Ride best music


Well-Known Member
In the Magic Kingdom, I think Haunted Mansion wins. If people are quite (rare, I know), the Foyer music is just wonderfully creepy. Also, the evolution of GGG throughout the attraction is really well done. I also think that Spectro is Classic Disney, but that is a parade, not a ride. :animwink:

Also, put me in the group that misses the old Epcot songs. Tomorrow's Child (listening to it right now), Kitchen Kabaret, Listen to the Land, Fun to Be Free, If we can Dream It, etc. all have a very special place in my heart. I WILL say, however, that Soarin's score is AMAZING. I really wish they would add lyrics to the end and make that the exit queue music. I also hope they will extend it with a couple additional movements and make the ride a bit longer if/when they update the film. I think Epcot and the Land deserve a more lengthy look at the biomes of the world (with no offense intended to DCA).


Active Member
The best ride music has to be PoTC. I love that music and its a Disney staple! BUT...overall best music at WDW IMO is SpectroMagic. That music always gets me in a real Disney mood and usually makes my wallet take a major hit in the Main Street shops afterwards lol..


Premium Member
Horizons had the best score IMO

Currently I feel the Space Mountain loop at DLP and the Soarin' music are the best to my ears.


Well-Known Member
The Main Street Electrical Parade. The best thing Disney has ever done with the possible exception of Blood on the Saddle. (haha)

But for a ride, Splash Mountain!




So put your hands up who LOVES the song 'Tiki Tiki Room'?!
Yep, have to agree- I love the Splash Mt. music. My fave show music, hands down, is Fantasmic then Tarzan Rocks! even though I am sure I'm of a minority. Can't believe its closing!! OOOh, love the African drummers in Harambe, AK. Many great Kodak moments captured! Almost forgot- R 'n' R Coaster- I love Aerosmith!!( but also Coldplay who I went to c last nite!!!)


I forgot...


How could I forget the Mo-Rockin music (in Morocco, World Showcase!). Never fails to get my toe tappin!
And I agree, with 'Chante, c'est Noel' That is the most infuriatingly catchy cheesy Christmas song, but I like it! And I could not stop singing it for a month because my dad surprised us by buying the CD and so it came back to 'haunt' us when we got home from Disneyland Paris!
Anyone hear 'Beauty and the Bees' from AK? thats really sweet!!

beagle 1

New Member
The best ride music would be Carousel of Progress. After the ride I am singing "There's a big beautiful tommorrow, shining at the end of every day" a day. A close second for me would be the Hall of Presidents.


Well-Known Member
For me, music is a huge part of all Disney attractions, much like the role music plays in motion pictures. Have you ever muted a scary movie and discovered how less than frightening it actually is without the sound? Imagine the Psycho shower scene without the audio, or how about Jaws, and since we are talking about Disney on WDWmagic the scene in Aladdin when the cave of wonders appears out of the sand.

Disney has mastered the use of music to stir emotion and transport us from the real world to someplace truly magical, especially in the themeparks.

There are many Disney attractions that have the "goosebump factor" IMHO. Sweeping orchestral arrangements do the most for me. (The less "kids of the kingdom" style pop music the better).

Magic Kingdom (Orlando)
-hands down the Timekeeper (unfortunately it is closed 90% of the time)

-Impressions de France (everytime, I here people gasp throughout the movie)
-The American Adventure (patriotic tears)
-The space scene of Horizons (such a loss)
-Spaceship Earth (imagine new "onboard" speaker systems similar to the Rockin Rollercoaster)

Disneyland Paris (the ultimate in Disney music)
-Space Mountain (the original score is unbelievable)
-Phantom Manor (listen on the link below, it speaks for itself)

I'm sure many of you know about this link, but it has some great quality examples from the parks. http://www.soundofmagic.com

Thanks for letting me share my two cents. This is my second post.


New Member
You can't look past the music in the original Tiki Room, it was the whole attraction. Nowadays, SpectroMagic has the best music, in my opinion.

Of all the parks, however, Soarin' and the American Adventure can't be beat.


Active Member
Splash Mountain and Phantom Mannor have some of the best music, but all Disney attractions have great music, sometimes so great it goes unnoticed. If the music fits so well and seems perfect for the ride it's less noticible thought still great, one type people don't noticed is the sounds thay play in the different lands, though it can be hard to hear over the noise of the crowds.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
MK-SM tunnel music, i wish i had that loop in my bedroom
EPCOT- SSE, Soarin
DAK- KSR the lord's prayer is fantastic!!!!

Fantasmic Freak

New Member
For me, nothing beats the music of Fantasmic, though not a ride.

For strictly a ride, I would go with Rock 'N Rollercoaster

Can you tell I'm a Studios fanatic?!

The cat

Spectromagic IS WDW for me. The joy and fun and being-all-together-in this-great-place is all in that music. Goose pimples, hairs rising on the back of the neck. What more could you ask for at the most magical, happiest place on earth?

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