I believe the mindset is, "I paid X amount of money more than I should have had to to get here, so I'm entitled to " and the other part is, "No one around here is going to say anything to me if I _"It just makes you wonder what their mindsets are like...absolutely no consideration for anyone else and oblivious to what they are doing is wrong, rude and inconsiderate. My family would have been p***d that I ruined their day at the park, but I would have ruined his.
Doesn't matter if you or 90% of the people that go there think differently, that is a big reason a lot of people do what they do at Disney. And part of it is the fault of Disney. When Disney charges more and more but shows you less and less some people will start to think they are entitled to something beyond the norm otherwise their brains are saying this isn't worth half of what I paid so I am entitled to do this... And worst still is when you see people cut in line and break rules right in front of CMs and no one says a word at some point your brain will start to say, no one cares what I do so I might as well do X. I mean think about it if a few people cut in line and you see CMs ignore it it is irritating, but at some point if the number of people cutting line just goes up and up at some point you are either going to have to start cutting in line as well or you'll never get on any rides.... Everyone has at some point the tipping point at which they will start doing things they know in their heart they shouldn't do or they will just stop going to Disney... this is someone that probably did what they did for one of those reasons even though they knew what they were doing was wrong.