Ride Breakdowns!


New Member
se8472 said:
yeah, it was interesting to be standing there and start pondering where all the music and speils had gone...and slowly it hits me....nothing is working.

But it really wasn't that bad. Most guest were very understanding but it did take a few to get all of the attractions running again..
TTA overviewing it all lol!!!


Goofy20 said:
we waited in line for Space Mountain for an hour and then what do ya kno...it breaks down too! Not too suprising considering but still. They told everyone to leave the building andturned the lights on so we could see the track with the lights on

I went to Grad Nite on May 5, 2006. My group was among the first to ride Space Mountain that night (during the blastoff party). We rode once, then got off and decided to go again (only about a 5 minute wait). On the second ride, about halfway up the main lift hill, the ride stops and all the building lights come on (and the rock music they had been blasting through the building shut off). We were stuck on the lift hill for about 10 minutes, then a CM arrived at the top of the hill at a control panel and held a button down, which made our rocket proceed up the lift hill. We then went through the rest of the ride with the lights on. It was a very cool experience. It is amazing how low some of the beams seem, though. The ride does not go nearly as fast as it seems like it does in the dark. Once we arrived at the unload station, a manager was offering to all the guests who were stuck on the ride a chance to go on again (with the lights off), with no wait. We did have to unload farther back than normal (we unloaded at the large carpeted area with no rails, the area right before the normal unload), so a CM had to manually release the lap bars.

We were one of the only groups to reride. He led us down the normal exit ramp, and then back up the chicken exit hallway (going the opposite direction of all the signs), bypassing the entire queue. We only had to wait 1 minute for a train to arrive.

By the way, if you were wondering, the reason the ride stopped was someone entered a restricted area and got too close to a moving rocket (that is at least what the CMs said).


unkadug said:
Man, I always miss the cool evacs!! :hammer:

me too! I am usually in line or something when the rides break down, unless I count the pausing for people to get on at spaceship earth, but that's not really a break-down or evac. . . :brick:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
brertigger said:
We were stuck on the lift hill for about 10 minutes, then a CM arrived at the top of the hill at a control panel and held a button down, which made our rocket proceed up the lift hill. We then went through the rest of the ride with the lights on.
ahhhh, why dont we have video of this yet. ill try in sept.




Permanent Resident of EPCOT
brertigger said:
I wished I had had my video camera that night (not just for Space Mountain, but for many other memories that night).

I looked online to see if I could find a video online of a Space Mountain ride with the lights on. The closest I could find was a video from Disneyland. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VR_wn2QP8Q&search=space%20mountain%20with%20lights%20on
yeh, ive seen that before. too bad they didnt record from the top and the "great red meteor" :D

EDIT: but still nice to see how simple the track/design is...... right turn, straight, right turn, straight, left turn, straight etc etc


New Member
:lol: you should try going in september when im there, im like a malfunction magnet!,everything breaks down when im on it.
just a small list of things that broke down on me last year
  • space mountain
  • splash mountain
  • haunted mansion
  • the great movie ride
  • test track(3 times!,in the same day!!)
  • pooh
  • peter pan
  • buzz
  • even the monorail!!.:cry:
ime cursed i swear or in the words of cpt barbossa 'i am a cursed man miss turner'.
all of these broke down in just 2 weeks!!
has this happened to any1 else or am i on my own with this 1,please say some1 is like me.please.


New Member
Hmm. the coolest one's I have had happen were ToT ( the situation described above, had to get evac'd out of the horizontal section), and EE.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
It dosent happen often but when it does I do like to do it with style.
Test Track

Still ewaiting for RNRC to stop mid loop or have a lights on fest on Space Mountain


New Member
My God, a breakdown on IASW must actually drive anyone insane!!! I know it would me. There's also the guarantee that the song will not leave my head possibly for the next 3 years :p


New Member
ive ridden space mountain with the lights on about 2 years ago,we were on track A and track B broke down so all the lights were on, we carried on because we were already halfway up the lift hill.it was way cool!.
a breakdown on IASW,OH DEAR GOD!!:eek::eek: THAT WOULD BE TORTURE!!


New Member
Stitch_Kingdom said:
My God, a breakdown on IASW must actually drive anyone insane!!! I know it would me. There's also the guarantee that the song will not leave my head possibly for the next 3 years :p

That sort of happened to us. I don't know what was going on, but we were stuck in the last part where everything is white for about a half hour. And, YES...it did drive us a bit crazy!:p

Star Tours also broke down on us once. They had to restart it three or four times before we actually made it all the way through.


Well-Known Member
The only ride evac (as opposed to breakdown) happened on UoE a few years ago. The sixth car had already been evac'ed behind us, before we were moved to a specific room to let us off. As soon as the empty car made it in with the rest of us, the op remarked, "Uh-oh. Looks like the dinos had a few bite-sized snacks back there." :lol:

EDIT: Just remembered: Star Tours evac'ed on the same trip, at the comets part. :wave:
I can definitely relate when the Test Track breaks down; everytime I am at Epcot it either rains or the ride isn't working. However, I was in the docking bay at the Test Track when the ride shutdown once, and I received a front of the line pass for later.

"Four-wheel drive, kick it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


New Member
its amazing, ive had all these rides breakdown on me last year and not 1 of them was i evact from
i wanna be evact just to see what happens.
but thats just me:lookaroun
and another thing what happens when M:S breaks down is there a emergency shutdown that stops them spinning or what


bassman said:
its amazing, ive had all these rides breakdown on me last year and not 1 of them was i evact from
i wanna be evact just to see what happens.
but thats just me:lookaroun
and another thing what happens when M:S breaks down is there a emergency shutdown that stops them spinning or what

The only ride I have been evac'd from is Kali River Rapids. It was interesting--it took about 30 minutes, because the had to drain the ride so the rafts would settle. I was about 50 feet from the normal exit. After the ride drained, the led everyone out through an emergency exit.

I have been stuck on many rides. The only cool breakdowns were: (Like I had mentioned before) Space Mountain; Haunted Mansion (cool because the lights came on); Splash Mountain (once again the lights came on); and the Monorail (it was actually stopped because of traffic, but it was nearly 15 minutes. I had never heard the stopped for traffic announcement come on before);

That is a good question what happens on MS during an E-Stop.


New Member
at least the monorail stopped because of traffic, with me it stopped because the train was bust,something about the motors not running properly,luckily we were still in the TTC station so they just opened the doors back up so ever1 could get off.

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