Ride(s) you will not go on...


New Member
Original Poster
I have one ride at WDW that I will not ride,and that is Rockin Roller Coaster. For one thing,it's in the dark,and another is It has loops in it. I am afraid of heights. Weird thing is,I will go on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and I am 98% sure I will go on Expedition Everest when we go but I refuse to ride RRC!

Are there any rides you refuse to go on?


Well-Known Member
It's a Small World. Bet ya can't guesswhy
:ROFLOL: I feel the same way. I go on that one if I would like to take a cat nap.

This is really weird to most people, but I will not go on splash mountain although I did try it once. I have been terrified of it since I was little. But, Rockin roller coaster and Big thunder mountain are 2 of my "top favs"

The ONLY Disney ride in all 4 parks that I have never had the courage to try is TOT. But, I will venture on Mission Space Orange...strange but true :)


New Member
Any simulator rides or the tea cups. I especially have a burning firey hatred for the simulator rides :goodnevil:fork:


Well-Known Member
Primeval Whirl aka Whiplash attack. That thing hurts so freakin bad

I go on it, but I don't particulary enjoy it. Same goes for Dinosaur!. Maybe it is because I am tall (6' 4") but those two attractions tend to whip me all over the place. I end up with whiplash and bruses.



Well-Known Member
There is no ride I say "I will not go on that!".

Having said that though, I have not been on ToT or Kali River Rapids but that's only because the people I was with did not want to go on them and I'm not one to go on rides by myself. Yes I will even go on tea cups but only if my g/f makes me lol. I don't go willingly lol.

Also, Primeval Whirl is one of my favorite rides.


Well-Known Member
Top of the list would be Captain EO. Worst show I have ever seen at WDW, I don't know how people could complain about HISTA if you compare the two.

Then there's Stitch's Great Escape, the China show in WS, American Idol Experience, and newly added to this list, The Enchanted Tiki Room.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member

A/Kingdom..EE. and KRR. M/Kingdom..Space Mountain,Splash Mountain,Big Thunder,Tea Cups.Astro Orbiter..H/Studios..Tower Of Terror..RnR Coaster..Epcot..Mission Space..Test Track..:eek:

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