Remembering Alien Encounter


New Member
Original Poster
:cry: Im so sad this ride doesn't exist anymore and from the looks of it, we'll never be getting it back. Sadly this ride was ruined by a near horrible ride we call Stitch's Great Escape. Although SGE shares a similar experience to AE, it doesnt even compare to how awesome AE really was. For you folks out there that have never ridden it, you missed out on an amazing ride and for you that have ridden it, Im sure you miss it greatly and wish for it to come back. So this leads me to my question, does anyone out there have any pics from the inside of AE or does anyone know where to find some? Also, does anyone konw where to find video of the ride? Thanks for any help you can give and may we always remember this ride and never forget it...:)


Park History nut
Premium Member
You`ll want to get on Disney Central IRC - details how to are elsewhere in the digital media forum. Once there, look for 'Alien Encounter - a tribute by martin` for the complete preshow, SIR preshow and full mainshow, with multiple camera angles and full source audio. Amongst others!


Well-Known Member
DisneyFreak777 said:
..........and for you that have ridden it, Im sure you miss it greatly and wish for it to come back.
I haven't experienced SGE yet - but from what I've been reading I wondering whether I ought to


New Member
Went to DW last month. I was floored that AE was gone. SGE was so lame. I heard people complained because of the content? Can anyone remember the name of the ride that AE replaced. We did that years ago. AE was a great replacement; they should have stopped there!


New Member
i never got a chance to experience ae :cry:

but i think they took it away because to many kids were getting scared ... thats just what i heard

was it really as scary as everyone says?


Active Member
Missing AE also

My oldest daughter (13 at the time) and I went on AE in 2000, then the whole family went on SGE this past June.

AE was great

SGE was cute.

'nuff said


Well-Known Member
daisyduck448 said:
was it really as scary as everyone says?


Maybe a little startling the first time, but repeat visits allowed you to appreciate all the humor and great one liners present.


Active Member
I have said it before, and I'll say it again. IMO, Attractions like AE will never exist for longer than 7 years at any operating park in america. The reason? Illiteracy.
You see, when an illiterate couple decides to have kids, they go to Disney World. While at Disney World, they must see everything. Even if the BIG SIGN says that it may be too scary for the kids. But the BIG SIGN really has no meaning cuz if you remember, the parents are illiterate. Therefore, they take the youngans into the attraction, get the s*** scared out of them. Then they decide to complain or get someone else to write a nasty letter to WDW for them.
Thanks to the illiterate parents in the world, we now have no Alien Encounter to experience anymore.

Now if I offended you with this , I shouldn't have. You were able to read it, weren't you?

:drevil: :lol:


New Member
marni1971 said:
You`ll want to get on Disney Central IRC - details how to are elsewhere in the digital media forum. Once there, look for 'Alien Encounter - a tribute by martin` for the complete preshow, SIR preshow and full mainshow, with multiple camera angles and full source audio. Amongst others!

where is Disney Central IRC located at?


I haven't experienced SGE yet - but from what I've been reading I wondering whether I ought to

Not to offend the fans, but we thought AE & SGE were equally no good. If I did have to choose, I would pick AE. Seemed a little more exciting. SGE is silly. Sorry!


Well-Known Member
Wilt Dasney said:
Love for AE was certainly strong among its loyal following, but hardly universal.

If there's one thing I've learned growing up with Disney is that, NOTHING has universal love. I never imagined anyone could like Reflections of Earth better than Fantasmic, for example, until I started spending alot of time on these boards.

You definately can't please everyone with every attraction.


Well-Known Member
I personally never cared for AE, maybe it was because the first time I ever rode it, at age 5 -6, I was the one chosen to be eaten (on the screen with the red light shining down on me). I haven't seen Stitch yet so I can't really compare.


Well-Known Member
Tigger1988 said:
I personally never cared for AE, maybe it was because the first time I ever rode it, at age 5 -6, I was the one chosen to be eaten (on the screen with the red light shining down on me). I haven't seen Stitch yet so I can't really compare.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sorry, but that is hillarious. Not that you were scared at that age (5 & 6 is a little young for AE), but the fact that you thought you were chosen to be eaten. That's funny stuff. You were "chosen" to be guest most suitable to be teleported across the galaxy to XS Headquarters. But, of course, Chairman Clench decides to seize the future himself and take your place.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sorry, but that is hillarious. Not that you were scared at that age (5 & 6 is a little young for AE), but the fact that you thought you were chosen to be eaten. That's funny stuff. You were "chosen" to be guest most suitable to be teleported across the galaxy to XS Headquarters. But, of course, Chairman Clench decides to seize the future himself and take your place.

haha oops, my mistake, but still it freaked me out! :eek:

Tara Mae

New Member
I don't know, I never particularly favored AE.

I was 10 or 11 when I first rode it, and the fact that it bored me is what worried me. I wasn't scared nor entertained.

As for it's replacement, SGE...let's just say, if I had to favor either of them, I'd choose neither.


Well-Known Member
bsandersjr said:
Not saying your parents complained, but that is what I am talking about. For a 5 or 6 year old, that experience can be very scary.

No, they didn't complain, they we're actually the ones who planted the idea in my head that I was going to be eaten. :lol:

I would always feel sorry when I saw young kids on the line for it. They didn't know what they we're in for.

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