I never understood wth people were doing when they said they took entire days "off" to relax. A person can only spend so much time in the room or at the pool. I always thought those people were goofy.
Then I found out that these "off" days where they were supposedly "relaxing" were spent at water parks, mini-golfing and shopping at DTD, lol. That isn't relaxing. That is still doing stuff, just not in the park. My very favorite time "off" is the bouncing around touring of multiple hotels, lol. A park is more relaxing than that, IMO.
I have always planned "time off", but never an entire day...and when I say we're relaxing - that is what we do.
I plan all days in chunks. Morning chunks and evening chunks. My time off is always either one or the other. Mornings off to sleep in after staying up late for fireworks the night before. Afternoons off here and there to just chill at the pool.
Time off should be just that. Off. Not doing stuff. IMO, anyway. And the whole vacation is better if you take a few mornings/afternoons off than just one whole day. One whole day means you have one long, boring day and a bunch of them where you run around like a lunatic. Put more time off in, but do it in smaller chunks.
You can also chill out by not racing around the parks. Walk slowly. Let the people who have to rush around do that. Let them beat you to Everest. The two extra minutes in line is worth the leisurely walk.

Look around. Take in the details...especially at AK, there are a lot of them to take in.
Drive slow. Walk slow. You'll have a MUCH better vacation.
That's my advice. For what it's worth (not much).