News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
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Legit question, what part of this would you say Disney has not done? Do you not think a multi-theme park multi-water park, multi-resort with literally tens of thousands of hotel rooms does not fit the bill? It has to have people that rent apartment's or else it is failing in its charter? How many, what percentage? Why are these things not included? Why was there no stipulation on the amount of residents that had to included? Why did the very same law makers not come back later and strip the district when it became apparent that it was not going to happen?

So Disney was smart enough to know EPCOT wouldn't fly in it's original format but the state was too stupid? They still expected a city to be built or are you saying that both sides knew that tourists is what the whole thing was about? If so then mission accomplished, I would say the WDW complex gets a lot of "temporary visitors" and the state of Florida has benefited from those visitors while not having to pay for the WDW infrastructure.

No need, I can just look at their actions which I believe say everything you need to know If building EPCOT the city was what the state really wanted, they would have removed RCID decades ago. They didn't because they didn't care, or if they did, not enough to do anything about it.

Just going to throw this out there but you don't think it was left vague enough that Disney could go in many different directions? That the state may have been smart enough at the time to pass something that accounted for the "current" plan (though Walt was already dead by the time it was signed) but still allowed for a wide latitude if changes were needed?

When Walt died, the EPCOT he planned died with him. At the time, no one was sure what would happen. Roy delayed retirement to develop the property. And WDW is his, not Walt's. I'm sure Roy being the smart business side of that duo knew that the charter needed to be more flexible and accommodate more than just Walt's vision of an EPCOT.


Well-Known Member
New update on the lawsuit from today

Who could have guessed when DeSantis said that silencing Disney's protected speech was "the most important thing" to him that Disney would use that to strengthen their lawsuit against him? Apparently not Ron.

At this point I'm starting to wonder if he really is that oblivious, or whether he's realized he's made a huge mistake but can't admit it without looking weak to his supporters so he's deliberately sabotaging his own case so he can walk back his attack on Disney while still pretending he wanted to fight but was stopped by "biased courts."


Premium Member
It has to have people that rent apartment's or else it is failing in its charter? How many, what percentage? Why are these things not included? Why was there no stipulation on the amount of residents that had to included?
Remember the rcid charter was not a multiparty agreement- there is no ‘you must…’ kind of language in there because it was creating and scoping the municipal entity - nothing more.

The charter itself only outlines the purpose of it, not what people are expected to do. The interpretation comes from the court case where the judge outlined the reasoning for the enitity and confirms the actions at that point fit that purpose and they were for the public good - and not just a single entity…. Confirming the validity of the bonds.

Florida never cried foul about the lack of a city — they were more happy with the millions of tourists and the explosive growth it brought.

This whole thing is literally trying to create a victim… who would not speak for themselves…. Because they don’t exist


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
It's funny to think that TIA was once the big travel airport in the area.

Orlando's airport at the time, to me, was a small step up from West Palm. But not as rinky dinky as Daytona.

I remember when the tram was installed at Orlando.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Which as he has shown is something he will do to exact revenge. The first bill that started this mess was a part of a special session, if memory serves.

I know. But he's going to be busy in a few months. And so will members of the Legislature, once qualifying begins. And if when members get back to their districts and there's a lot of negative reactions from their constituents, that's what they will care about in 2024.


Premium Member
Who could have guessed when DeSantis said that silencing Disney's protected speech was "the most important thing" to him that Disney would use that to strengthen their lawsuit against him? Apparently not Ron.

At this point I'm starting to wonder if he really is that oblivious, or whether he's realized he's made a huge mistake but can't admit it without looking weak to his supporters so he's deliberately sabotaging his own case so he can walk back his attack on Disney while still pretending he wanted to fight but was stopped by "biased courts."
I think it could also be a third option. He’s doubling down and making it crystal clear that he did this to retaliate which is a blatant violation of the first amendment. He thinks that the courts may be biased enough to rule in his favor anyway. If that happens he then has the green light to silence any critic by any means he desires. If he loses in court he’s no worse off then when this started from a governance standpoint.

