News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
A couple things here:
  • No, Disney does not have the "right" to control its own local government. The privilege of doing so was conferred back in the 60s by the legislature. I don't have a "right" to start my own special district without the approval of the legislature and sign-off by the governor.
  • Disney will indeed likely win this fight in the end, as there were multiple legal and even constitutional lines crossed by the state by messing with RCID when they did. The case is further strengthened by the statements they made at the time, and even continue to make to this day.
  • The voters have absolutely no obligation to "accept" Disney controlling their own government. The government serves at the pleasure of the constituency. Suggesting that the voters must accept the will of a private corporation simply by virtue of their size and economic influence flies in the face of American principles.

    Voters had an opportunity to make their voices heard mere months after the RCID dissolution legislation passed, and if they found the actions of DeSantis and the legislature distasteful, they could have elected new leadership. Instead, they reelected DeSantis by a nearly 20% margin, and elected even more Republicans to the legislature.

    Now, this is certainly not to say that each and every person who went out to vote for DeSantis or a Republican for their state representative or senator agreed with the RCID dissolution (take me for example), but if they found it as abhorrent as most people on this site, there certainly would have been a different outcome in that election.
...and to preempt those who like to take my words out of context: yes, retaliating against Disney for speaking out against the education legislation also flew in the face of American principles.
Im beginning to believe that the Walt Disney Corporation has grown so large and influential that they have become?....well?..."politically un-stopable". They will find a way, by hook or by crook to navigate their will on everybody. Can the citizens or the state of Florida stand in their way? No,...I dont think so. Can the Florida Supreme Court stop them? No...Disney will navigate through them too. Can the Federal Supreme Court stop Disney? I dont think so either...not a chance.

Disney as a corporation has literally become too large, too smart, too influential and too big and powerfull to fail. Disney is literaly a bull that nobody can ride....and they 100% KNOW this. They are completely fearless...for good reason.

The state of Florida is doing a criminal invietigation??. Hilarious!!!...everybody on this board KNOWS that investigators will not find ANYthing. Disney will scrub everything and make 100% sure that everything leads to a dead end.

We all know this. The state is just dreaming. We have reached a time in human history where massice corporations can be just as powerfull as any state or even the Federal government itself.
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Well-Known Member
Im beginning to believe that the Walt Disney Corporation has grown so large and influential that they have become?....well?..."politically un-stopable". They will find a way, by hook or by crook to navigate their will on everybody. Can the citizens or the state of Florida stand in their way? No,...I dont think so. Can the Florida Supreme Court stop them? No...Disney will navigate through them too. Can the Federal Supreme Court stop Disney? I dont think so either...not a chance.

Disney as a corporation has literally become too large, too smart, too influential and too big and powerfull to fail. Disney is literaly a bull that nobody can ride....and they 100% KNOW this. They are completely fearless...for good reason.

The state of Florida is doing a criminal invietigation??. Hilarious!!!...everybody on this board KNOWS that investigators will not find ANYthing. Disney will scrub everything and make 100% sure that everything leads to a dead end.

We all know this. The state is just dreaming.
Powerful Corporations control the world, this is a known fact.


Well-Known Member
Im beginning to believe that the Walt Disney Corporation has grown so large and influential that they have become?....well?..."politically un-stopable". They will find a way, by hook or by crook to navigate their will on everybody. Can the citizens or the state of Florida stand in their way? No,...I dont think so. Can the Florida Supreme Court stop them? No...Disney will navigate through them too. Can the Federal Supreme Court stop Disney? I dont think so either...not a chance.

Disney as a corporation has literally become too large, too smart, too influential and too big and powerfull to fail. Disney is literaly a bull that nobody can ride....and they 100% KNOW this. They are completely fearless...for good reason.

The state of Florida is doing a criminal invietigation??. Hilarious!!!...everybody on this board KNOWS that investigators will not find ANYthing. Disney will scrub everything and make 100% sure that everything leads to a dead end.

We all know this. The state is just dreaming. We have reached a time in human history where massice corporations can be just as powerfull as any state or even the Federal government itself.
Its the "Entertainment Media Industrial Complex" ;)


Well-Known Member
I spend more time criticizing Disney than I do defending it. I think most people here can say that. And regardless of your views on HB 1557, it does not excuse the blatant abuse of power that is being put on display by Governor Ron DeSantis. It's a dangerous precedent that should anger every American.
But, how is it an abuse of power? That agreement was made in 1967 because Walt wanted to build an actual city, which the company never did after his death. They’ve been benefiting ever since for no good reason. Sea World, Universal, etc., don’t have that luxury. So it’s an abuse of power to bring Disney down to everyone else’s standards??


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
But, how is it an abuse of power? That agreement was made in 1967 because Walt wanted to build an actual city, which the company never did after his death. They’ve been benefiting ever since for no good reason. Sea World, Universal, etc., don’t have that luxury. So it’s an abuse of power to bring Disney down to everyone else’s standards??
Oyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyy


Well-Known Member
But, how is it an abuse of power? That agreement was made in 1967 because Walt wanted to build an actual city, which the company never did after his death. They’ve been benefiting ever since for no good reason. Sea World, Universal, etc., don’t have that luxury. So it’s an abuse of power to bring Disney down to everyone else’s standards??
“we conclude that the integrated plan or workings of the District and its related improvements are essentially and primarily directed toward encouraging and developing tourism and recreation for the benefit of citizens of the state and visitors to the state generally.”


Well-Known Member
But, how is it an abuse of power? That agreement was made in 1967 because Walt wanted to build an actual city, which the company never did after his death. They’ve been benefiting ever since for no good reason. Sea World, Universal, etc., don’t have that luxury. So it’s an abuse of power to bring Disney down to everyone else’s standards??
This has been debated here EXTENSIVELY. You will need to go back about 60-70 pages to see the answers.
I think it was just two or three days ago. Geez!
PLEASE. Let's not do it again!


Premium Member
So it’s an abuse of power to bring Disney down to everyone else’s standards??
Yes, if the reason for the change is to retaliate against Disney for protected speech.

But, the state didn’t bring Disney down to everyone else’s standard, the state brought them below everyone else by requiring the governor to appoint unelected political cronies to oversee Disney’s operation and tax dollars without any Disney representation.


Well-Known Member
Yes, if the reason for the change is to retaliate against Disney for protected speech.

But, the state didn’t bring Disney down to everyone else’s standard, the state brought them below everyone else by requiring the governor to appoint unelected political cronies to oversee Disney’s operation and tax dollars without any Disney representation.
Arguably they had an unfair advantage in their favor, but now it's completely flipped to the state having a hugely unfair advantage over Disney. There needs to be a more balanced approach, if any. I would suggest the CFTOD be represented by all major theme park players in the area as well as some local elected officials from the surrounding counties.

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