Two main reasons why:What makes you think they won't?
1. Any legislation that is passed to dissolve the cities will be immediately added to TWDC's legal case. The legislature *might be more hesitant to pass any additional laws regarding CFTOD/RCID and Disney because of the ongoing state and federal litigation.
2. There are far more technicalities with trying to dissolve an active municipality.
Why they would:
1. One of the board members in March 2023 had previously stated they were interested in dissolving both cities. But doing so would require an action of the legislature or the city dissolving itself.
2. The CFTOD Board signed an agreement with a Professor from George Mason to study the district and they are required to provide ways to improve the district ( required by the legislation reauthorizing the district). The report could theoretically include a recommendation to dissolve the cities.
There's another, wacky way they could use to alter control of the cities.
Perhaps the CFTOD decides to build their affordable housing units(haven't heard a peep on it in a few months) in Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista. The people who live in those cities would get voting rights and the right to run for municipal positions like Mayor or City Council. By doing this, it makes it more difficult to main the existing setups within each city.