I didn’t know I was “going after” anyone, much less whoever keeps the place running. I already stated I didn’t see a post telling people to leave if they don’t like it. But I politely expressed my thoughts. I also don’t even know how to count my post contributions. I didn’t know this was a status thing. There seems to be a clique on here, as many forums, where you kind of form alliances, and pander to one another. And if anyone says something that you don’t like, one might get ganged up on like the Lion King hyenas, and go “over here heres one!”
This is a nice forum. Lots of interesting and engaging people who know a lot of Disney inside info. I enjoy it and thank whoever funds it manages it. I’ve learned a lot of insight about Reedy Creek that helps educate my opinions.
Status has nothing to do with it. I looked at your post count after seeing you nicely implied the owner of the site was a hypocrite and to my total lack of shock, I saw you hadn't said much around here prior to this thread and yeah, I have no issue calling that kind of
contributor out.
For me personally, this particular thread has mostly been a dumpster fire I can't look away from. (I'll fully admit that)
I've intentionally not been active in this discussion up to the point that someone inevitably started claiming things weren't fair with the way the forum was being run or with the way the main site was talking about something. You weren't the only one but you were the one I responded to. This is because more often than not, it's the ones who only have something to say when it's 'political' that seem to take issue with the rules.
Maybe you could call it a clique thing but it's more of a "someone created a new account just to argue" or "someone sat around for years not talking and
this is where they choose to present themselves" kind of a thing to me.
ton of people in this thread have said stuff I don't like or agree with (on both sides) but the owner and the moderator put a whole lot of effort into trying to give people space while maintaining order. In situations like this, those efforts are always thankless.
Personally, knowing how hard it is to maintain this site and these forums, I don't take lightly when people decide to be critical of them, especially people who otherwise have not contributed to the community.
Now that you're talking, maybe you can do a little of it on other threads?
It is after all, as you seem to know from silently watching for so long, an
actual online community. Yeah, plenty of people argue and plenty take grudges from one discussion into the next but plenty of others don't.