News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
The fight between Disney and DeSantis is their fight. Not Universal’s

DeSantis was wrong to dissolve RCID.

Disney is using 1A to try to regain control of the special district.

If you feel strongly Universal should get involved I am sure there is a Twitter mob out there you can get in contact with that would love attack Universal for literally minding their own business.
I never once said Universal should get involved, so maybe don’t put words in other people’s mouths. What I did point out, however, is how ridiculously absurd it is to claim that what is happening between Disney and the state government has no bearing on Universal.


Well-Known Member
The state created the special district (RCID) for TWDC to bring WDW to Florida.

Are you saying a special district created by the state cannot be dissolved by the state?

I sincerely want to understand.
The state didn't have the power to dissolve special districts until the passed an amendment last year (targeting Disney/RCID).


Well-Known Member
11. In 1967, the Florida Legislature created the Reedy Creek Improvement District
pursuant to H.B. 486, Chapter 67-764. The Walt Disney Company owned the majority of land within the boundaries of the RCID, and the Florida Legislature hoped that creating the RCID would assist the Walt Disney Company in its plans to develop this area of Central Florida.

Pedantic, but there was no The Walt Disney a company in 1967. That name didn’t exist until 1986.


Well-Known Member
I never ever said they had no basis to sue for 1A violations. If there is a post by me that says this show me.
I guess what I should have said is that you have implied that Disney should never have used their first amendment right.
Understood. And it feels good to express one's opinion using 1A and then there is the smart way to so something to actually get something done.

What is happening now is NOT the smart way.
Aside from the fact that from day one you have either chosen to be ignorant, or are feigning ignorance to how any of it works.
Below, your post from October of 2022.
It wouldn't at all.
The point is that RCID was created only to benefit Disney.
RCID is responsible for paying WDWs electric bill.
RCID is being dissolved and the Electric company is worried if the electric bill is going to be paid.
The point is that RCID was created to benefit the state of Florida and for Disney to pay for their own municipal services, since the counties couldn't afford to. Disney's electricity is managed by Reedy Creek Energy Services (a wholly-owned subsidiary of TWDC).

I only brought this post up because you have been making baseless and incorrect claims from day one.


Well-Known Member
18. Florida's elected representatives decided that it was time to reform the RCID and to put Disney on the same footing as every other Florida business. On April 22, 2022, Senate Bill 4-C became effective and thereby required the dissolution of the RCID on June 1, 2023. Disney, like all of the other successful tourism venues in the area, would be subject, at least in part, to regulation by Orange and Osceola Counties.

Amazing how the counties recognized that most authority would fall to the municipalities.


Well-Known Member
22. Then, on February 8, 2023, two days after the filing of HB 9 signaled that Disney's absolute rule over the District would soon come to an end, Disney quietly contrived with its puppet Board to extend Disney's governmental powers by contract.

They seem really committed to the hope that no judge in the process knows how a bill becomes a law. Thankfully Disney has a catchy song that can help them learn!


Well-Known Member
18. Florida's elected representatives decided that it was time to reform the RCID and to put Disney on the same footing as every other Florida business. On April 22, 2022, Senate Bill 4-C became effective and thereby required the dissolution of the RCID on June 1, 2023. Disney, like all of the other successful tourism venues in the area, would be subject, at least in part, to regulation by Orange and Osceola Counties.

Amazing how the counties recognized that most authority would fall to the municipalities.

22. Then, on February 8, 2023, two days after the filing of HB 9 signaled that Disney's absolute rule over the District would soon come to an end, Disney quietly contrived with its puppet Board to extend Disney's governmental powers by contract.

They seem really committed to the hope that no judge in the process knows how a bill becomes a law. Thankfully Disney has a catchy song that can help them learn!

Why would they use such blatantly, provably false statements in their legal filing? Are they so delusional they they actually believe them to be true, or are they just confident that the state courts will be blindly partisan that they don't think the truth matters?


