I'll accpet that. It's been true before, and will likely be true again.You are wrong.
That makes sense. And is definitely more nuanced. Something I was missing.The appearance and their presence is what most are hiring for
Thanks.Jump to 1:34:34 - it's not youtube that broke the timestamp link... it's the forum's processing of youtube links - removing hyperlinks for previews onlyin doing so the only link available 'watch on youtube' doesn't include timestamps in the original URL.
As long as "longer" doesn't become "never".but it would take a lot longer.
Thanks for pointing to the time, there's no way I would have made it through 90 minutes before that.
Listening to those two minutes of video, the comments don't make any sense at all. I would bet if someone looked at where the CFTOD Fire Department responds, the majority of reponses are to Disney owned property. That wouldn't be some neffarious thing. Disney owns the vast majority of the property within the boundry where these things occur. That it sounds like he's surprised by this is the confusing thing. Obviously more police service is going to be needed on Disney owned property then on propery owed by CFTOD or one of the others within the district boundary.
In the video it certainly sounds like he doesn't want to pay for this, or provide it at all. But, that's more about how he talks about it as naughty and waste then as an actual plan presented.
We'll need to see what the proposed changes end up being. One thing was clear, they're looking to spend less on services currently provided.