News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Premium Member
Didn't this all escalate when Chapek (eventually) spoke out against the bill? There was no intention to go after Reedy Creek before that, right?

So then isn't this the issue that they view voicing a differing opinion as "picking a fight"?
…they would have found another reason to pick a fight with Disney in short order.

These are inexperienced hacks looking for a lifetimes supply of dark money. Disney is a big and obvious target to whip up attention.


Premium Member
Didn't this all escalate when Chapek (eventually) spoke out against the bill? There was no intention to go after Reedy Creek before that, right?

So then isn't this the issue that they view voicing a differing opinion as "picking a fight"?
No, I'm talking about what the gov and board said they would do when the board members were picked and spoke at a press conference.

Because the chairman was talking about their individual experiences and intents.
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Well-Known Member
I love the Skyliner, what don't you like about it?

I just don't like it in general; can't really put a finger on why. Rode it a couple of times and have no interest in riding again -- I would not stay at a Skyliner resort since I'd rather just use buses (luckily I didn't want to stay at any of the Skyliner resorts regardless).

From an operational standpoint, though, it's too slow (i.e. it really wouldn't work over longer distances, like trying to get someone from DAK to MK) and prone to downtime. Not solely for storms/wind (which isn't a great feature when you're in Florida), but if there's an issue anywhere along the line the whole system has to shut down (which is also true for the monorail unfortunately).

I'm not saying they should tear it down or anything -- I know some people like and it's fine as a transportation option for a few resorts. Just that in addition to me personally disliking it, it doesn't really make sense to expand. I think Martin indicated that Disney had come to the same conclusion, other than maybe a small expansion solely around the DHS/EPCOT area.
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Well-Known Member
…they would have found another reason to pick a fight with Disney in short order.

These are inexperienced hacks looking for a lifetimes supply of dark money. Disney is a big and obvious target to whip up attention.


What people are missing here is that DeSantis has been itching for fights in this culture war that he thinks will elevate his status amongst GOP voters and maybe the electorate in general if he wants to run for President. He threatened to levy significant fines against the Special Olympics over their vaccine mandate. He's big on this anti-ESG movement.

He's looking for targets to advance these fights, so if not Disney, he would have found someone else. Or lit Disney up over something else.

Further, I think what Flynn is referencing is the fact that after DeSantis made his plans known to create this board, the board started talking about all the things they hoped they could do to Disney now in terms of content, etc. now that they had control over them. If the board had planned on operating in good faith, I suspect Disney would be less trigger happy at this point.


Premium Member
More about his background.

So yup... an executive with no actual community planning or admin experience.

The role isn't an executive people leader role.. the role is that of an actual hands on administrator... normally someone with certifications in the field, or at least a background in property management and development.

Contrast with the current outgoing admin... who has decades of developer and planning background/experience.


Well-Known Member
I just don't like it in general; can't really put a finger on why. Rode it a couple of times and have no interest in riding again -- I would not stay at a Skyliner resort since I'd rather just use buses (luckily I didn't want to stay at any of the Skyliner resorts regardless).

From an operational standpoint, though, it's too slow (i.e. it really wouldn't work over longer distances, like trying to get someone from DAK to MK) and prone to downtime. Not just for storms/wind (which isn't a great feature when you're in Florida), but if there's an issue anywhere along the line the whole system has to shut down (which is also true for the monorail unfortunately). I think Martin indicated that at one point they had plans to expand it significantly, but then decided it's not a good operational investment -- although I think he also said there were potential plans for a small expansion.

I'm not saying they should tear it down or anything. Just that in addition to me personally disliking it, it doesn't really make sense to expand.
The Skyliner has to SLOW DOWN or stop when ECVs load or unload at Riviera. The skyliner can't just stop and load 6 scooters at once.

it's a shame they can't encourage ECV guests to use the CBR station instead of Riviera.


i have not been watching the meeting. Is it over? Seems odd that few are talking about it and as many are talking about the skyline. If it is over, what did it accomplish, if anything?


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Public Comments Section

Rainforest Cafe/T-Rex/BOATHOUSE at the CFTOB meeting! Let's see what their concern is.

ETA: It seems like they're reminding the board that talk of additional taxes, fees, and regulations will impact businesses in the district other than Disney.

Next up are small-business owners from Disney Springs: Splitsville, Homecomin', and Everglazed. Reminding the board that small businesses are impacted by the board. They employ 450 people, according to the speaker, and pay $3M in property and sales taxes.

Wine Bar George (George M and his wife) spoke next. 90 employees. Says changes in "business climate" affect those employees. Labor costs, maintenance costs are up since pandemic. They think they've raised prices as much as they can. Says that if the board makes it more costly or difficult for the business or the employees, it would be bad. Asks for board to look at cost savings instead.

