News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
He dismissed that on similar grounds (lack of standing). That decision was reversed on appeal.
Wait, am I not supposed to believe all the posts that said since this was dismissed outright it's a done thing and impossible to overcome?

How is it that there can be an example showing the exact opposite.

Has the internet lied to me? 🤯

Next you'll tell me Peter Pan cannot really fly.


Well-Known Member
Wait, am I not supposed to believe all the posts that said since this was dismissed outright it's a done thing and impossible to overcome?

How is it that there can be an example showing the exact opposite.

Has the internet lied to me? 🤯

Next you'll tell me Peter Pan cannot really fly.
I have some bad news for you - can't fly and not even a real thing.......


Well-Known Member
Then they could collaborate on a longterm development plan for Walt Disney World.

The state already reviewed and approved the comprehensive plans… that’s something the state is actively trying to not discuss.

Oh, so it was you who changed the subject.
You suggested a course of action (work with state), an answer was given (already worked with state to approve plan).

The contract in dispute is after that. It has no impact that they already collaborated. CFTOD would like you to forget that happened first and that they have proposed no changes to the plan.


Well-Known Member
You suggested a course of action (work with state), an answer was given (already worked with state to approve plan).

The contract in dispute is after that. It has no impact that they already collaborated. CFTOD would like you to forget that happened first and that they have proposed no changes to the plan.
The CTFOD seems like it's going to get the contract thrown out. Once that's completed, Disney will be forced to the bargaining table. This will probably not result in outcomes that Disney would like. By drawing up a new contract they have hope of finding a new path with CTFOD that will emerge out of a non hostile process. Either way this agreement is toast. Might as well conduct a tactical retreat rather than a hasty withdrawal.


Well-Known Member
I would prefer if Disney stopped losing lawsuits and beating dead horses. They need to accept the facts. As terrible or uncomfortable as they might be. They need to create new deals that will protect their assets. And then they need to never mention this whole debacle ever again.

TDO also needs to conduct an internal investigation into how they could have ever been so incompetent with their relationship with RCID. The entanglement stuff was just so grossly stupid I couldn't believe it. They need to get legal council that will protect them from these types of occurrences happening in the future. Certain key figures within the Walt Disney World organization should be fired for gross incompetence. And finally they should hire government affairs people who can build good relationships with local and state government.

There's been very little soul searching on the part of Disney.


Well-Known Member
TDO also needs to conduct an internal investigation into how they could have ever been so incompetent with their relationship with RCID. The entanglement stuff was just so grossly stupid I couldn't believe it. They need to get legal council that will protect them from these types of occurrences happening in the future. Certain key figures within the Walt Disney World organization should be fired for gross incompetence.
Just my opinion, but I think TWDC and the state knew full well the relationship between TWDC and RCID. The state just let it be because WDW brought so much good to central Florida and the state. It was just good business.

TWDC knew they were in the wrong, they just figured the state was going to let it be forever.


Well-Known Member
As I read the replies lately, I can’t help but think of this…


Well-Known Member
Well, either way I would prefer if Disney stopped losing lawsuits and beating dead horses. They need to accept the facts. As terrible or uncomfortable as they might be. They need to create new deals that will protect their assets. And then they need to never mention this whole debacle ever again.

TDO also needs to conduct an internal investigation into how they could have ever been so incompetent with their relationship with RCID. The entanglement stuff was just so grossly stupid I couldn't believe it. They need to get legal council that will protect them from these types of occurrences happening in the future. Certain key figures within the Walt Disney World organization should be fired for gross incompetence. And finally they should hire government affairs people who can build good relationships with local and state government.

There's been very little soul searching on the part of Disney. Only cries of free-speech suppression. That needs to change ASAP.
Disney needs to do some soul searching, just not about this. An appeal is the correct route as we have seen this judge and DeSantis be overturned/lose at the appellate level a good bit of late on some pretty similar issues.

Now, Disney may still lose in the long run but it is obvious that DeSantis has no intention of ever working with Disney as they already:
  • Fired the guy who started all this.
  • The replacement came in and said they needed to step back from the overt politics and last I checked has kept that promise.
  • Offered to meet with DeSantis and work with him to find a solution but were rejected.
  • Restructured their studios and announced they were going to focus on entertainment first.
So, why bother trying to appease someone who isn't interested and is on a timer? Play the long game and outlast him. Either you get a win in court or deal with the next guy and drop the court battle then.


Well-Known Member
Months is hardly “right before” when nothing had been announced but you haven’t exactly been a stickler for details.
It was specifically done on accelerated timescale in order to preempt the state. Part of the reason that in their haste they accidentally had procedural issues and included illegal components in the contract. Whoops.