I think he really is that oblivious from a PR standpoint. He definitely did not anticipate this action leading to what may be irreversible damage to his political reputation and still doesn’t appear to get it based in that interview. Win or lose the lawsuit he’s not viewed as electable in a general election now by a lot of people with deep pockets who were just waiting to write a check to anyone who would stand up and be an adult in the room. Bending over to pick up pennies from the far right base while millions fly over his head.


Well-Known Member
All of this doomsday, WWIII talk is all just an over reaction. No...the sky is NOT falling. Disney will learn to live under the Central Florida Tourism Oversight (whatever it's new name is).....just like the way Disneyland has learned to live with the city of Anaheim.

Yes....Disney gets REALL angry and upset when Anaheim tells them "no!". Yes...Disney gets furious when the sate of California tells them "no!" too. But, Disney eventually swallows their pride and learns how to be plenty profitable in the face of public oversight.

Disney has to deal with "no" in every place they have operations. France, China, Hong Kong, Florida, Japan and California. Yes...Disney hates to hear the word "no!" and they always gasp "how dare you tell us that?"

In Florida....Disney will be FINE! They will just ADAPT public oversight the same way they do everywhere else.
I believe it is time that the moderators ban you for campaigning on behalf of the state of Florida.

You disagree? I'm sorry that you disagree but on this news board you just need to go.

Slippery slope isn't?

Freedom of speech without retaliation is only important when the speech does not agree with your viewpoint.
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Well-Known Member
I believe it is time that the moderators ban you for campaigning on behalf of the state of Florida.

You disagree? I'm sorry that you disagree but on this news board you just need to go.

Slippery slope isn't?

Freedom of speech without retaliation is only important when the speech does not agree with your viewpoint.

It's exactly the same thing as Rhonda Santa's ;) enacting "oversight" laws because Disney dared to campaign against a law he supported.
Educate yourself. The first amendment applies to government actions. This is a private message board. There isn’t any first amendment rights on this board, or any other private board


Well-Known Member
Who could have guessed when DeSantis said that silencing Disney's protected speech was "the most important thing" to him that Disney would use that to strengthen their lawsuit against him? Apparently not Ron.

At this point I'm starting to wonder if he really is that oblivious, or whether he's realized he's made a huge mistake but can't admit it without looking weak to his supporters so he's deliberately sabotaging his own case so he can walk back his attack on Disney while still pretending he wanted to fight but was stopped by "biased courts."
Or maybe we take him at face value. That this is a true expression of his vision of governance. Why should we continue to make excuses to make him look better? Because we’re stuck to this idea that he has to be really smart and wouldn’t really do the very things he is doing?


Well-Known Member
Educate yourself. The first amendment applies to government actions. This is a private message board. There isn’t any first amendment rights on this board, or any other private board
Well clearly the point flew over your head. I have no actual desire to have him banned. I'm well aware of what the intent behind the first amendment was but I was drawing a parallel. Try not to take things so literally. Maybe you'll be able to participate a little bit more meaningfully in this dialogue going forward.


Well-Known Member
Why did the very same law makers not come back later and strip the district when it became apparent that it was not going to happen?

They didn't create the community that they used as justification for creating municipalities and special taxing districts. That wasn't a fact that was really known or understood until the late 1970s into the 1980s, and it was into the 1980s that Orange Country first threatened to have the district dissolved. Would a judge have ruled that it was enough to dissolve the district? We won't know because Disney paid off the county to leave them alone.

So Disney was smart enough to know EPCOT wouldn't fly in it's original format but the state was too stupid? They still expected a city to be built or are you saying that both sides knew that tourists is what the whole thing was about?

I'm sort of saying both. Disney continually told the legislature that they were going forward with EPCOT and there was no reason to believe they were lying about their intentions. Stupid doesn't seem like the right word, but naive... maybe. Even if Disney had gone through with the EPCOT plan, and built their own experimental government, it still would have primarily served to drive tourists to the area, and that was always going to be the real benefit of having an experimental city to the state and the surrounding communities. Saying EPCOT would be nothing more than a tourist attraction really was to everyone's benefit.

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