News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


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In the Parks
Probably getting off topic, so I’ll leave it at this … At the very least, it will be a bigger issue than it ever has been in living memory, especially if he runs against a younger opponent. Biden will be in the back half of his 80s by the end of a second term, so Harris stepping in becomes a very real possibility. I just think it’s disconcerting that even Biden hasn’t done much to elevate her; I don’t think you give someone the border crisis as a touchstone issue if you want them to succeed. I guess they’ve been rushing to rehab her image in recent weeks by giving her abortion and AI, but it’s really late in the game. Would also help if she could manage to comport herself in a way that was halfway relatable.

Unfortunately, she's just the latest iteration of the "Dan Quail" placeholder. Someone that checks some boxes but doesn't present a threat or viable replacement.


Premium Member
Returning to the NBC News article, which is specific to DeSantis:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has heard plenty of warnings from donors, supporters and consultants that he's foolish for going up against Disney. People love Disney World. Waging this public fight is bad for Florida's economy. It’s even worse politics, they say.​
But Republicans who would make up the voter base in a presidential primary may see it differently. NBC News interviewed nearly three dozen potential voters, strategists and pollsters, finding a picture of a primary electorate that is skeptical of Disney and supportive of DeSantis calling out the corporate behemoth.​
That finding is bolstered by three surveys that demonstrate support for DeSantis over Disney among Republicans — though DeSantis is taking a much bigger risk once Democrats and independents weigh in.​

NBC News is reporting that this is helping DeSantis among primary voters.

Again quoting from the article:

“The people that say this is an issue that’s going to cost him and is ruining his chances, I think, are just blatantly not right about that,” said Michael Binder, faculty director of the Public Opinion Research Lab at the University of Northern Florida, which conducted one of the surveys that showed DeSantis with much higher approval than Disney among Republicans.​
Binder noted longtime tensions among Floridians and Disney, and pointed out that if DeSantis is to compete in a presidential primary, he'll need to make some noise.​
“You can’t get to the general unless you get through the primary," he said. "And Donald Trump takes up a lot of space.”​

DeSantis first has to win the primary.

Again, it's the strategy they've decided to employ based on where they are in polling against Trump. I'm not saying you have to like it. I'm just trying to explain it.
Longterm tensions between Floridians and Disney….how dare they pay over a billion and taxes and employ 75,000 in the state. I wonder if that guy posts here. RCID was a problem from day 1🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Premium Member
Returning to the NBC News article, which is specific to DeSantis:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has heard plenty of warnings from donors, supporters and consultants that he's foolish for going up against Disney. People love Disney World. Waging this public fight is bad for Florida's economy. It’s even worse politics, they say.​
But Republicans who would make up the voter base in a presidential primary may see it differently. NBC News interviewed nearly three dozen potential voters, strategists and pollsters, finding a picture of a primary electorate that is skeptical of Disney and supportive of DeSantis calling out the corporate behemoth.​
That finding is bolstered by three surveys that demonstrate support for DeSantis over Disney among Republicans — though DeSantis is taking a much bigger risk once Democrats and independents weigh in.​

NBC News is reporting that this is helping DeSantis among primary voters.

Again quoting from the article:

“The people that say this is an issue that’s going to cost him and is ruining his chances, I think, are just blatantly not right about that,” said Michael Binder, faculty director of the Public Opinion Research Lab at the University of Northern Florida, which conducted one of the surveys that showed DeSantis with much higher approval than Disney among Republicans.​
Binder noted longtime tensions among Floridians and Disney, and pointed out that if DeSantis is to compete in a presidential primary, he'll need to make some noise.​
“You can’t get to the general unless you get through the primary," he said. "And Donald Trump takes up a lot of space.”​

DeSantis first has to win the primary.

Again, it's the strategy they've decided to employ based on where they are in polling against Trump. I'm not saying you have to like it. I'm just trying to explain it.
In my opinion, the Disney fight is not what’s going to kill DeSantis’ chances.


Premium Member
Returning to the NBC News article, which is specific to DeSantis:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has heard plenty of warnings from donors, supporters and consultants that he's foolish for going up against Disney. People love Disney World. Waging this public fight is bad for Florida's economy. It’s even worse politics, they say.​
But Republicans who would make up the voter base in a presidential primary may see it differently. NBC News interviewed nearly three dozen potential voters, strategists and pollsters, finding a picture of a primary electorate that is skeptical of Disney and supportive of DeSantis calling out the corporate behemoth.​
That finding is bolstered by three surveys that demonstrate support for DeSantis over Disney among Republicans — though DeSantis is taking a much bigger risk once Democrats and independents weigh in.​

NBC News is reporting that this is helping DeSantis among primary voters.

Again quoting from the article:

“The people that say this is an issue that’s going to cost him and is ruining his chances, I think, are just blatantly not right about that,” said Michael Binder, faculty director of the Public Opinion Research Lab at the University of Northern Florida, which conducted one of the surveys that showed DeSantis with much higher approval than Disney among Republicans.​
Binder noted longtime tensions among Floridians and Disney, and pointed out that if DeSantis is to compete in a presidential primary, he'll need to make some noise.​
“You can’t get to the general unless you get through the primary," he said. "And Donald Trump takes up a lot of space.”​

DeSantis first has to win the primary.

Again, it's the strategy they've decided to employ based on where they are in polling against Trump. I'm not saying you have to like it. I'm just trying to explain it.

That NBC article is just a few interviews of people at the villages. There are other people who say it's hurting him. Why have so many Republicans come out and criticized him, and not just people who are running? I don't think the numbers add up to this being a help for him in the primaries.


