Rude Guest In Pre-shows


New Member
Yeah, we had a little problem with a guy in Timekeeper a few weeks ago (which had pretty good crowds, if anyone wants to know), and someone tries to sit on the rail (if it's a little kid, I don't mind. Heck, they may be the last generation to see TK. May as well be able to see over the person in front of you.) He claimed to be "disabled," but we clearly saw him walk into the theater. He got off immediately.


Account Suspended
matt88mph said:
Yeah, we had a little problem with a guy in Timekeeper a few weeks ago (which had pretty good crowds, if anyone wants to know), and someone tries to sit on the rail (if it's a little kid, I don't mind. Heck, they may be the last generation to see TK. May as well be able to see over the person in front of you.) He claimed to be "disabled," but we clearly saw him walk into the theater. He got off immediately.

I hate it when your waiting in line (like at BTM) wher they have ropes instead of rails and your standing there with your hand on the rope just waiting and some kid is swinging on the rope up in front making it shake and move the whole rope and poles. and I hate when kids are playing on the railsand then the line moves so mom and dad have to gather the kids again and move. thats why lines move so slow.


New Member
KevinPage said:

How long did it take you to create this post? Capitalizing every word, OUCH. Would take me a year and a day to do that (and even longer to read)

:D :D :D

You guys have hit a new low when you start to gripe about how a person puts up a thread. It was a legitimate question, that I would have thought
the usual know-it-alls would have had a better answer for.


Well-Known Member
Edeyore said:
You guys have hit a new low when you start to gripe about how a person puts up a thread. It was a legitimate question, that I would have thought
the usual know-it-alls would have had a better answer for.

You people who complian about us complainers have hit a new low. :p

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I always enjoy the people who complain and claim that others are complaining. As you can see it was all done in good fun, notice the :D & the original poster didn't mind.


New Member
Just out of curiosity, would these people qualify for a "Persona Non Grata". I am not sure of the requirements for reciving one but if I was there, I would defenitly give them one.


New Member
KevinPage said:
You people who complian about us complainers have hit a new low. :p

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I always enjoy the people who complain and claim that others are complaining. As you can see it was all done in good fun, notice the :D & the original poster didn't mind.

Okay, how about complainers who complain about people who complain
about them. It is just the fact that so many times the response to a person
asking a question is met with "he use all capitals" or " that is not how you
spell that word". Why not just answer the question if you have the information that they are looking for?


Well-Known Member
As far as people trying to catch up with other people in line, I feel it really all depends. If it was something where one person got in line while five or six others went off to do something else and then came back 15 minutes later to catch up with the one person, I think that's wrong. The one person should have just been with the others and showed up at the same time as them. But if it's a family that's been waiting in line for a half hour and one child suddenly has to ______, then I don't really mind one parent going with the kid to the bathroom and then coming back. This has actually happened to us and the CMs are the ones that got my wife and daughter back to where my son and I were. That was on the Great Movie Ride, though where it is actually possible to go around the queue. If it's one where they would have to go through the queue, then 9 times out of 10, my son and I will be waiting for my wife and daughter after we get off the ride because there was no way for them to catch up, or they'll just skip the ride and wait for us at the exit.


Well-Known Member
Edeyore said:
Okay, how about complainers who complain about people who complain
about them. It is just the fact that so many times the response to a person
asking a question is met with "he use all capitals" or " that is not how you
spell that word". Why not just answer the question if you have the information that they are looking for?

Take a chill pill already. As you can see I'm not all worked up over this, but you seemed to be generally annoyed, correct me if I'm wrong :confused:

Dave, who originated this post doesn't care, so why should you?

When Steve tells us we can't have fun on this board anymore, then I'll cease from pointing out the obvious and trying to lighten the mood. I guess I should realize that anything WDW related is completely DEAD SERIOUS. :rolleyes:

:D :D :D


New Member
KevinPage said:
Take a chill pill already. As you can see I'm not all worked up over this, but you seemed to be generally annoyed, correct me if I'm wrong :confused:

Dave, who originated this post doesn't care, so why should you?

When Steve tells us we can't have fun on this board anymore, then I'll cease from pointing out the obvious and trying to lighten the mood. I guess I should realize that anything WDW related is completely DEAD SERIOUS. :rolleyes:

:D :D :D

Honestly, because it happens all the time. I'm not saying you need to be
DEAD SERIOUS. Some of the comments, such as those the other day,
in reference to a person asking "Have I lost my mind?" were funny. When
someone asks a question and someone who seems to put him out there
as a bit of authority answers by questioning how many capitals they used
and that is it, where is the fun?


Well-Known Member
Edeyore said:
Honestly, because it happens all the time. I'm not saying you need to be
DEAD SERIOUS. Some of the comments, such as those the other day,
in reference to a person asking "Have I lost my mind?" were funny. When
someone asks a question and someone who seems to put him out there
as a bit of authority answers by questioning how many capitals they used
and that is it, where is the fun?

So ANYWAYS back to the topic at hand... For me it always seems like the preshows tend to be noisy at the end of the day when everyone has already experienced the fury of the giftshop and other attractions.
I agree, i went to see wishes and fantasy inthe sky firework shows and the people next to us wouldn't stop talking, i think they were chinese and only talked because they didn't know what was being said. I got really carried away and sucker punched the biggest one. The Disney cast members didn't do anything but the crowd around cheered me on.


New Member
GymLeaderPhil said:
So ANYWAYS back to the topic at hand... For me it always seems like the preshows tend to be noisy at the end of the day when everyone has already experienced the fury of the giftshop and other attractions.

Yes, often so "up" from the day that they just can't seem to stop talking about what they have just done, or what they are going to do next. If
they could just relax a little and take time to look and listen they would
probably enjoy the experience that much more.


