Rude Guest In Pre-shows


Beta Return
When i detect that there are people in line who are planning to scoot their way ahead, my brother and I either stand side-by-side, to take up a wide queue, or we just put our hands on the rails and face forward in a narrow queue. I've had ppl actually say excuse me, to try to get thru, and I ignore them. I don't care if it's just MOM trying to catch up with the rest of her family - she should have been responsible enough to get in line with them, or they should have waited till she was ready. I personally don't accept ANY excuses for cutting.

As for these specific teens, I would have gone ballistic. Since you can't really snipe people in the parks, I would have gotten a stroller and followed them around all day and ran into the back of their ankles a thousand times, and cut them off with it, and stopped in front of them to look at my map, and stood up against them in lines even when they moved forward an inch, and taken flash photos right into their face in the middle of a dark ride :)


Well-Known Member
daveemtdave said:
I have my cap lock off now ---==== Not sure why this is happening - only place it does is on this web site

Hooray. Hope you didn't think I was being too 'nit picky', it jsut kinda took on a life of its own once it was started to be discussed.

FYI, I can't wait to get back to Cedar Point myself, haven't been there since 2000.


New Member
Original Poster
I agree LOL Hey, it was freaky for me also - I knew what I was doing but YEEEEKKKKSSSS!!!!!!! Can't wait for Cedar Point to open this year either - more new attractions - not sure where they will put anymore HAHA Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
KevinPage said:

You said that your CAPS LOCK is always on, BUT not every letter in your post is CAPITALIZED, only the First Letter Of Each Word. So I didn't understand your explanation. CAPS LOCK WILL MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THIS.

Does THAT Make senSe ? :lol: :lol: :lol:

:D :D :D

When someone types their post in all caps, it will automatically make each word begin with a capital letter, and the rest of the letters will be in lower case, just like his entries. Every word has to be in all caps for this to work, though. Go on, try it! :D


Active Member
You know if that mother said her kids thought the ride was old and boring, then why did they even enter it again? Skip it and let everyone else enjoy it. Why ruin it for everyone?


edwardtc said:
When i detect that there are people in line who are planning to scoot their way ahead, my brother and I either stand side-by-side, to take up a wide queue, or we just put our hands on the rails and face forward in a narrow queue.

I do that too. I try and position myself so they can't get around me LOL.


Well-Known Member
GymLeaderPhil said:
Sometimes, I end up mouthing the entire words to the Haunted Mansion stetching room, just to get some funny looks :lookaroun
We do that on RnRC...sometimes out loud :lol: but only because everyone around us is talking loudly so we want to make sure they really hear the pre-show :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
You know what... wherever you go, there are going to be annoying loud people. I was at a comedy show the other day, and there was this big group in back of us who was talking THE WHOLE TIME. It completely ruined it, because I couldn't concentrate on the comedian.

And even at the movies, I always end up in front of people who will actually answer their cell phones in the middle of the movie and talk! "Hello? Hi! I'm at a movie right now. No, it's okay... I can talk for a while!" Umm... GO INTO THE HALLWAY!

Sorry, but that kind of stuff really makes me mad.


o wow, stupid teens, lol, ya im a teen too, i just turn 18 anmd i prefer to watch the pre shows because well i just love disney world, it makes me happy, lol. Anyways i would never try to be rude to older people, everyone deserves respect and not be push or annoy, okie dokie buh bye



edwardtc said:
When i detect that there are people in line who are planning to scoot their way ahead, my brother and I either stand side-by-side, to take up a wide queue, or we just put our hands on the rails and face forward in a narrow queue. I've had ppl actually say excuse me, to try to get thru, and I ignore them.

Yeah, trying to "excuse me" your way past me if I'm in the mood is futile. If I just got in line, and you're catching up to someone 15 feet ahead, I'll let it slide, although if my son gets ahead I make him wait for me before getting in line.

