News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member

The reason matters, the timing doesn't.

If the action was retaliatory, it was retaliatory regardless of when it took place relative to Disney's comments on the Parental Rights bill, and regardless of the timing in the governor's term.

If a brand new governor of Texas came in and said "I'm going to push for legislation on Day 1 to screw Tesla for something Elon Musk said in 1997," that's just as bad as what DeSantis did here.
Newsflash for you, timing goes hand and hand with reason. It’s as if you’ve never even heard of the concept of circumstantial evidence. Wait, you probably haven’t.
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Premium Member
Phase 1: Get through the early debates as the clear #2. This is about name ID more than anything else. It's "no press is bad press" time.

I think he doesn't get past this. Very few frontrunners or #2s at this point stay that way through the early debates. Trump will, but I am increasingly of the opinion that DeSantis won't. For one thing, he's declining. For another, he's a terrible debater. I predict he will be remembered along with Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, and Jeb Bush as early flame-outs.


Well-Known Member
I think he doesn't get past this. Very few frontrunners or #2s at this point stay that way through the early debates. Trump will, but I am increasingly of the opinion that DeSantis won't. For one thing, he's declining. For another, he's a terrible debater. I predict he will be remembered along with Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, and Jeb Bush as early flame-outs.

clap please GIF


Premium Member
Maybe…but to the individual? You flush that much spare change down the toilet each year
Not sure why that matters. If I buy a $10 happy meal at McDonalds and then someone starts a class action lawsuit alleging that there are no actual potatoes in the French fries I’m still able to join even though the $10 isn’t a big deal for me. I’m not saying that increasing the RCID tax portion of the membership dues will make or break anyone but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen.


Premium Member
Odds are this thing never makes it to the Supreme Court. There’s really nothing novel about it except for how egregious and stupid the governor’s actions were, it’s otherwise pretty cut and dry and fits neatly into existing precedent.

Agreed. Unless the state comes up with something really novel, Disney will win at District, then the appeal. And SCOTUS will decline to hear it.
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Premium Member
Yeah, really solid point. I mean, you’re right, this buffoon was intending all along on getting rid of that totally unjust special district. It was just pure coincidence that he finally got around to doing it at the precise moment that Disney spoke out against legislation. It just simply wasn’t a Day 1 priority. 🙄🤣

The legislation was clearly retaliatory. The fact that it came four years after DeSantis was first elected Governor is not a relevant detail for or against that claim.
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Premium Member
As a DVC owner it is not just the taxes we face but what this Board will do to the value of our points.
Same difference. In order to have standing for a lawsuit, the injury you suffer has to be "concrete and particularized." A vague idea that your points might be worth less on the resale market and that this is somehow caused by the board's actions ain't gonna hold up.


Well-Known Member
Because I don't think anyone actually cares. It's all performative. Once the primary is over, the performance is no longer necessary.
IMO, you are missing part of the human element which is why people keep getting blindsided when things continue to go as far as they do, like you said you felt about the selection of the board and I see in a whole host of non-Disney situations. There is a significant portion that *is* performative. However, even those that appreciate certain elements of the Machiavellian style, usually need to believe they are the good guys, picking the right battles, and won't take things too far. That's why actors always talk about from the Villain's perspective... they are the Hero.

Once, the primary is over the emotional need to validate one's actions remains, otherwise you are just a big, ol loser. In this case, we've got people on the same side but what they emotionally need as validation is different. For the legislature, I think the "Disney is a woke company" is the validation and every time Disney releases a project they don't approve of, they will pat themselves on the back. They know they were acting performatively about whether RCID is a sweetheart deal; that's why some of them are getting squeamish about the anti-business implications For DeSantis, I think it is the opposite. He's more performative about the "woke agenda" but I think he might actually believe that the RCID deal is a bad deal for Florida because it's a good deal for Disney. Zero-sum games and all. That's the core he can't walk away from, no matter how many times people mention the taxes Disney pays and the implications for the counties, since we know via psych studies that when presented with facts people don't change their opinion, they dig in. So then the board makeup makes more sense. You can't seat people who might have signaled, "There's not really a lot with RCID to change, everything was kosher." You have to seat people who will stand up to Disney, make large changes and in doing so validate the existence of the sweetheart deal. DeSantis strikes me more as emotional vs rational (unlike say someone like McConnell who would claim he played the cards he had, shrug, and say, "deal the next hand"). DeSantis won't be able to let this go as long as he's Governor. I think he is too vested in the idea of his own infallibility.


Premium Member
Pick literally any issue and workshop a policy position that DeSantis could take that Trump wouldn't attack. DeSantis could say "build the wall" and Trump would find a way to attack it. DeSantis could say "the 2020 election was stolen and Trump should still be President" and Trump would find a way to attack it. Trump attacking a thing isn't evidence of anything because Trump attacks EVERYTHING.
I don’t disagree, but that doesn’t change my point. You made the argument that Nikki Haley attacking DeSantis over Disney is meaningless because she is only polling at 2% and doesn’t represent the base of the party. My only point is that if that is the metric you want to use and you actually combine everyone attacking him over it it’s 2/3 of the voters in the poll. I don’t think the percent in polling makes much difference and is mostly irrelevant, but that was your point. I don’t think there’s any way to equate a positive or negative from the Disney conflict based on anyone’s polling numbers, even DeSantis himself. Based on interviews done some large donors who previously donated to DeSantis have Sid they don’t like the conflict and are pausing donations. Are they pausing over just that issue? Unlikely. I assume it’s a combination of that and several other issues plus his plummeting polling numbers. Impossible to tell for sure how much Disney impacted it.
This might not help him catch Trump. Most likely, nothing will help him catch Trump. But issues like this one are why he's not in the basement with Asa Hutchinson and Tim Scott. DeSantis has a national name ID for two reasons: 1) COVID and 2) anti-woke stuff.
He was polling in the mid to upper 30s a few months ago. I don’t think the drop is related directly to this dispute, but it may be related indirectly. DeSantis was seen as an alternative to Trump that could be more electable. There are many in the party who don’t want Trump as the candidate again because they don’t think he can win in the general. DeSantis was supposed to be the adult in the room who attracted moderates and independents. The further right he veers to hope to beat Trump in the primary the more those people drop him. If DeSantis becomes just as unelectable as Trump then why back him? Roll the dice and go with the original instead of the cover band.


Premium Member
Not sure why that matters. If I buy a $10 happy meal at McDonalds and then someone starts a class action lawsuit alleging that there are no actual potatoes in the French fries I’m still able to join even though the $10 isn’t a big deal for me. I’m not saying that increasing the RCID tax portion of the membership dues will make or break anyone but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen.
…I’m not disputing that…

I just don’t want this “specter” of gigantic tax “burden” to be a thing.

Florida won’t tax - to their own detriment.

Which is why fighting the biggest single source of out of state tax revenue is so STUPID!!!!

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