Rock n Roller coaster troubles continuing


Well-Known Member
If the ride is open, it is because it passed whatever safety checks are routinely done, plus some additional ones. I'd take the kids with me on it. On the other hand, if they ever run out of backstage passes, no deal.


Active Member
If the ride is open, it is because it passed whatever safety checks are routinely done, plus some additional ones. I'd take the kids with me on it. On the other hand, if they ever run out of backstage passes, no deal.

I am still curious to know what these troubles are all about, though.

By the way, nice R.E.M. signature. Love that song, love that band! :wave:
Hollywood rip ride rock it is closed at Universal due to a safety issue discovered by the coaster manufacturer. Maybe Disney is using a similar technology or part and is being cautious and is looking into some possible issues with the coaster.


Well-Known Member
Hollywood rip ride rock it is closed at Universal due to a safety issue discovered by the coaster manufacturer. Maybe Disney is using a similar technology or part and is being cautious and is looking into some possible issues with the coaster.

Not even close in terms of engineering. Totally different problems, I can guarantee that. It's like saying one car being recalled must be having the same problems as another car being recalled just because they have dealerships right next to each other.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could say I trusted that. I want to trust that. I do. I freakin' love RnRC. I'm just not feeling okay with this one. I'm certain this panic is 99% my insane recurring nightmare issues that I've been plagued with for years. The details bounce between actual nightmare scenarios but the basis is always the same: I'm watching really horrendous things happen to people I love or even to people I don't know and I can do nothing to stop it. Used to be tornados when I was a kid, mostly was watching commercial airliners nose-diving when I was pregnant both times, then several years back I had one where I let my boys go on a big coaster in an outside setting while I stood at a fence nearby watching them. Guess what happened? :eek: Gawd, just remembering it brings tears to my eyes.

Also, if there's one thing I've learned in my 36 years it's to listen to intuition. If something doesn't feel okay, it usually isn't. I guess I'll keep an eye on things and make the call when I get there.

But thank you for your words of reassurance. I appreciate that.

I so understand what you are saying here. When I was pregnant there was a plane crash in New York that killed a whole class of french students that were from a town next to ours. I had tickets to fly to FL to see my parents and I was so sick the whole flight. After that I had all kinds of bad dreams.

I don't ride RnRC for the that reason. I rode it once with my family and I had a panic attack. I just kept seeing my daughter slip out of the harness and falling. Irrational? yes but none the less it was scary. So now it's her and her dad riding it. Funny thing is she is taller then me so if she falls out I guess I would too. :lol:

I just think the people being all cryptic are making it worse.


Well-Known Member
I would wager that Legal is involved because Vekoma is not being cooperative in providing information, parts, etc. It really is not that uncommon in the industry, park operations does something to a coaster/ride that the manufacturer does not like and so the manufacturer plays hardball when it comes to supplying information, labor or replacement parts. Intamin publicly disowned California Screamin' in 2005 and refuses to provide Disney with any help or parts for the coaster.


Well-Known Member
Just to clear things up, I don't go thru life all nervous that the next step I or one of my kids takes one of the bazillion what-ifs in life will strike one of us down. The nightmares I have consistently come at times in life when I feel a loss of control or like life is dragging me about. I'm not waiting for the house to burn down or anything. But, if the builder for the neighborhood was standing outside discussing how they've halted construction, legal has been involved, and there's safety issues that surfaced I'm dang sure gonna be more cautious, want more info, and consider steps to minimize risk to me or mine.

And if the issue was, in fact, malfunctioning restraints then I really ain't feeling like the whack-job in the room. Lol!

I don't feel entitled to info about what the problem is. If people supposedly in-the-know (not saying they are or are not) who talk on a public board & indicate issues with safety it's kinda messed up to plant the seeds for concern without being more forthcoming with enough info (again, doesn't have to be detailed) to at least let others know if there's something to keep an eye on.

Ya know?


Well-Known Member
I would wager that Legal is involved because Vekoma is not being cooperative in providing information, parts, etc. It really is not that uncommon in the industry, park operations does something to a coaster/ride that the manufacturer does not like and so the manufacturer plays hardball when it comes to supplying information, labor or replacement parts. Intamin publicly disowned California Screamin' in 2005 and refuses to provide Disney with any help or parts for the coaster.

That's what hubby was thinking. When coasters are designed/built, do the designers or manufacturers not have to provide detailed drawings, specs, mechanical data, etc. as part if the complete package?


New Member

I replied to this because a couple of posters early in the thread insinuated that there was a safety issue and legal was involved. The lemming response was Disney knows better than you so you have no right to be informed of any safety issue regardless of the situation. My response was to point out that the bizarre answer that "it shouldn't be public knowledge" is irresponsible and short-sided. It also allows for speculation and innuendo from so called insiders that can lead to totally false beliefs on something based totally on rumor.

But in all probability, the answer is this, there is not a known safety issue with the ride, if there was, the ride would be shut down until it was remedied, otherwise Disney would be complicit in any accident that occurred after the fact was known. The legal team would absolutely not allow the ride to operate with known safety issues, it would be an unmitigated disaster if an accident did occur, think massively huge punitive damages... Whatever the issue is, it is more likely technical, and has probably been around since day one, but not discovered until recently due to better software and better sensors.

The bottom line is, if I know my brakes are failing on my SUV yet continue to drive it and do nothing about it, then I am a fool and am endangering my family. Same thing if I am aware of structural issues with my building or bridge. There is nothing wrong with knowledge, it usually avoids unsubstantiated rumors from being created. The baseless claim that "legal" was involved in some apparently sinister coverup and only a couple of "insiders" here were aware of it was too much.


Premium Member
Original Poster
I would wager that Legal is involved because Vekoma is not being cooperative in providing information, parts, etc. It really is not that uncommon in the industry, park operations does something to a coaster/ride that the manufacturer does not like and so the manufacturer plays hardball when it comes to supplying information, labor or replacement parts. Intamin publicly disowned California Screamin' in 2005 and refuses to provide Disney with any help or parts for the coaster.

As far as I know Vekoma are VERY cooperative with WDI, which is why they have such a long relationship with Disney.

Mickey is King

New Member
Yeah... why should the public know about a potentially dangerous element on an attraction that they shell out buku bucks to ride by the thousands... I don't think the public could handle this kind of information their feeble little minds may explode.

Unfortunaltely, you are correct..ALOT of the public lives on 3 sec. sound bites, and are paralized by fear of almost everything. I know people who won't ride BTMR because of the accident a few years back @ DL, even though we were in WDW.
I could make analagies all day long but that would be boring, bottom line- America is VERY high strung and fly by the seat of our pants kind of nation. It's so hard to see the truth when it's easier to believe the bad stuff.

maybe if we all laid off the "energy drinks" we could focus

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