Well-Known Member
Why would they use such blatantly, provably false statements in their legal filing? Are they so delusional they they actually believe them to be true, or are they just confident that the state courts will be blindly partisan that they don't think the truth matters?
I have no idea. The entire introduction is bupkis. Amazing how they don’t seem to reference the State Supreme Court upholding the whole arrangement.


Well-Known Member
22. Then, on February 8, 2023, two days after the filing of HB 9 signaled that Disney's absolute rule over the District would soon come to an end, Disney quietly contrived with its puppet Board to extend Disney's governmental powers by contract.

They seem really committed to the hope that no judge in the process knows how a bill becomes a law. Thankfully Disney has a catchy song that can help them learn!
Funny, I guess openly held meetings are “quietly contrived”.


Premium Member
I’m extremely suspicious. I think the board’s lawyers read the forums.

Here’s a piece of the text from the April 26th CFTOD agenda before it was amended.

After I read this, I posted that advertisements were published and posted links of the advertisements for the January 11th meetings. (Agenda originally said meetings took place on January 25th, but the City Councils didn‘t meet on the 25th they met on the 11th.)

Here’s the post I’m referring to.
I understand there was some discussion by the board’s lawyers that Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista did not publish notice of their intent to amend the Land Development Regulations. Their basis for this determination was that the notices were not published in the meeting minutes, which is true. However, a quick search of the Orlando Sentinel’s website would’ve proved them wrong.

There are two more for the other meetings as well.

Again I only posted the links to the January 11th meetings.

In the complaint, however, they have completely dispatched with the January meeting and instead only reference the February 8th meeting of the City Councils, claiming that they didn’t advertise said meeting.

But they did advertise the ordinances. Here are the links to the notices for the February 8 meetings of the City Councils of Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista, specifically the notices advertising changes to the land development regulations.

Something fishy going on and I’m on to you, CFOTD!
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Well-Known Member
I’m extremely suspicious. I think the board’s lawyers read the forums.

Here’s a piece of the text from the April 26th CFTOD agenda before it was amended.
View attachment 713915

After I read this, I posted that advertisements were published and posted links of the advertisements for the January 11th meetings. (Agenda originally said meetings took place on January 25th, but the City Councils didn‘t meet on the 25th they met on the 11th.)

Here’s the post I’m referring to.

Again I only posted the links to the January 11th meetings.

In the complaint, however, they have completely dispatched with the January meeting and instead only reference the February 8th meeting of the City Councils, claiming that they didn’t advertise said meeting.
View attachment 713918
But they did advertise the ordinances. Here are the links to the notices for the February 8 meetings of the City Councils of Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista, specifically the notices advertising changes to the land development regulations.

Something fishy going on and I’m on to you, CFOTD!
This is just plain embarrassing


Well-Known Member

I was responding to a member who was seemingly implying that Universal is just in it for the money.

Let me be crystal clear: Disney was extremely shortsighted in their initial handling of the response to the parental rights legislation. Like it or not, had they not put out that statement against the legislation, we would not be in this situation, and in doing so, they alienated an entire political party. Does that make the retaliatory action that followed right? No. However, two things can be true at once; had Disney chosen not to put out that statement, Reedy Creek would still exist with the landowner-elected board, and DeSantis and Co. were wrong to retaliate.

Universal, on the other hand, has taken a much calmer approach, with this being an example of their efforts to support LGBT causes while not alienating an entire political party in the process.
I have no way of knowing, and I realise my own biases are at play in what I'm about to say, but I suspect Disney will come off looking much better in the long-run because of all this than Universal. I'm somewhat surprised that Florida's other themeparks are apparently content to watch what's happening from the sidelines, even though Disney's fight is, ultimately, their fight also.


22. Then, on February 8, 2023, two days after the filing of HB 9 signaled that Disney's absolute rule over the District would soon come to an end, Disney quietly contrived with its puppet Board to extend Disney's governmental powers by contract.

They seem really committed to the hope that no judge in the process knows how a bill becomes a law. Thankfully Disney has a catchy song that can help them learn!
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