Next is Retail Concepts of Minnesota(?) president Shawna Henniger(?). Owns Basin at Disney Springs, Basin outlet at Grand Flo, and a place at UK Pavilion. 89 employees in Florida, plus suppliers in Florida who are small, family-owned businesses. Concerned about proposed regulations and taxes that the board is talking about. Says Disney has been best partner they've ever worked with. Calls out board for its proposal about tolls - says employees can't afford tolls, and if Basin has to increase pay it'd be an unfair burden on their business. COVID, inflation, and potential of recession is enough worry for them. Taxes and regulations matter to businesses.

Next up is Richard Devler from Palmas Restaurant group. 14 locations in WDW, with 700 employees. Runs Mexico pavilion at EPCOT, plus locations at Disney Springs and Coronado Springs. Challenges include high labor cost, inflation, supply chain - it's not cheap to operate and build in RCID. Wants to see collaboration come back between governor, board, and small businesses.

Next is John (?) from Reedy Creek Firefighters, regarding a firefighter who died in 2017. Apparently there was a dispute with the old RCID about federal firefighter benefits. The board said (as its first speaker asked) that it'll cooperate with getting those forms filled out. Also says that there hasn't been a contract for 4 years, but a tentative agreement is being voted on shortly for the board to consider. Thanks the board, the governor, and the legislature for putting the new board in place.

Next is Debra McDonald, a resident of Osceola County. Says "uncertainty and fear" make it difficult to live now. Says Disney was great during the pandemic when, as a member of a hospital board, she asked them for help. Says the disagreement between governor and Disney is affecting residents.

End of Public Comments

Informational Items

1. Permitting and Regulatory Report
2. Proposed 2024 Budget Calendar

It looks like the audio has stopped on the feed, so I can't hear this part.

Other Items

Daniel Langley, Special General Counsel, says CFTOBD has eminent domain authority. Reminds everyone what that means.

New Business

8.1 Slideshow addressing the exemption from county zoning and regulation, statewide zoning, and other zoning laws.

(Audio is out again, so I can't hear this.) Here's the first slide:
View attachment 712627

Next slide is the act that established Bay Lake.

Next slide is the act that established Reedy Creek (House bill 487), more about zoning.

Argument seems to be that these towns had exclusive authority over comprehensive planning, not RCID. (Len says: And we just noticed this after 50 years?)

Audio is back. Outlining rationale for voiding the developer agreement. Seems to focus on the cities not approving the developer agreement.

Says the cities of Bay Lake and Reedy Creek didn't hold meetings or provide notice. Says the developer agreement is thereby void because it touches lands in Bay Lake and Reedy Creek. Says cities should've been parties do the agreement. Says the district didn't have authority to do planning inside city boundaries. Says in the past the cities and district had acted in unison to adopt same comprehensive plans. Says there's an interlocal agreement between district and cities where the district staff functions as representatives of both, but in some cases that can't happen (and this is one of those situations).

Says the new HB-9 gives the CFTOB district exclusive power over the cities, so this jurisdictional question is no longer relevant. Says the only thing the cities can do is implement more strict guidelines.

Next slide is timeline of notice and reading of comprehensive plan going back to Nov 14, 2018.

That's all I have time for today.

I'm so glad to see local business owners speaking about their relationship with Disney, how it has benefitted their business and employees and the negative impact board decisions will have on their business and staff.


Well-Known Member
i have not been watching the meeting. Is it over? Seems odd that few are talking about it and as many are talking about the skyline. If it is over, what did it accomplish, if anything?
Its in closed session right now.

This board has almost zero power currently - regardless of what they say - so they can't accomplish much, pending litigation and/or trying to pass new laws.


Premium Member
I'm so glad to see local business owners speaking about their relationship with Disney, how it has benefitted their business and employees and the negative impact board decisions will have on their business and staff.
But what the board heard through their filters...
- Keeping our businesses open was great - So yes on COVID-19 resolution
- Fight Disney land assessments so Disney taxes don't go down
- We keep spending money because Disney forced us to


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I have a feeling that Ron could care less as long as his vendetta against Disney rages on.

Restaurants really suffered during the pandemic. The governor has repeatedly boasted that he kept Florida "open"....which wasn't true. To not care about those businesses his EOs directly impacted and that he likes to say he "saved" is a slap in the face for them. He rails against "big corporations" but doesn't listen to local businesses? Sad.


Premium Member
I'm so glad to see local business owners speaking about their relationship with Disney, how it has benefitted their business and employees and the negative impact board decisions will have on their business and staff.
“Local” looks a lot like Landry’s…

I guess boathouse is an “independent”, third party run restaurant group. Gibsons

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