I stopped some people doing this on the coaster in DLs Toontown, and got some props from the people behind me (that should've stopped them before they got to me). Then when we were reaching load, a guy behind me shouted that they were at it again. I dropped a word in the ear of the CM. We couldn't hear what she asked everyone in line, but I'm assuming it was something like "anyone else see them cut?" because suddenly everyone raised their hands. :D

At Knott's Berry Farm, someone actually threatened to call security because I wouldn't let her past after having been in the line for 10-15 minutes. Then there was actually someone waiting after we got off to tell me she complained , but I was perfectly within her rights to stop her (DUH!). She'd sold him on the "catching up with my kid" story, but I wasn't buying it. She'd been trying to pry my hand off the rail to force her way past, telling me what her husband would do if he was there, blah blah blah. I just kept my back to her without saying much; I'm smart enough to know I'm big enough to let her make me look bad had I done anything more. We were leaving anyway, so I just smiled and nodded til the secutity guy finished. Had I been in the mood, I'd have insisted he follow their own regulations printed on the map and kicked her out.



Well-Known Member
Cell phones in pre-shows and queue areas upset me.

I don't think people on cell phones realize that when they are talking on a phone they are talking LOUDER than they normally would be.

I think Disney should put up signs that say "No Cell Phones, Video Cameras or Flash Photography Past This Point"


New Member
It didn't happen to me in a pre-show but i think i heard someone shouting something rude after getting off the Haunted Mansion during Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween one time. I thought that i heard someone shouting 'LAME!' after they got off while i was getting back on it. So i shouted back 'It's not lame! It's a classic!' I can't stand anyone being rude over my favorite ride, heh, if i had my choice i would spend the whole day at the MK riding the Haunted Mansion over and over again.


Well-Known Member
ScrapIron said:
Yeah, trying to "excuse me" your way past me if I'm in the mood is futile. If I just got in line, and you're catching up to someone 15 feet ahead, I'll let it slide, although if my son gets ahead I make him wait for me before getting in line.

I stopped some people doing this on the coaster in DLs Toontown, and got some props from the people behind me (that should've stopped them before they got to me). Then when we were reaching load, a guy behind me shouted that they were at it again. I dropped a word in the ear of the CM. We couldn't hear what she asked everyone in line, but I'm assuming it was something like "anyone else see them cut?" because suddenly everyone raised their hands. :D

At Knott's Berry Farm, someone actually threatened to call security because I wouldn't let her past after having been in the line for 10-15 minutes. Then there was actually someone waiting after we got off to tell me she complained , but I was perfectly within her rights to stop her (DUH!). She'd sold him on the "catching up with my kid" story, but I wasn't buying it. She'd been trying to pry my hand off the rail to force her way past, telling me what her husband would do if he was there, blah blah blah. I just kept my back to her without saying much; I'm smart enough to know I'm big enough to let her make me look bad had I done anything more. We were leaving anyway, so I just smiled and nodded til the secutity guy finished. Had I been in the mood, I'd have insisted he follow their own regulations printed on the map and kicked her out.

I agree about the cutting.

Normally, we have a big party and we're always getting split up when we get into lines. What usually happens is, for example, if my siblings and I are ahead of everyone, we let other people pass until our party catches up. Sometimes the guests are nice about it and they get out of the way. At Philarmagic, this nice lady noticed our party got split up in the aisle and she asked us how many seats we needed and we told her so she made sure to leave those seats empty so we can go past her and sit in those seats. Normally it's the other way around and we let people go before us, because I don't see the big rush.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
There are certain lines in the pre-show to the Haunted Mansion that I can't help myself from saying along with the narrator: "I am your host . . . your Ghost Host." and ". . . Of course, there's always MY WAY!" :lookaroun Sorry if that is annoying. There is always someone else doing it, too. If its any consolation, I never cut in line! :)

My wife always pokes me in the ribs when I sing along with the cast in the Carousel of Progress: "There's a great, big beautiful tomorrow . . . "


Well-Known Member
MKCP 1985 said:
There are certain lines in the pre-show to the Haunted Mansion that I can't help myself from saying along with the narrator: "I am your host . . . your Ghost Host." and ". . . Of course, there's always MY WAY!" :lookaroun Sorry if that is annoying. There is always someone else doing it, too. If its any consolation, I never cut in line! :)

