News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I don't have that kind of money 😂
For work travel, I do enjoy the Delta lounge quite a bit. But personal travel is generally on Jetblue or Southwest, because dad life, and there's no lounges near them.


Well-Known Member
I don't have that kind of money 😂
For work travel, I do enjoy the Delta lounge quite a bit. But personal travel is generally on Jetblue or Southwest, because dad life, and there's no lounges near them.
You don't need money, just a sense of adventure;)


Well-Known Member
DeSantis is behind Trump in the polls.

When you are the short stack, you go all in.

DeSantis is pushing all in.
I agree with those who would raise an eyebrow at the idea that what DeSantis wants to be talking most about this as he launches a presidential bid is his legal battle with Disney. Does he really want to be standing on that stage announcing his candidacy and telling people to vote for him as the one leader who had the courage to take on Walt Disney World? I would think he'd want to be talking about the legislation he did pass that makes him look like an effective culture warrior, not a protracted and costly legal battle with Disney over their First Amendment rights that his legislation sparked and which could go either way.


Premium Member
Negative partisanship is the strongest force in American politics. If DeSantis is the nominee, he'll have the 35% because more people will be voting against Biden than voting for the Republican, not matter who the Republican is, just like Biden voters will be voting against Trump more than voting for Biden.

The last person who won because people were voting for him rather than against his opponent was Obama in 2008.

Also, DeSantis has a bigger war chest than Trump.
Except there aren’t just 2 parties. Independents make up more voters than either party has. In order to win in a national election you need to get the independent vote in swing states. Moving right of Trump won’t help and there’s no way to undo that now and pivot. The war chest needs to be refilled. He doesn’t have enough to finish the primaries let alone the general election. Donors are key to his viability and that well is starting to dry up.

You are also assuming that if DeSantis is the candidate MAGA Trump voters will back him, but they may just stay home. Ask Hillary how that works out. She really felt the Bern.


Well-Known Member
To the general public, DeSantis is not taking on Walt Disney World. It was the Disney (headquartered in California) CEO that criticized the Parental Rights In Education Act. It was the Disney CEO (headquartered in California) who said, "Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts."

News outlets are not framing this as a WDW/DeSantis battle; they are framing this as a Disney/DeSantis battle.

Disney is one of the richest, most liberal companies in the United States.

Previously, I posted a link to a Washington Post article titled: Most Americans Support ... Policies Favored by GOP, Polls Show. (Edited the exact title to avoid veering into politics.) This is not the New York Post; this is a Washington Post poll.

Fighting "woke corporate America" is a winning strategy for Republicans. (This is how DeSantis will frame it.)

There are other things that DeSantis (and other Republicans) are doing that will cost them in the general election. Fighting "woke corporate America" is not one of them.
NO, Disney has the First Amendment right to say "Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts." Any retaliation for this statement is Desantis illegally retaliating against Disney. There is no backpedaling that. There is no condoning that. There is no blaming Disney for making Constitutionally protected speech.
Not sure what survey you are quoting but the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll from 10 days ago is quite different.
And the USA Today Survey from March 8 finds 56% of Americans think "Woke" is a good thing, including 50% or Republicans. So please do not make these statements as facts when they are incorrect.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Disney is one of the richest, most liberal companies in the United States.

Disney is not one of the most liberal companies in the US. They’re one of the most moderate ones, following social norms once they’re deemed acceptable by mainstream Americans not before.

The fact that they still sell an idea of American exceptionalism and turn other countries into caricatures of themselves shows how conservative they still are

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