM's just seem to roll their eyes if you request the front. Anyone else experienced this?

You're right. Particularly on Space Mt for some reason. I even asked one of the other CMs, after exiting the ride, if she could explain why this was. I asked her if that job was an especially stressful one or if it was just a power trip for some CMs. Her response made us chuckle and brought a little levity to the situation. She said, "Well, some people do have a little difficulty with the whole 'counting' thing." She also confirmed that if a guest has a seating preference, the CM's are supposed to gladly honor that.


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Originally posted by Woody13
Well Merlin, you are guilty of several criminal offenses by your own admission! The main problem is your battery (unwanted touching) of the CM. Why do you persist in this type of disruptive behavior? You are lucky the CM did not press charges against you.

Tapping on the shoulder to get someone's attention is considered "battery"??? Wow! I guess what I'm really "lucky" about is the fact that I don't live in Florida. How do you know this? Are you a lawyer? Or are you just making this up? And since you mentioned that I am "guilty of SEVERAL criminal offenses", what are the others?


New Member
Originally posted by Merlin
Tapping on the shoulder to get someone's attention is considered "battery"??? Wow! I guess what I'm really "lucky" about is the fact that I don't live in Florida. How do you know this? Are you a lawyer? Or are you just making this up? And since you mentioned that I am "guilty of SEVERAL criminal offenses", what are the others?

Common definition of battery:
"A person is guilty of battery if he unlawfully touches another in a rude, insolent or angry manner or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another."

It doesn't apply in your case, unless the CM pressed charges and their fellow CM's who witnessed it went to the hearing. Regardless its a simple misdemeanor and would rarely get to that point since any officers present would obviously see no markings of a substantial battery on the CM since it was a tap.

These days, touching strangers isn't a good idea, especially under these circumstances when you could have gotten their attention by saying excuse me or walking in their line of sight.

They were rude, but when you start doing things like that it slowly brings it back to a zero sum situation, yaknow?
Don't give the person who did something to you leeway, take the high road.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Merlin
How do you know this? Are you a lawyer? Or are you just making this up? And since you mentioned that I am "guilty of SEVERAL criminal offenses", what are the others?


Yep! Woody sure does know lots o' stuff 'bout lots o' stuff!:lol:

Pixie Duster

New Member
I've learn to regard Woody13's comment as either sarcasm or stupidity. The problem witht he no strongs attached program is dependance, and I fele this situation was not how DIsney is supposed to be unforunetely with Casting they will hire anyone and there are too many people to keep track off. I would continue to contact guest relations, or I cna give you the address of Lee, once i find it.


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Originally posted by lebernadin
What would you say, and expect to then be done if you had spoken to the manager(or one of them) on duty at Space Mtn?

That's a good question, and I appreciate you asking.

If I'd had the opportunity to speak to an actual manager about this situation, I would have appreciated a response that was something to this effect: "Thank you for bringing this to our attention. That sort of behavior is not tolerated at Walt Disney World. We know that you are spending your vacation time and a great deal of money to visit our resort and our goal is for you to have a memorable and magical experience while you're here. Our cast members are trained that courtesy to our guests is second only to safety. I will personally speak to the cast member involved in this situation. My name is (fill in the blank) and here is my business card. Please contact me personally if you experience any other problems while visiting the Magic Kingdom. In the meantime, is there anything else that I can do to ensure that your experience with us is a positive one?"

If I had gotten something like that, I wouldn't have pursued the issue any further. But instead, the "coordinator" involved barely listened to me, seemed rushed even though it was basically dead at the park that day, and jumped to the assumption that giving me something would resolve the situation. That is a mistake that is commonly made by companies. But Disney's own service training materials emphasize that this is a poor way to handle service recovery. I've spent the past 11 years as a corporate trainer, specializing in customer service, so I possess some expertise on the subject. And generally speaking, most customers who've had a bad experience would rather know the company cares about their situation than simply be given some sort of compensation for it.


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Originally posted by Pixie Duster
or I cna give you the address of Lee, once i find it.

I would be extremely grateful. Thank you. I really don't want to let this go. Not because I'm out for revenge against that particular CM, but because I don't want others to have the same experience and frankly, I don't want to have that experience again. As strange as this sounds, I know the next time I ride Space Mountain I'm going to tense up before asking if we can sit in the front, and I don't think I should have to feel that way. Thanks again! Feel free to PM me with that information once you find it!