New Member
I had a very bad experience concerning rude guests in a German park named "Warner Brothers Movie World".

We were waiting in line for nearly 2 hours for some coaster and then I saw a group of about 10 teenagers cut the line by "catching up" to about 2 others on the other side of the room.
I was really getting angry and my day was nearly ruined, because there were at least 2 groups at every attraction cutting the line and the park was in really bad shape.
I even saw a group of teenagers drink beer (they weren't even old enough to buy it, but over here in Germany... ahh let's not get too off topic :animwink: ) in the line and then they just smashed the bottles on the walls and the floor. I couldn't believe my eyes and just couldn't say anything...

Anyway the last ride I wanted to go on was a kind of simulator ride about Batman (really nice ride and in quite a good shape).
My girlfriend didn't want to go with me first, but as I was unhappy all day, she did me the favor.

There was this group of about 10 teenagers in line in front of us, that annoyed us even before the Pre-Show started.
I thought they'd be quiet during the Pre-Show but instead they made fun of the guy who showed us the Manor and didn't stop talking.
During the first part of the Pre-Show there's an "emergency" and you have to leave using a secret passage.
Our guide, who was really really good by the way, recieved the
"emergency call" and said "Well there's an emergency and I think we'll have to leave using the emergency exit."
Then he pointed at a REAL emergency exit on the other side of the room and the teenagers rushed there pushing each other, screaming and so on.
As they arrived at the door the guide said: "But... we'll better use this secret passage..." and the passage opens...
The teenagers were quiet the whole time after that, they were last in line and really embarassed.

As we got off of the ride my girlfriend and I agreed that this was the best ride in the park (especially because of the Pre-Show) and she said that now she could understand what those Disney rides I always talk about are all about and that she really wants to go to Disney...
That made me forget everything else :animwink:

Thanks for reading,



New Member
I had this happen to me on my past trip in October, but it wasnt a preshow. It was on the actual ride itself. POTC. I had some immature teenagers, and they were throwing water on the boat and screaming SUPER loudly . My mom, sister and i kept yelling at them to cut it out. They did eventually. When we got off, we told the cast members and we were able to get right back on. I hate when peopel do that. Especially if there is a family with children on it. :brick: :brick: :brick:


Well-Known Member
If you want to talk stupidity on the ride, I had been on Splash Mountain with my wife and kids and there was another family in front of us on the ride vehicle. It was a hot day and the parents started reaching over the side and running their hands in the water so they could wet themselves to cool off. Then they encouraged their kids to do the same. I was just waiting for one of them to get their hand caught when the ride got to a lift area to teach them a lesson. When we got off the ride, we walked past and I loudly commended my children for keeping their hands in the boat so that they didn't get severely injured by the motors and that only a complete moron would reach outside the boat on that ride. :D


I will always remember last September when I was on TOT there were a bunch of teens (Boys and girls) that all through the ride were talking loudly to each other about taking their shirts off for the big drop picture. A few other people in the car were yelling back that there were young kids in there and not to do it. I just kept silent and smiled because I knew what was coming next. Sure enough right before we entered the drop chamber the ride just stopped and a loud voice came over the PA system saying that we would not be going anywhere until everyone put their shirts back on. A few of the teens were angry and yelled things like 'how did you see us?' And 'you've ruined our vacation!' and stuff like that. Once the ride started moving again and dropped when we got to see the picture we could see a few teens trying to pull their shirts off in time for the picture. Fortunately the furthest they got was to have their shirts covering their faces. As they got off they were discussing going back on and taking them off once they were about to drop. I warned some of the CMs about this, hopefully they got thrown out of the park


Well-Known Member
626 said:
I will always remember last September when I was on TOT there were a bunch of teens (Boys and girls) that all through the ride were talking loudly to each other about taking their shirts off for the big drop picture. A few other people in the car were yelling back that there were young kids in there and not to do it. I just kept silent and smiled because I knew what was coming next. Sure enough right before we entered the drop chamber the ride just stopped and a loud voice came over the PA system saying that we would not be going anywhere until everyone put their shirts back on. A few of the teens were angry and yelled things like 'how did you see us?' And 'you've ruined our vacation!' and stuff like that. Once the ride started moving again and dropped when we got to see the picture we could see a few teens trying to pull their shirts off in time for the picture. Fortunately the furthest they got was to have their shirts covering their faces. As they got off they were discussing going back on and taking them off once they were about to drop. I warned some of the CMs about this, hopefully they got thrown out of the park
Completely immature. That's all I can think of.


Well-Known Member
626 said:
I will always remember last September when I was on TOT there were a bunch of teens (Boys and girls) that all through the ride were talking loudly to each other about taking their shirts off for the big drop picture. A few other people in the car were yelling back that there were young kids in there and not to do it. I just kept silent and smiled because I knew what was coming next. Sure enough right before we entered the drop chamber the ride just stopped and a loud voice came over the PA system saying that we would not be going anywhere until everyone put their shirts back on. A few of the teens were angry and yelled things like 'how did you see us?' And 'you've ruined our vacation!' and stuff like that. Once the ride started moving again and dropped when we got to see the picture we could see a few teens trying to pull their shirts off in time for the picture. Fortunately the furthest they got was to have their shirts covering their faces. As they got off they were discussing going back on and taking them off once they were about to drop. I warned some of the CMs about this, hopefully they got thrown out of the park

I hate it when a few idiots ruin the show for everyone else :mad:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The Spring Break crowd is out right now so they will be pricks. This week the one thing that annoyed me was the flash photography. PoTC and HM both flash flash flash flash it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't tell them not to do it.

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