Premium Member
Disney stopped losing lawsuits

They haven't lost any lawsuits. They had one dismissed, but the appeals process needs to play out.

so incompetent with their relationship with RCID. The entanglement stuff was just so grossly stupid I couldn't believe it

What evidence of entanglement was presented? I read through the report - did not see any evidence, just accusations.

There's been very little soul searching on the part of Disney.

I'm unclear of why there needs to be. There are many in this thread who are highly critical of Disney in other areas - but not in this case. Maybe that should tell you something.

Only cries of free-speech suppression. That needs to change ASAP.

It absolutely does not and should not. Free speech is the bedrock of American society. If Disney gives up and ultimately loses, it will enable the government to punish anyone who simply states an opinion that doesn't align with the ruling party's point of view. That's how dictatorships are born.


Well-Known Member
Disney needs to do some soul searching, just not about this. An appeal is the correct route as we have seen this judge and DeSantis be overturned/lose at the appellate level a good bit of late on some pretty similar issues.

Now, Disney may still lose in the long run but it is obvious that DeSantis has no intention of ever working with Disney as they already:
  • Fired the guy who started all this.
  • The replacement came in and said they needed to step back from the overt politics and last I checked has kept that promise.
  • Offered to meet with DeSantis and work with him to find a solution but were rejected.
  • Restructured their studios and announced they were going to focus on entertainment first.
So, why bother trying to appease someone who isn't interested and is on a timer? Play the long game and outlast him. Either you get a win in court or deal with the next guy and drop the court battle then.
Mainly because Disney has nothing to lose and everything to gain by putting this behind them. Some hardcore fans might be disappointed seeing Disney not continue to litigate this. But I think most fans would rather not see their beloved brand continue to be tarnished by this legal process. And I can say as a unhappy shareholder that I would prefer if they don't keep beating this dead horse.
They haven't lost any lawsuits. They had one dismissed, but the appeals process needs to play out.

What evidence of entanglement was presented? I read through the report - did not see any evidence, just accusations.

They had that until DeSantis decided to make it a campaign issue.

I'm unclear of why there needs to be. There are many in this thread who are highly critical of Disney in other areas - but not in this case. Maybe that should tell you something.

It absolutely does not and should not. Free speech is the bedrock of American society. If Disney gives up and ultimately loses, it will enable the government to punish anyone who simply states an opinion that doesn't align with the ruling party's point of view. That's how dictatorships are born.
There are exhibits included at the end of the audit. They include emails showing RCID staffers did not know what property belonged to them and what belonged to the firm. The RCID provided Disney with services that Disney should have provided for themselves. And of course there was also the incident when an RCID employee and the auditor were not allowed to access RCID property because Disney employees blocked them. It's illegal, obviously. I don't think it was intentional, but that won't necessarily stop them from getting in trouble. Disney should have had standardized procedures for all interactions involving the RCID. I was expecting their conduct and the RCID's conduct to be spotless. Instead, the audit found incompetence.

That's why I'm particularly taking aim at their lawyers. I don't think Disney (or the Cast Members involved) would have ever intentionally broken a law. But the fact they did indicates that they need better lawyers who can protect them in the future.


Well-Known Member
And I can say as an unhappy shareholder that I would prefer if they don't keep beating this dead horse.
If they lose, CFTOD will create a drag and extra expenses in the running of WDW at best and use that power to influence Disney content in other ways at worst. Both of which will be detrimental to the stock. As a share holder, you should want them to win. The current structure and losing are both bad for business. Hence bad for the stock price.

They include emails showing RCID staffers did not know what property belonged to them and what belonged to the firm.
Literally anyone can look at the GIS data and see exactly who owns what. You could do it right now using the link in this thread to click anywhere in the district and see who owns it.

The RCID provided Disney with services that Disney should have provided for themselves.
Such as?


Premium Member
It was specifically done on accelerated timescale in order to preempt the state

Wrong again. It.had been in the works for years. It was approved by the state in the fall of 22 which was the last step needed before finalization of the agreement.

they accidentally had procedural issues and illegal components in the contract

What procedural issues? What illegal components? There aren't any. Ones identified do not invalidate the agreement according to the Reedy Creek Act, which was the governing legislation in this case. You're barking up the wrong tree.

The issue with the CFTOD's so-called "procedural issues" is that they both lack evidence and standing (which affected landowner did not get notice?) and/or don't apply to Reedy Creek as they used procedural rules found in general Florida law, but that are overridden by provisions in the Reedy Creek Act, which took precedence over General Florida Law in Reedy Creek's case. There is nothing that Disney did that violated procedure. Nothing. At. All.
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