Ride References in New Pirates Movie


Well-Known Member
Julius & Boobah said:
Yup it's cool. Everyone else probably didn't notice or thought the clock face was a very expensive prop for not much story addition LOL

I enjoyed seeing the clocktower reference...I was disappointed that they didn't show the actual building...maybe in the next part.

Great thread! :D


New Member
Has anyone else thought that the ETC guy at Port Royale seems to know a lot about Davey Jones? I think he might turn out to be something surprisingly different from what we expect in the next movie.

Also, does anyone know the story about Davey Jones's unrequited or lost love?


Active Member
Rayray said:
Also, does anyone know the story about Davey Jones's unrequited or lost love?
the speculation is that his love was Tia Dalma because of the matching music boxes

(yes, "Tia Dalma"; not "scary lady" or "voodoo queen". you wouldn't just call Jack "that silly pirate guy" would you?)


Well-Known Member
CoffeeJedi said:
he explained it when talking to Jack, he was being crushed by unbearable water pressure, and it was pitch black, but he couldn't die

he made the deal with Davey Jones to free himself of that hell

Ah, thank you. The theater had a malfunctioning speaker, and every time quiet dialogue was spoken, I had to concentrate on each word to understand it. I missed this.

the speculation is that his love was Tia Dalma because of the matching music boxes

(yes, "Tia Dalma"; not "scary lady" or "voodoo queen". you wouldn't just call Jack "that silly pirate guy" would you?)

Now I DID catch that! :)


Active Member
tirian said:
Ah, thank you. The theater had a malfunctioning speaker, and every time quiet dialogue was spoken, I had to concentrate on each word to understand it. I missed this.:)
oh, i HATE that
Personally, i would have asked for a refund or a comp'ed moviepass to come back; the theater is generally glad to do it because they don't make that much money on the tickets, they want you to come back and buy more popcorn.

At any rate, it occurs to me that since he was un-dead, he couldn't drown, so to alleviate the pressure, all he needed to do was fill his lungs and stomach with water. It still wouldn't help him see, or get off the ocean floor, but it would have been something to make things more bearable.

Plus! I've listened to the soundtrack over and over again, and i'm now 100% convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Davey Jones's theme is "A Pirate's Life for Me" in another key and cut up, but its there... its a variation on a theme... but its there nonetheless.


New Member
Rayray said:
Has anyone else thought that the ETC guy at Port Royale seems to know a lot about Davey Jones? I think he might turn out to be something surprisingly different from what we expect in the next movie.

Also, does anyone know the story about Davey Jones's unrequited or lost love?
Davey Jones's story was completely created for the film. There are a few stories about "Davey Jones" but he wasn't a real pirate or there isn't any record. Davey Jones was originaly a phrase.. he is the Devil of the sea, a ghost who has control of the flying dutchman, and is a myth created by sailors and pirates.

Thoughout the film there are parts where Jones becomes quiet and somewhat emotional. For example.. The scene where he sees Elizabeth's wedding dress floating in the water past his ship or when he hears the music box play.

So she probably died.. or she could be alive and the only way he could protect her was by ripping his heart out to show his love.. he might of made a deal with someone and became an immortal. Maybe her soul is in his heart? OF course more will be revealed, she is a big mystery.


Active Member
hakunamatata said:
2. Was it just me, or did Capt Jack call Boot Strap Bill "Uncle" right before Bill dissappears off the Black Pearl.?
I went on break this morning and I happen to walk in on that scene. It was great. I heard it and then after my break was over I came out and asked everybody at work if they heard it and one out of five of us heard that line. Everyone was going to see that scene again. It was funny how the other person that knew thought that he was hearing things. I told him about what you said and he was happy.


Active Member
I've read on IMDB that "totuga" written in fire on the ship is written in the classic Disney font, the band that plays in the pub is modeled after the ones who play in the ride, especially the one with an accordion, and even though the swamp scene is modeled after the Bayou scene from the Disneyland ride, one of the shacks is modeled after the shack across the river from the boarding dock in the WDW version of the Jungle Cruise. Do these facts have any validity?


New Member
darthjohnny said:
I've read on IMDB that "totuga" written in fire on the ship is written in the classic Disney font, the band that plays in the pub is modeled after the ones who play in the ride, especially the one with an accordion, and even though the swamp scene is modeled after the Bayou scene from the Disneyland ride, one of the shacks is modeled after the shack across the river from the boarding dock in the WDW version of the Jungle Cruise. Do these facts have any validity?

All of those hit me as references when I saw the moive except for the Jungle Cruise Shack and the Disney font. I knew the bayou scene was of course a bayou disneyland reference. I did keep thinking of the Jungle cruise the entire time they were having trouble with "the natives"
Thanks for the information.