Well-Known Member
Hi Merlin!
I hope this run in didnt ruin your trip!
If you push enough buttons, and PERSIST you will usually get to speak to someone in charge...but its better to do it at the time!
What they offered you in consolstion, was just an easy way to get you to stop bugging them....Let us know what happens!
And Welcome Back!:wave:


New Member
Wow... unbelievable! I think you should write your experience to Guest Relations. Attitudes like those from CM´s are never acceptable! :mad:


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Originally posted by Tigggrl
Hi Merlin!
I hope this run in didnt ruin your trip!
If you push enough buttons, and PERSIST you will usually get to speak to someone in charge...but its better to do it at the time!
What they offered you in consolstion, was just an easy way to get you to stop bugging them....Let us know what happens!
And Welcome Back!:wave:

Hey Tigggrl!! Good to hear from you!! No, it didn't ruin our trip (it would take a lot more than a moron like that to ruin a trip to WDW). But it did upset us. I agree 100% that it would have been more effective to resolve it at the time. That's why I was trying so hard to track down someone I could speak to about it. Trouble is, in situations like that, you find that you're also looking at your watch and saying, "Gosh, MGM closes in a couple of hours and we want to ride Tower of Terror several times. Is this really worth our time?"

The other part of this that was a little annoying was that after it all happened, we rode Space Mountain a couple more times and although the coordinator told us he was going to take the CM off so he could speak to him, we noticed that he had just been shifted to the control tower. As a matter of fact, while we were sitting in our rocket, he was looking through the window of the control tower and totally staring me down. This guy was just so un-Disney in so many ways.


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Originally posted by Maria
Wow... unbelievable! I think you should write your experience to Guest Relations. Attitudes like those from CM´s are never acceptable! :mad:

I agree! And I definitely intend to do just that. I've often read that sending a hard copy letter is more effective than sending an email so I plan to do it that way. If you know of any specific names to whom I should address the letter, I'd appreciate any suggestions. I was thinking Al Weiss and maybe even Jay Rasulo (I'll leave Michael Eisner out of it since he's got bigger problems right now...LOL). But I think it would be even more effective if I could address it to the person in charge of Magic Kingdom and/or the person in charge of Tomorrowland.

Does anyone know the names of either of these individuals?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Merlin
That's a good question, and I appreciate you asking.

If I'd had the opportunity to speak to an actual manager about this situation, I would have appreciated a response that was something to this effect: "Thank you for bringing this to our attention. That sort of behavior is not tolerated at Walt Disney World. We know that you are spending your vacation time and a great deal of money to visit our resort and our goal is for you to have a memorable and magical experience while you're here. Our cast members are trained that courtesy to our guests is second only to safety. I will personally speak to the cast member involved in this situation. My name is (fill in the blank) and here is my business card. Please contact me personally if you experience any other problems while visiting the Magic Kingdom. In the meantime, is there anything else that I can do to ensure that your experience with us is a positive one?"

If I had gotten something like that, I wouldn't have pursued the issue any further. But instead, the "coordinator" involved barely listened to me, seemed rushed even though it was basically dead at the park that day, and jumped to the assumption that giving me something would resolve the situation. That is a mistake that is commonly made by companies. But Disney's own service training materials emphasize that this is a poor way to handle service recovery. I've spent the past 11 years as a corporate trainer, specializing in customer service, so I possess some expertise on the subject. And generally speaking, most customers who've had a bad experience would rather know the company cares about their situation than simply be given some sort of compensation for it.

I agree it sounds as if that CM was out of line.

Hmm, the No Strings Attached card while not new is being seriously promoted on property to cast as a tool to use in certain situations to minimize a guests downtime in these types of situations.

There are more cast members and coordinators than there are managers so the first line of communication will always be a line CM. If they are unable to resolve the situation to your satisfaction, then a coordinator will be called. If that proves to be ineffective then it goes to a manager. Call it the chain of command if you will for complaints. Regardless of who hears the complaint and resolves the situation, a NSA card will probably be offered as compensation for your time if DIsney was in the wrong.

The unfortunate reality today is it is not that easy to work for Disney when it comes to the guests. A lot of people have this attitude that "I am the customer and I am always right". This attitude is especially encountered when the guest doesn't agree with a rule or safety regulation. It leaves many of us a little on edge wondering where the next problem will come from and when.

If a cast member asked you to do something or just plain tells you to do something is it necessary to question their direction or just assume there is a valid purpose and follow the instruction? It does get kind of tiring having 2 out of every three people question your authority when you are enforcing a safety policy.
We dont make this stuff up or look forward to having to enforce it either but its our rears if something goes wrong.


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Originally posted by niteobsrvr
I agree it sounds as if that CM was out of line.

Hmm, the No Strings Attached card while not new is being seriously promoted on property to cast as a tool to use in certain situations to minimize a guests downtime in these types of situations.

