News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

Disgruntled Walt

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
However it seems unfair and unprofessional if the article poster insinuates bias by using a moniker “his don’t say gay bill” in the actual article itself.
Up to now, I had never seen any bias on the news side of this website. It is true that calling it the "Don't Say Gay" bill is a signal of a political bias. However, compared to the other Disney news sites out there, this site is incredibly evenhanded.

I am a supporter of the bill, and I believe Disney should stay out of politics. Would I rather WDWMagic call the bill by its actual name? Yes. That would be my preference. But again, compared to MiceChat, where you've got Dusty and co. doing a full-court press against the bill and any of its supporters, this site is doing fine. I don't feel like I'm being oppressed, unlike in the comment section of MiceChat articles.


One Little Spark...
I have no idea what “side” you are on, but I am the biggest gay liberal you could ever find on this type of site and all sorts of my posts have been deleted and I have been banned from several threads, including one that addressed gay issues. I was banned from a gay thread for standing up to homophobia. In any case, I have a feeling you are on the other “side”, and this is just to let you know that they ban and censor everything and everyone on here regardless of “side”.
I confirm this. BuddyThomas is very gay and pretty darn liberal.

He does not exaggerate this claim.

I am not gay, and I am not a liberal.

Yet, he and I have both been smacked down by the mods in the past.

They are pretty even handed.
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Well-Known Member
I'm also a gay liberal and had a post recently deleted simply for explaining why I found the Don't Say Gay/Parents Rights in Education bill problematic. I actually was under the impression this site had a conservative slant, but I guess the mods do delete posts from both sides.


Premium Member
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

That's a pretty succinct and clear statement that says nothing that you claim it does.
Don’t forget the 14th amendment.


Well-Known Member
Up to now, I had never seen any bias on the news side of this website. It is true that calling it the "Don't Say Gay" bill is a signal of a political bias. However, compared to the other Disney news sites out there, this site is incredibly evenhanded.

I am a supporter of the bill, and I believe Disney should stay out of politics. Would I rather WDWMagic call the bill by its actual name? Yes. That would be my preference. But again, compared to MiceChat, where you've got Dusty and co. doing a full-court press against the bill and any of its supporters, this site is doing fine. I don't feel like I'm being oppressed, unlike in the comment section of MiceChat articles.

And you know, given that Steve has tipped his hand to his own feelings a bit, it's remarkable that with his control over this little fiefdom, he's allowed some of the back-and-forth conversations that he has on certain topics when he could have just shut the conversation down completely at the first signs of hostility.

I'm sure this thread will end up locked but after well over 100 pages, nobody can say that one side or the other has been silenced.

I mean, I guess they can... and they will but nobody can say that and expect to be taken seriously, at least.
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Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Oh I don’t need proof of anything. I’ve just seen you ask multiple posters for proof of their claims and nothing has appeared, that I’ve seen anyway. I’m waiting for them to show this proof they claim to have
Are you looking for proof of my claim that Disney has been fighting politics in CA for most of the last decade?

Eastern Gateway fight -2016 to 2017
Downtown Disney Hotel fight - 2017 to 2019
Reopening Disneyland fight- 2020-2021

They’ve been fighting some sort of political gridlock in CA for most of the last 7 years.

Pretty sure runDisney left the state because politicians decided they’d have to start paying their “volunteers” in the state also.

Whether it’s Anaheim, the Governor, or voter initiatives, Disney has been at odds with CA politics nearly constantly for the last decade.


Well-Known Member
Most of this has nothing to do about the main topic of the thread, so I'm sure we're about to be down a page or 2 any minute now. But for what it's worth, I've also had my share of posts deleted as well, and it was for the exact reason these posts will be deleted.. The Mods don't ask for a lot. They ask us to stay on topic and only the topic, and to leave politics out of it. Regardless of the fact that politics played a hand in what generated this topic in the 1st place, they have been pretty clear about what was allowed to be discussed on this topic.

It has been a long standing rule that political discussions are not allowed. We're not allowed. They never stay civilized and always get ugly.

According to the moderators what we are allowed to discuss is RCID, the impact that the current law might have on RCID, on Disney, locals, and visitors. We have been told numerous times that we are not allowed to talk about the political topics leading up to this this law, it's impact on voting, or anything of the sort. It's not our fault that you have only chosen to read certain pages and not others. I understand at a 112 that is a lot of reading, but the rules have been posted multiple times. Don't come in here at the last minute crying that you don't understand the rules and none of it makes sense.
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Active Member do realize that this is an opinion forum, righ

At over 4k posts in my time here, you won't find a single one going after the guy who keeps this place running.

Considering you say you read a lot but within only twelve posts, managed to to be critical regarding his post telling people in the nicest way possible to leave if they don't like it here, the bar for what you need as a role model seems pretty low.
I didn’t know I was “going after” anyone, much less whoever keeps the place running. I already stated I didn’t see a post telling people to leave if they don’t like it. But I politely expressed my thoughts. I also don’t even know how to count my post contributions. I didn’t know this was a status thing. There seems to be a clique on here, as many forums, where you kind of form alliances, and pander to one another. And if anyone says something that you don’t like, one might get ganged up on like the Lion King hyenas, and go “over here heres one!”
This is a nice forum. Lots of interesting and engaging people who know a lot of Disney inside info. I enjoy it and thank whoever funds it manages it. I’ve learned a lot of insight about Reedy Creek that helps educate my opinions.

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I understand your question.

I want to know what permit fees Disney is avoiding. It seems you are under the false impression that they don't have to get permits for the construction that takes place at WDW, but there is a thread on this forum dedicated to the various permits they have filed for work being done, including things as minor as changing a sign on a building.


Well-Known Member
I want to know what permit fees Disney is avoiding. It seems you are under the false impression that they don't have to get permits for the construction that takes place at WDW, but there is a thread on this forum dedicated to the various permits they have filed for work being done, including things as minor as changing a sign on a building.
No, they definitely have to get permits from RCID. What they do get to do is set their own permit fees. If they had to seek permits from an entity they didn't control (for example, Orange County), then they would be more or less at that entity's mercy on fee expenses. More specifically, there were a handful earlier in the thread insistent that Disney had actually fooled the Florida state government into absolving them of $2 billion in debt. My response was that if Orange County (or the state of Florida) had been saddled with this $2 billion debt (and I don't accept that they have, I'm simply accepting the premise for purposes of playing out the discussion) that same entity could easily recover the money from Disney through the use of increased "fees" (used generally to mean fees, taxes, and other expenses). This would include increased permitting fees that apply only to Disney (or more specifically, only to companies that have more than 50k employees in the county, or only to companies that make more than 100 permit applications in a year).

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