Resort Mugs


New Member
Are the mugs different this year. When we were there last year you bought a mug and could only refill it at your own resort. Is it different this year.


New Member
Trust me, the cast members dont mind if you have an old resort mug. I have been using my "Dixie Landings" mug for over 7 years and no one has a problem.
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here it is .........
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Active Member
I now have a picture to show my mom that the mugs have a new design. Everytime I told her, she said she wouldnt be happy if we got to Pop in October & it was the old design.
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No they are now generic mugs and as such they are harder to spot and they can be used anywhere, ideal when youre pool hopping.

does that mean we could go to other resorts to use their pools and free refils
as sometimes it can be a bit tiring for small children to have to keep going
back to your own resort for a bit of a rest in the afternoon?
do disney actually mind if you resort hop ?
i see they advertise the dining plan in different resorts so i presume you can
go to other resorts ,when i think of all the mugs we have left behind because we couldnt fit them in our suitcases[to full of clothes from the malls]we could have saved them to use again.
ROLL ON JANUARY to get away from all this flooding in sunny england
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New Member
does that mean we could go to other resorts to use their pools and free refils
as sometimes it can be a bit tiring for small children to have to keep going
back to your own resort for a bit of a rest in the afternoon?
do disney actually mind if you resort hop ?
i see they advertise the dining plan in different resorts so i presume you can
go to other resorts ,when i think of all the mugs we have left behind because we couldnt fit them in our suitcases[to full of clothes from the malls]we could have saved them to use again.
ROLL ON JANUARY to get away from all this flooding in sunny england
Some resorts you might get away with using their pools, as to the deluxe and expecially Y & B club you are issued bracelets, and you will be asked to leave. You have to understand it from their point, they have 27,000 rooms on property, imagine if everyone converged on the same pool...they have to have some control over it. People are paying a hefty price at the deluxe resorts and it's really hard to try and use their pools...The pool at the Y & B club has a fence around it and you have to go thru a gate where a cast member sits and checks for bracelets...
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No they are now generic mugs and as such they are harder to spot and they can be used anywhere, ideal when youre pool hopping.

I notice that some people say they pool hop,and use their mugs in other resorts.When i asked about going to other resorts i was meaning perhaps if youre at dtd you could catch a boat to an epcot resort etc to relax for a couple of hours and then do another park in that area.
But i am of a nervous dissposition and wouldnt want to do something i
shouldnt be doing.
Does anyone actually know what you can or cant do? we are there in jan 08 so it should be quieter.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Disney policy forbids pool hopping except for DVC members and even they can only "hop" to certain pools. You're allowed to swim at the resort you're staying at.

Resort Refillable Mugs are intended for use only for the length of your stay and at the resort you're at. As has been mentioned, CMs aren't going to stop you from using an old resort mug from a different trip or resort, but you are stealing if you do so. Is it the "Crime of the Century"? No. [Well maybe if you do it at Pop Century it might be considered the crime of the century... :ROFLOL:] With the new generic mugs, there's no real way to enforce the resort-specific rule, unless they ask to swipe your room key before you refill a mug! Room keys don't have your resort or room number printed on them.

There is no restriction on Resort hopping, Disney certainly wants you to see other resorts [or even visit resorts from off-site] in order to see what they offer and hopefully be encouraged to stay there next visit. And they'll never object to you spending your money on their premises! Many guests even take a day off from the parks and just resort hop. It can be a very nice relaxing day in a hectic vacation, particularly during holiday season!
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The Mom

Premium Member
Thanks to Monty for clearing those points up, when we visit next we will look around the resorts spend our money and stay out of the pools.

Which is exactly what Disney would like you to do. :) They want you to LOOK at the resorts in the hopes that you might decide to stay at one on your next trip. The restaurants aren't as much of a problem, because most of them either require a reservation, or when they opened them they went on the assumption that most resort guests would be eating elsewhere most of the time. Non-resort guests probably wouldn't be there at the busiest non-reservation dining time, ie, breakfast.

I personally enjoy taking a quick break to go to a MK resort for lunch, as it's the only way to get an adult beverage with your meal, plus it tends to be less crowded, and doesn't really take all that much time . It is sometimes the only way you'll get a full service meal, unless you've made reservations well in advance.

Back to the original topic. As everyone has staed, the mugs are OFFICIALLY for length of stay at one resort only, but a CM will not tackle you and take your mug away if you misuse it. Now, with the new uniform mugs, something might be said if you whip out an old one, as they will be easier to spot.

I suspect (but have no way of knowing) that WDW might introduce a new mug design every year or two, and tell CMs that they should say something to anyone using an old one. (or just tack the drink charge onto their food bill if they purchase any)
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Do the handles/lids come in different colours like the old designs? How about with wide bottoms? I'm going to be at All-Star Sports in September and will purchase two, but I'd like to be able to tell them apart, as with the styles from before.
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Well-Known Member
In past trips to avoid a fist fight between my sons we bought them both identical mugs but wrote their names on the bottom on both sides with a big black sharpie marker brought from home.

Sharpie markers are a great thing to have. When the boys were little guys we would write Mom & Dad's cell phone numbers on their room keys and make them wear the keys in the clear pouches on their lanyards. That was one way of having CM's contact us if we got seperated. Of course now that the boys are older we don't do that anymore... :lol:

I also read a tip once where a mom with a large group wrote names really big on the outside of their ponchos. Those Disney ponchos all blend together in a big crowd. That way you can pick out who belongs to you a whole lot easier!
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MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
i was disappointed to not be able to purchase a Port Orleans mug on the last trip. cast members did not even know that they were no longer being sold - a couple different people told me they thought i could buy one in this place or that, but no. the mug shown in this thread is the only mug being sold at any resorts right now. :shrug:

hang onto your all stars or wilderness lodge mugs, as they may become a collector's item. :)
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Well-Known Member
A few questions for those that have been to WDW recently -- I say this because the last time I visited WDW was in August 1993. Yes, that will be 14 years next month (my upcoming trip is in October, so 14 years and 2 months).

1. When did these resort mugs come out?

2. What is the purpose of the resort mugs?

3. Where can you purchase a resort mug and how much is it?

5. Can I purchase a resort mug at Shades of Green?

5. So, once I purchase a resort mug, what does it entitle me to do?
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New Member
Just a side note on the mugs-

I would think that the prevalence of the Disney Dining Plan would cut down on the number of mugs sold in the resorts.

It becomes harder to justify the cost of the mug since the person will probably be eating in the the food court less.
There will be more eating in DDP restaurants rather than the food court.
That makes the break-even math on the mugs less able to show an advantage.

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