There are more cast members and coordinators than there are managers so the first line of communication will always be a line CM. If they are unable to resolve the situation to your satisfaction, then a coordinator will be called. If that proves to be ineffective then it goes to a manager. Call it the chain of command if you will for complaints. Regardless of who hears the complaint and resolves the situation, a NSA card will probably be offered as compensation for your time if DIsney was in the wrong.

The unfortunate reality today is it is not that easy to work for Disney when it comes to the guests. A lot of people have this attitude that "I am the customer and I am always right". This attitude is especially encountered when the guest doesn't agree with a rule or safety regulation. It leaves many of us a little on edge wondering where the next problem will come from and when.

If a cast member asked you to do something or just plain tells you to do something is it necessary to question their direction or just assume there is a valid purpose and follow the instruction? It does get kind of tiring having 2 out of every three people question your authority when you are enforcing a safety policy.
We dont make this stuff up or look forward to having to enforce it either but its our rears if something goes wrong.

I think you make some good points here. And you're right when you say that all too often, customers can have an attitude that they are "always right". In my training classes, I often remind my participants that the customer is not "always right", but rather "the customer is always...the customer (whether he/she is right or wrong)". I have to admit, I stole this from a book called "Knock Your Socks Off Service" by Ron Zemke (a customer service guru), but I've always liked it.

Back to the point, though, sometimes I wish I could shake the person who coined the phrase "the customer is always right" because it has lead to a misconception and an attitude on the part of many customers today. But being aware of this from BOTH sides, I try to NOT be that type of customer. Also, I realize there's a valid purpose for most of the instructions that CMs give, but I also think many of them do get on a power trip and forget that they are theme park ride operators, not police officers. And I think paying customers have every right to question directions they don't understand, not to the degree of become argumentative, but certainly within reason.

So that end, let me ask this: If 99% of the times that I ask to sit in a particular seat, the response I get is a smile and "no problem, row 1 please", then is it unreasonable for it to seem odd to me when a CM reacts as though I've just asked for his first born? Clearly, if most CMs do it with absolutely no problem, then it is most likely not a safety issue in any way. So isn't it reasonable for me to wonder why a CM would have a problem with it...and be extremely rude about it to boot?

Also to your point about it being frustrating having "2 out of 3 people question your authority", I think this is part of the problem. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that it absolutely can be frustrating. But if I were an employee and you were my customer and 100 customers before you asked me the same stupid question, how is that your fault if you happen to also ask me that same stupid question? You're not responsible for the 100 people that came before you and I shouldn't take it out on you. What other people did is irrelevant. When this becomes an issue for employees in a service-related field, then I think those employees need to question whether the job they're in is really right for them. Providing exemplary customer service is a skill like anything else. And like other skills, you either possess it or you don't. If you were a car mechanic and didn't know how to fix my car, I would say you didn't have that skill and that you should either develop that skill or consider finding a job that was better suited for you. It wouldn't make you a bad person. Likewise, if dealing with customers is so stressful and upsetting to a person that it causes that person to snap at customers, then that's a skill they clearly need to develop or find another job. Again, it doesn't mean they're a bad person. Make sense?

The Mom

Premium Member
Merlin, PLEASE don't take this as an attack! I'm just going to play "Devil's Advocate" for a little bit. ;)

I've never ridden in the front of Space Mountain. it's very quiet today, and the lines are short to non-existant. Today will be my chance to do it! :sohappy: I get to the front, and it looks like I'm going to get to the front! But wait! Just as I'm ready to walk to spot 1, the CM sends some one else there! :( Oh well, I'll try again next ride. :)

Next ride, the same thing happens. I'm a little annoyed, especially since it's the same people taking "my" spot. sigh. I'll try again, NEXT ride.

Next ride...see above. NOW I'm annoyed, and let the CM know that I don't think this is fair! :mad:

Next ride, I get to ride in front, and THOSE people don't. YAY! There weren't very nice about it, either! They're really giving that nice CM a terrible time!

As I mentioned in a different thread, perception is everything. While you considered the CM as being rude, he may have considered you as being inconsiderate to others, especially if, as in my hypothetical situation, a guest had already complained to him.

I'm not at all implying that this is what happened in your situation, and certainly feel that it could have been handled differently, but perhaps there were other factors which affected his behavior?


Well-Known Member
I agree with The Mom...perception is everything, however I have encountered some CMs who think that just becuase they work for Disney...they have some sort of God-like power and/or right...

Most CMs are great people...with great attitudes and loads of patience....

Perhaps the CM--Mark....was having a bad day....the fact is no matter what the CM should not have had that attitude....while I understand that guests can be annoying at times....CMs should be patient unless a guest crosses the line and either injures or attempts to injure a CM or another guest...

Sorry you encountered a rude CM Merlin....

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