Premium Member
I saw a different article earlier today that said the bill may include language giving landowners the power to dissolve districts with no specifics on how that would work.Not sure where you see change about landowners and dissolving a district from this bill...
What this bill does is add to the definition of what is an inactive district, defining if it has no revenue, no expenses, no debt.. for 5 consecutive years... the state can declare it inactive.
The 12yr thing is a term limit on board members. And I don't believe it applies to CFTOD anyway due to this clause "This section does not apply to a community development district established under chapter 190, or an independent special district created pursuant to a special act that provides that any amendment to chapter 190 to grant additional powers9constitutes a power of the district."
Really this bill has little to do with CFTOD except talking about performance reporting.. which is nothing more than hot air stuff.