I just read the whole thread from start to finish-not having read it before...
My thoughts...
A suggestion was made that the ride was toned down. Several people said that this was untrue.
ssidiouss@mac.c posts that he doesn't care what people are saying. He
knows the ride was not toned down and refuses to believe what anyone says.
People post saying he's wrong and that it's been toned down.
ssidiouss@mac.c reacts in what is, frankly, a very "i am right and you are wrong, lalalalala, I'm not listening" way.
People get a bit wound up about this.
Instead of letting the subject go-or accepting that there may be a possibility that he may be wrong (I don't know either way-it's irrelevant anyway), ssidiouss@mac.c uses the tension-and how wound up people are- to wind people up further, by taking things that people have posted and generally being quite rude about them.
People, now further wind up, fight fire with fire and become rude also.
Now, as everyone's being rude, ssidiouss@mac.c decides to take the high road and become civil. This allows him to make himself look like he's "the better man".
And here we are...
As I see it, people have quoted various items of information, facts, whatever... To these, ssidiouss@mac.c has responded with one article from the Orlando Sentinel (which, as someone who has read various other articles from that publication with regard to WDW, I would classify as a not always particularly reliable source) which does not state the information as fact, but states the information as rumour (to paraphrase, "it is rumoured", "reportedly", etc.) which he has since accepted as "fishy". This leaves him, again, with no "proof" of the ride being toned with the exception of his own experience.
So, as someone who's neutral on this topic (if it's been toned down, who cares? I've ridden it once and I thought it was brilliant!), here are my suggestions.
Everyone but ssidiouss@mac.c: Chill! So what if one person refuses to believe you? He's stubborn and stuck in his ways! Repeating the old arguments over and over again (however correct they may/may not be) won't make him change his mind. Just ignore him until he stops trying to assert his mindset.
ssidiouss@mac.c: Oh. My. God. Grow up. Why are you being so stubborn? You're not listening to people's arguments! You're essentially just sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting "you're wrong" at them. It's you against the world at the moment, so why are you sticking so steadfastly to your guns? Why not, for now, (and again, I'm not saying it has or hasn't been toned down, I'm merely making a suggestion) accept that you are wrong and that it's the same as it was on opening day. Accept that the increased amount of warning signs have lowered incidents (I know, I personally have never experienced motion sickness but gave serious second thought to going on the attraction) or whatever. Then, if and or when you find some
reliable material that suggests otherwise, come back and post it for us and reopen the debate in a
civil manner. Because the way it is at the moment, it's not doing anyone good. It's merely tarnishing your name by getting people annoyed at you and making you out to be the bad one.
On a personal note, I think you need to apologise for
ssidiouss@mac.c said:
I was being sarcastic LOL.. I'm actually still waiting here for you to offer proof other than your blind faith in what others have said.
I'm playing you like a fiddle.. dance I said my little puppet.. its time to dance!
as that is quite rude, really.
Also, it has to be said lest I go insane. Easy is spelt E A S Y. Not E Z. *shudders* That's the one internet word I can't stand...
So, in summary, remember that episode of the Simpsons where they go to Dr. Marvin Monroe's family clinic? Homer sees an ad on the TV in Moes, I think that goes along the lines of...
[parents fighting]
Husband: Shut up
Wife: No you shut up.
Husband: No you shut up.
[child walks in]
Child: Why don't you
BOTH shut up?!
That's what this thread has become 
Have a magicaleriffic day!
Edit: OK, WDWMagic's stepped in, ssidiouss@mac.c stepped out. And lo, the world was at peace...