My wife always pokes me in the ribs when I sing along with the cast in the Carousel of Progress: "There's a great, big beautiful tomorrow . . . "
My family doesn't care about us singing along...we all sing along :lookaroun


Active Member
If I ever run into any rude guests at WDW again, especially any obnoxious teens, I'd be complaining about them to the highest person I could find. I swear so many people check their brains when they go on vacation it's ridiculous. They think they're "entitled" to something just because they're at WDW (or wherever). It's just not right and can really ruin it for alot of people. They think they can't get kicked out for their terrible behaviour. Guess what... they can and I know it can happen. WDW is my escape from "reality". If someonme tries to ruin my (and others) escape, then I'll ruin their "fun" too. I go to WDW to have fun, not be terrorized by idiot kids.

Kind of on topic, but not WDW related, my folks are in Lakeland on vacation right now and they said the hotel they're at is overrun with obnoxious teenagers. My mom said these are probably the same kids whose parents normally wouldn't be able to get them out of their own bedrooms. It's sad ebcause I *never* acted that way when I was a teenager. The type of behaviour alot of teens display these days would've gotten me smacked upside the head back in the day. I know not all teenagers today are bad but there are are a good number that are.


Active Member
MKCP 1985 said:
There are certain lines in the pre-show to the Haunted Mansion that I can't help myself from saying along with the narrator: "I am your host . . . your Ghost Host." and ". . . Of course, there's always MY WAY!" :lookaroun Sorry if that is annoying. There is always someone else doing it, too. If its any consolation, I never cut in line! :)

My wife always pokes me in the ribs when I sing along with the cast in the Carousel of Progress: "There's a great, big beautiful tomorrow . . . "

My husband does that, too. To me, that stuff should not seem irritating to anyone since you are joining in the fun, not putting it down...although I do poke him in the ribs as well to keep his pre-show vocal participations quiet. :) :animwink:


Well-Known Member
GymLeaderPhil said:
Sometimes, I end up mouthing the entire words to the Haunted Mansion stetching room, just to get some funny looks :lookaroun

Just tell them that you're practicing your voice projection! ;) :lol:

ScrapIron said:
Yeah, trying to "excuse me" your way past me if I'm in the mood is futile. If I just got in line, and you're catching up to someone 15 feet ahead, I'll let it slide, although if my son gets ahead I make him wait for me before getting in line.

At Knott's Berry Farm, someone actually threatened to call security because I wouldn't let her past after having been in the line for 10-15 minutes. Then there was actually someone waiting after we got off to tell me she complained , but I was perfectly within her rights to stop her (DUH!). She'd sold him on the "catching up with my kid" story, but I wasn't buying it. She'd been trying to pry my hand off the rail to force her way past, telling me what her husband would do if he was there, blah blah blah. I just kept my back to her without saying much; I'm smart enough to know I'm big enough to let her make me look bad had I done anything more. We were leaving anyway, so I just smiled and nodded til the secutity guy finished. Had I been in the mood, I'd have insisted he follow their own regulations printed on the map and kicked her out.

I sometimes let it slide, but usually just stand side by side and take up the width of the queue. When someone tries to get by, they get, at minimum, a very dirty look, if not a few choice words.

I'm a former ride-op for Valleyfair (a sister park of KBF), and I would assume they'd be following Cedar Fair policy as well. If that lady would have come up complaining to me, I would have told her "tough luck, you should have took your kid with you when you got out of line." Under no circumstances does ANYONE have a right to get back in line at the point where they left, no matter the reason. REMEMBER PEOPLE: Line jumping is NOT an extreme sport!

We were at Test Track in January and were in the movie/preshow room. There was this guy that was probably 40/50 years old. He was talking and jibber jabbering and being a real annoyance. Some other people were "sshhhing" and stuff, but I wanted to reach over and smack him upside the back of his head. It's like, "C'mon people. The movie's playing for a reason, and most of us actually want to watch it."

--Unfortunately, common sense isn't. --

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