That NBC article is just a few interviews of people at the villages. There are other people who say it's hurting him. Why have so many Republicans come out and criticized him, and not just people who are running? I don't think the numbers add up to this being a help for him in the primaries.

I'll only say I am a republican who initially was supporting him for president. For many reasons this fight has made him lose my support because this fight doesn't match what I believe in and I'll leave it at that.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
A gift link for the board:

Disney expands lawsuit to include new DeSantis-backed legislation​

The entertainment giant alleges that a measure signed into law Friday was drafted solely to target its Walt Disney World Resort development

The Walt Disney Co. on Monday expanded its lawsuit alleging retaliation by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to include new regulations passed by the state’s legislature that allow officials to nullify development agreements brokered by the entertainment giant.

DeSantis (R), who is weighing a presidential run, signed legislation Friday giving the special board that oversees government services in and around the Walt Disney World Resort the authority to void existing contracts.

The law disallows any Florida special district from complying with a development agreement executed within three months of any separate law modifying how board members are selected.

Disney, in an amended legal complaint, said the legislation signed Friday was drafted to solely target its development.
“Governor DeSantis and his allies have no apparent intent to moderate their retaliatory campaign any time soon,” Disney’s complaint reads.

Disney’s lawsuit, originally filed in late April, alleged that the governor was attempting to punish the company for its opposition to the Parental Rights in Education Act, which prohibits lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools through the third grade.

After Disney denounced the legislation — which critics dubbed the “don’t say gay” bill — the Florida legislature at DeSantis’s urging passed a measure to seize control of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, formerly called the Reedy Creek Improvement District.

The 39-square-mile jurisdiction that includes Disney World has special privileges that allow it to maintain its own utilities, infrastructure and public safety services and impose its own taxes.
DeSantis and the state legislature abolished that district — whose commissioners were senior Disney executives — and established a new one with commissioners appointed by the governor.

But before the outgoing commission was dissolved, officials signed a new contract with Disney that restricts the new board’s ability to regulate the region. It also included a clause that extends the agreement until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III of England.

In the amended complaint, Disney — which is Florida’s largest employer and reported $82.7 billion in 2022 revenue — invoked statements DeSantis made to reporters on Friday about new law.

“This all started, of course, with our parents’ rights bill,” the governor said.

DeSantis, who has still yet to officially declare his candidacy for the 2024 presidential race, trails former president Donald Trump for the Republican nomination by 29.1 percentage points, according to a recent ABC News-Washington Post poll.



It is funny in an ironic way. DeSantis wants disney to shut up (that seems to be his goal here) but he has no restraint in saying whatever he wants and the more he says and the more he tries to "punish" disney and then go in front of the microphones and admit it the more stuff is going to get added to the lawsuit.

I can guarantee you this is not going to be the last addition to the lawsuit because he just has no way to not talk about this while disney is letting thier lawsuit speak for them and letting him hang himself with everything he says about this.

Disney is employing the shut up if you enemy is destroying themselves technique.


Except in doing so there are professional standards and ethics they are held to when working before the court and for their clients. A standard that doesn't apply when the guy is just trying to pay off his bad credit card debt by creating click-bait youtube content. You can't compare what he is doing at all with the teams actually involved with in the case.

And let's be honest, the disney side has been silent in the public and are just letting their filing tell their story. They seem perfectly content to just let this play out in court instead of court of public opinion.


Premium Member
And let's be honest, the disney side has been silent in the public and are just letting their filing tell their story. They seem perfectly content to just let this play out in court instead of court of public opinion.
If you go back to the very beginning of this thread... people were like zOMG why isn't Disney fighting? Why aren't they saying anything? Where is Disney?

They've been consistent throughout... they weren't looking to have a public cat-fight but instead were playing a power game of calculated moves... not noisey rethoric or feet stomping. Disney has stayed true to that path all along.. and I expect them to keep doing it as well. They have a business to run and will be very keen to avoid disruptions to that.. including disruptions of their own making through public action.

You don't counter a out of control loudmouth by trying to shout louder. You build from a rock the loudmouth can't displace you from with just noise. Disney is playing with a cool hand.. something that seems to just keep DeSantis going harder and harder.. which plays in their favor in the real court.


If you go back to the very beginning of this thread... people were like zOMG why isn't Disney fighting? Why aren't they saying anything? Where is Disney?

They've been consistent throughout... they weren't looking to have a public cat-fight but instead were playing a power game of calculated moves... not noisey rethoric or feet stomping. Disney has stayed true to that path all along.. and I expect them to keep doing it as well. They have a business to run and will be very keen to avoid disruptions to that.. including disruptions of their own making through public action.

You don't counter a out of control loudmouth by trying to shout louder. You build from a rock the loudmouth can't displace you from with just noise. Disney is playing with a cool hand.. something that seems to just keep DeSantis going harder and harder.. which plays in their favor in the real court.

Very true and they were waiting till the right time to file their lawsuit which they always were after they through DeSantis had done enough. I remember watching the hearing where the new reedy creek board (whatever they are called) voted to void out the deal between reddy creek and disney and without half an hour the news broke the lawsuit was filed.

I can almost see the lawyers in a conference room sitting around with one associate with the lawsuit in his hand and the senior guys going "wait... wait... wait... ok they voted .. go run to the courthouse with the lawsuit" (yeah I know these days it is electronic but I absolutely believe they were sitting in a room watching that meeting and waiting for that vote to pull the trigger since that is when they figured they had all the ammunition they needed). and with how quickly it got filed it was written before that vote took place.

That is professionals at work. Have lawsuit ready to go and just waiting for them to shoot themselves in the foot.. and then add stuff when they keep shooting.

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