Rude Space Mt CM...AGAIN!!


Well-Known Member
I promised myself id be good...but let me just say for the record that pretty much everyone in this thread needs a valium....or maybe a xanex. Nap time?


New Member must be something about Space Mountain that causes encounters with rude CMs. In June, myself and my 20 ds and 22 dd were returning to the fast pass line. When we got to the fast pass CM she was arguing and I do mean arguing with a guest who was showing a pass that allowed someone with special needs to go on in. however, the woman was not with the person that the pass was intended for, it was just her and her 2 children and she was explaining the person that the pass was given too was too tired to go on the ride, but that she still wanted to use the pass. Well that was TOO much for this CM cause she was REALLY rude to this woman. (Yes, I do know the woman was in the wrong, I'm not excusing her, just telling you what I had to listen to for 5 minutes) So, after enough of listening to them BOTH argue, and since a line was forming in the fast pass area, I waved my fast passes in front of the CM and started to walk past her. WOAH! That is where it went from magical to awful. She turned around and started YELLING at me. She said, "STOP! I have a problem here and I have to fix it before ANYONE is going on this ride". Well it was very embarrassing for myself and my 2 children needed to say and I replied, "Well now you have another problem, me and we shouldn't have to watch you argue with guests and then have you start in on us too." She made a few faces and loud sighs of disgust and then waved us past. Well I did do something, I complained to guest services, mainly because of our embarrassment. First off, I never YELL at anyone and I don't expect to be yelled at my fav place in the world. They were real caring and guest services and gave us "fast passes" for several rides and a certificate for free ice cream. We did think that she should have been made to apologize, but I guess that was asking too much, cause guest services said that could not make her do that.


New Member
Originally posted by Woody13
Pop up a new batch! Why is it that some guests (I'm not talking about disabled people) have to pick and choose about where they sit in a ride? Can't they just follow directions and sit where they are told to sit? Why do they have to slow down and disrupt the entire load area and the many folks waiting in line? Isn't half the fun of a ride the luck of the draw?

Just imagine the problems that would ensue if more and more people demanded a particular seat on a ride! :D

Umm...Hello, Merlin said this in his post..."We do it because we've found that on this ride in particular, the back is just too rough and uncomfortable."
He found it to uncomfortable, and there's no reason why he should have to sit in the back if it's too rough for him. And half the fun of the ride isn't the luck of the draw when the back seats will be too rough for you.
Stop thinking up all these "points" just to continue this argument. Merlin is 100% right. He wasn't requesting the back just because he wanted to be in the front, the back was TOO ROUGH for him. I'm sure other people request the front because of discomfort too. And how much does it really slow down the line?
If Merlin wants to sit in the front, he has the right to..especially because of a health reason.


Account Suspended
Original Poster
Originally posted by tbell must be something about Space Mountain that causes encounters with rude CMs.

I agree. There have only been two times that I've ever encountered a rude CM at WDW, and both times were on this attraction. Is it due to poor training? Poor management? A lack of accountability? Or is it just a very high stress job? Or possibly it's a combination of some or all of these things.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Merlin
I agree. There have only been two times that I've ever encountered a rude CM at WDW, and both times were on this attraction. Is it due to poor training? Poor management? A lack of accountability? Or is it just a very high stress job? Or possibly it's a combination of some or all of these things.

The low pay usualy will do it but its probably a college kid who just doesn't want to be there. That happens a lot.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Merlin
I agree. There have only been two times that I've ever encountered a rude CM at WDW, and both times were on this attraction. Is it due to poor training? Poor management? A lack of accountability? Or is it just a very high stress job? Or possibly it's a combination of some or all of these things.

My guess is because they are constantly getting assaulted by guests!! :rolleyes: ;) ;) ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDW-Imagineer
My guess is because they are constantly getting assaulted by guests!! :rolleyes: ;) ;) ;)

I agree! I know I could never be friendly 100% of the time when dealing with thousands of people on a daily basis. Sure, most Disney visitors are wonderful and friendly, but some are rude, and it can't be easy to deal with them. Cast members are human too...they are not robots! Still, that does not give them permission to treat guests badly.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BeachClubVillas
I agree! I know I could never be friendly 100% of the time when dealing with thousands of people on a daily basis. Sure, most Disney visitors are wonderful and friendly, but some are rude, and it can't be easy to deal with them. Cast members are human too...they are not robots! Still, that does not give them permission to treat guests badly.

Paying admission to a themepark does not give a guest the right to treat cast members badly either. Disney Magic works both ways.

Most cast members deal with these people by not going out of their way to create whatever situation they want. This translates to not even so much as slightly bending whatever rules that the cast member has discretion on for the particular attraction or situation. This leaves the cast member in a safe position if the situation escalates. It also often times stops any escalation at all if the guests begin to reason again and realize the cast member is just doing their job as Disney asked them to do it.

I also would like to add that sometimes guests don't realize they are showing a bad side of themselves before they even open their mouths. Body language says a lot and as CM's who work with thousands of people day in and day out, you really learn to read it and read it well. You can often pick the guests out of the crowd coming at you from some distance who is about to give you a load of ill will.

A good rule of thumb here is to sit and relax for a bit. IF you just had a bad moment with other guests or maybe your family, sit down and chill before going on to the next thing. If it is with another cm you have a problem, dont drag that baggage on to the next CM you see. Instead go to guest relations or a manager and resolve the situation instead of carrying it on with you all day.

Last but not least, if the guest is just plain being disrespectful and rude don't just expect a CM to take it. Its kind of like going to a performance where some idiot's cell phone keeps ringing. Eventually, the performer may stop the show and point out how rude that person is being not just because it is disturbing the performer but also the other guests who came to enjoy the experience.


Well-Known Member
Dear Space Mountain Cast members:

My feet hurt and my eyes get strained when I stand way in the back of lines.

Is is ok if I get in FRONT of the line instead of the BACK of the line?

Oh...and one more thing.... can I do this 3 times?:animwink:

:zipit: :zipit: :zipit:

sorry...that was uncalled for:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BeachClubVillas
I agree! I know I could never be friendly 100% of the time when dealing with thousands of people on a daily basis. Sure, most Disney visitors are wonderful and friendly, but some are rude, and it can't be easy to deal with them. Cast members are human too...they are not robots! Still, that does not give them permission to treat guests badly.

I have had many days as a CM where I did not want to be a perky or happy person but I did it anyway.

Disney sees the entire park or store or whatever, as a show. The guests are on the stage of the show, we've just taken away the seats. The employees are part of the show and that's why they are called Cast Members.

As a CM, I feel that I am playing a character on stage. The CM you see me as in not the normal me. It is easier to play the character than it is to play my own self. However some CMs don't seem to get into this frame of mind. The CM that confronted you must have been one of those.

Believe me though, there are plenty of guests that test your limits and that makes playing the character even more challenging.

And you just thought MCs we are happy people 24/7. Now you know. :animwink:

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