Le Meh
Premium Member
metscool said:
I went on break this morning and I happen to walk in on that scene. It was great. I heard it and then after my break was over I came out and asked everybody at work if they heard it and one out of five of us heard that line. Everyone was going to see that scene again. It was funny how the other person that knew thought that he was hearing things. I told him about what you said and he was happy.
I can see it now....Boot Strap Bill and Barbosa are brothers, Davy Jones is their dad. The Krackin, thats the ugly aunt that always wants to kiss you at family reunions....:lookaroun


Active Member
darthjohnny said:
the band that plays in the pub is modeled after the ones who play in the ride
i thought so! thanks for the confirmation
though its frustrating ya know? they wrote "Two Hornpipes" for that scene, which is fine i guess, but they had a perfectly good sea-shanty available that would have made all of us fans estatic! same for Gibbs's entrance, he should have been singing the "real" song

LeeLee D

New Member
I just saw the movie this afternoon. Loved it!:D


When the Kraken was destroying the ship that picked up Will, was Davy Jones playing the same music that Cpt. Nemo played when his "sea monster" attacked in Disney' s 20,000 Leagues?


New Member
LeeLee D said:
I just saw the movie this afternoon. Loved it!:D


When the Kraken was destroying the ship that picked up Will, was Davy Jones playing the same music that Cpt. Nemo played when his "sea monster" attacked in Disney' s 20,000 Leagues?

OH SNAP. I do not think it is the same song but who knows? I must say though that is pretty cool that both Davy and Nemo were playing the organ at the time of a giant squid(kraken/sea monster) was attacking a ship. Cool stuff.

Also, I think it may have been mentioned here. But if you follow the possibility of other attractions being referenced in the film you could have The Jungle cruise as the cannibal island, and then on the other island they went to there was a dence forest and a Water Wheel Mill. Makes me want to think that somehow they made it to Tom Sawyer's Island. Maybe coincidence but certainly fun to think about.:wave:


Le Meh
Premium Member
LeeLee D said:
I just saw the movie this afternoon. Loved it!:D


When the Kraken was destroying the ship that picked up Will, was Davy Jones playing the same music that Cpt. Nemo played when his "sea monster" attacked in Disney' s 20,000 Leagues?
I would have to go back and watch 20K, but I was thinking the same thing. At minimum, they are similar. I love this sound track. I have downloaded it on my Ipod and "Jack Sparrow" and "The Kracken" are my two favorite cuts.

Amazing music.


New Member
hakunamatata said:
I would have to go back and watch 20K, but I was thinking the same thing. At minimum, they are similar. I love this sound track. I have downloaded it on my Ipod and "Jack Sparrow" and "The Kracken" are my two favorite cuts.

Amazing music.

I agree with what was said earlier, Hans Zimmer really did make it sound very simliar to his scores from Gladiator and King Arthur. But they have great music, and added into his new stuff for the Pirates movies, it makes for AMAZING soundtrack material.

I'm definitely impressed.


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Original Poster
"Pirates" Booty Hits $1 Billion
Thursday September 7 2:53 PM ET

Captain Jack Sparrow is Hollywood's newest billion-dollar baby.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest will become just the third movie in history to cross the $1 billion mark at the worldwide box office, joining Titanic and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King in the history books.

Bet they'll celebrate with some rum.

According to the pencil pushers at Disney whose job it is to determine such things, the Johnny Depp-led action flick is poised to reach the billion-dollar gross Friday, after a summer in which the film swashbuckled its way into the record books.

Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley and the rest of the billion dollar buccaneers have managed to reach the cinematic milestone despite long ago--okay, three weeks--having fallen out of the U.S. Top 10, meaning Pirates has been more of a success overseas, where it has been the number one ranked movie for nine consecutive weeks and counting, than at home.

Not that its Stateside gross of $414 million, as tallied by BoxOfficeMojo.com, has been shabby. Snakes on a Plane should be so lucky.

Still, foreign markets have accounted for about 60 percent, or $581.5 million, of the film's total as of last weekend.

And there's no end of the plundering in sight.

The sequel has yet to even premiere in all planned markets, as moviegoers in Italy won't be able to partake of the pirate's life until Sept. 15.

When the scalawags finish their assault, Dead Man's Chest has an slight chance at bypassing Return of the King, which ranks second all time with $1.13 billion. The Depp-powered sequel would need an additional $130 million to hit the mark, which, considering the slate of films due out this fall, is a long shot.

But there's no way The Black Pearl can chase down the Titanic. Thanks in equal parts to the special effects of James Cameron and the dreamy eyes of Leonardo DiCaprio, the sinking-boat flick grossed a virtually untouchable $1.83 billion during its box-office tenure--a figure which would require an additional $830 million intake for Dead Man's Chest to match.

Still, becoming the third-highest grossing movie of all time isn't anything to yo-ho-ho at, particularly when considering the franchise's humble beginnings.

While Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was an undeniable success, grossing nearly $654 million worldwide since its 2003 release, per BoxOfficeMojo.com, the franchise itself started out as a theme park ride that rivaled only "It's A Small World" for its lameness. (However, with the success of the films, Disney has beefed up the ride.)

Now, Depp & Co. will see if the third time's a charm.

The third and possibly final installment of the franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, is currently in production and is slated tol hit theaters May 25, 2007.

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