News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


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Premium Member
There’s not much to explain. Views on state and executive power have changed and the changes to the District reflect those changes. It was not a one-off incident, or just theater, it is part of a broader series of changes that have taken place with many more proposed.

Oh, that much I get. But it's a reaction from when Disney decided to stop donating.

So if Disney were to restart political contributions in Florida, would the law find a way to be quietly undone, or would competent administrators be put into the current CFTOD?


Well-Known Member
Oh, that much I get. But it's a reaction from when Disney decided to stop donating.

So if Disney were to restart political contributions in Florida, would the law find a way to be quietly undone, or would competent administrators be put into the current CFTOD?
Money. Money changes everything. We think we know what we’re doing. We don’t know a thing. Money changes everything.


Well-Known Member
Oh, that much I get. But it's a reaction from when Disney decided to stop donating.

So if Disney were to restart political contributions in Florida, would the law find a way to be quietly undone, or would competent administrators be put into the current CFTOD?
No, because the point wasn’t just retaliation. The District was specifically reshaped to ensure it aligned with the new policy views and objectives. This wasn’t a one off occurrence.


Well-Known Member
Orlando Sentinel article:

Three Republican state lawmakers walked out of Orange County’s legislative delegation meeting Wednesday, derailing consideration of a Democratic effort to repeal Gov. Ron DeSantis’ takeover of Disney World’s special district.

Sens. Jason Brodeur and Dennis Baxley, along with Rep. Doug Bankson, left the meeting just before a vote on restoring Disney’s Reedy Creek Improvement District.

Their departure caused the delegation to lose its quorum. They didn’t mention the Disney bill before leaving but said they were upset with the delegation’s rules for picking leaders.

The remaining Democrats voted 7-0 to advance the bill, but they later discovered they didn’t have enough members present. As a result, the vote was invalid and will need to be redone, said Democratic Rep. Anna Eskamani, who chairs the delegation.

“It’s disrespectful to the staff who spent hours preparing for this meeting and to the more than 100 members of the public who signed up to speak,” she said of the walkout. “I can only assume this was less about delegation rules and more about Republican lawmakers not wanting to take a vote on restoring Reedy Creek.”

The yearly delegation meeting is an opportunity for the public to address their elected representatives, but seven of the 14 members missed some if not all of the meeting. Three Republicans did not attend, and another three left before the lunch break. One Democrat also was absent.

Brodeur said he was upset about a rule that requires the delegation’s leadership to have at least 50% of their district in Orange County. That makes elected officials without a majority of their district in Orange County ineligible to lead the delegation.

“I don’t want to participate in a kangaroo court for whom the outcomes are already pre-determined,” he said. “This is silly. … It absolutely discriminates and limits minority access to leadership roles.”

He added, “anybody who needs to contact me knows how to find me,” and then he left.

Reached by phone after he left the meeting, Baxley said the Disney bill had nothing to do with the decision.

“This whole idea that some people are not to be included is disturbing when you are duly elected,” Baxley said. “We are equal, but some are more equal than others. I don’t like that.”

Sen. Linda Stewart, D-Orlando, said the walkout won’t stop her from introducing a bill to undo DeSantis’ takeover of the Reedy Creek Improvement District. She said the delegation plans to consider it again next week, along with electing new officers.

“They haven’t discouraged me or derailed me yet,” Stewart said. “They can’t stop me.”

The bill, though, faces steep political odds in Tallahassee. The GOP-dominated Legislature voted overwhelmingly in favor of overhauling the district. It also would face a DeSantis veto if it did somehow pass the Legislature.

The three Republicans who didn’t attend Wednesday’s meeting were Reps. Carolina Amesty, Susan Plasencia and Paula Stark. Democratic Rep. Bruce Antone also missed the meeting.

Eskamani said she was told Amesty couldn’t attend because of a family emergency, Stark was sick, Antone was at a conference and Plasencia did not give a reason.

Lawmakers will start their 60-day legislative session on Jan. 9.


Premium Member
I've seen statements like this about oil, gas, Pharma, etc. Where is the line?

The line is "big oil needs to be reigned in" is different than "Exxon Mobile said something I don't like, so we are going to pass a bill that only affects Exxon Mobile to punish them".

If FL had passed a law that applied to *all* Special districts,.or passed a law that applied to *all* theme park operators in the State of FL, that would be harder to prove, especially if they said "theme park operators need to be reigned in", or "Special districts in FL need reform, they are all going to have governor-appointed boards.". That would be different.

But here you had legislation that affected *only* Reedy Creek, it created a system that didn't exist anywhere else in FL, and they openly stated that it was to target Disney for disagreeing with them.

* Legislation targeting a single entity to treat them differently than anyone else

Combined with

* Stating on the record, by many legislators, that it was in retaliation for Disney's speech

Are what make this different.


Well-Known Member
The actions of people in the political world as they pertain to the takeover of RCID, sure. Things that lean too much into personal political beliefs rather than general discussion about how the case might pan out tend to get deleted as much as anywhere else.
Although a bunch of seemingly good faith, legitimate questions regarding precedent seem to have been disappeared.


Well-Known Member
The entire thing seems pointless. But whatever.
Good for you. For those who are interested there is a lot of very good information in this thread including some very specifically related to the history and development of Walt Disney World. You complain about people in the movie threads who have no actual interest in those movies but then periodically come in to this thread with a rather similar attitude of wanting it done away with because you’re don’t care.


Premium Member
Yet another delete-a-thon? Say it isn’t so! It’s almost as if we are all 5 year old children being sent to stand in the corner. The amazingness never ends!
giphy (11).gif


Premium Member
To be clear - I don’t want anything “done away with”. I got a ban from the Wish thread for reasons I do not even begin to understand since I am one of the people who actually saw it and was able to discuss it. I didn’t really have any interest in coming back to this board after that until I noticed that there is all sorts of political chat all over the entire board and a lot is not being deleted at all. If the board owners do not allow political discussion, it should be consistent.
Here's an idea... talk to the boss instead of polluting this thread with your 'concerns'. You know how to reach him.


Well-Known Member
Yet another delete-a-thon? Say it isn’t so! It’s almost as if we are all 5 year old children being sent to stand in the corner. The amazingness never ends!
No hard feelings. These topics are explosive. Mods are just trying to keep things under control. I can see why they made the decision they did on this thread. Sometimes good posts might get swept up, but when you're deleting hundreds of posts everyday that's just how it roles. I suspect the role of WDWMagic moderator has gotten more laborious and just more difficult over the years. Much more grey area due to the turbulence of recent years. Yet the site is seemingly thriving, so they must be getting it right most of the time.

If I don't like how they mod, I can always rent my own servers and start my own site. Sounds expensive, eh? :oops:

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