Redo of Disney's Hollywood Studios


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I have found a Cast Member Map of DisneyMGM Studios and i have redone Disney's Hollywood Studios...

First it will be renamed Walt Disney Studios Orlando..

Here are the lands:
-Hollywood Blvd. (same area as now)
-Adventure Outpost (need a new name, in Echo Lake area around Indiana Jone ESS)
-Sci-Fi City (Taking part of Echo Lake and Cominssary Lane, around Star Tours and Sci Fi Dine In)
-Muppet Studios (around MV 3D and New York St.)
-Production Ctyd. (the old Backlot area around LMA)
-Pixar Place (where it is now from Little Mermaid to entrance to Backlot tour and back to backstage areas)
-Animation Ctyd (same as now just expanded to CM area)
-Melody Way (around RnRC and extended to Animation Ctyd)
-Horrorwood (around TZToT and Fantasmic area)
-Broadway (on old SUnset Blvd from Hollywood Blvd to entrance to RNRC and TZToT)

ALso i have moved and reworked Fantasmic to the back into Produciton Ctyd taking up mostly where Catastrophy Canyon is now)

Basically the only land that has nothing done to it is Hollywood Blvd. EXCEPT the giant SOrcerer hat will be moved to the back of Animation the entrance of the new Fantasia attraction...

So far what do you think???? I will post more later...


Well-Known Member
I have found a Cast Member Map of DisneyMGM Studios and i have redone Disney's Hollywood Studios...

First it will be renamed Walt Disney Studios Orlando..

Here are the lands:
-Hollywood Blvd. (same area as now)
-Adventure Outpost (need a new name, in Echo Lake area around Indiana Jone ESS)
-Sci-Fi City (Taking part of Echo Lake and Cominssary Lane, around Star Tours and Sci Fi Dine In)
-Muppet Studios (around MV 3D and New York St.)
-Production Ctyd. (the old Backlot area around LMA)
-Pixar Place (where it is now from Little Mermaid to entrance to Backlot tour and back to backstage areas)
-Animation Ctyd (same as now just expanded to CM area)
-Melody Way (around RnRC and extended to Animation Ctyd)
-Horrorwood (around TZToT and Fantasmic area)
-Broadway (on old SUnset Blvd from Hollywood Blvd to entrance to RNRC and TZToT)

ALso i have moved and reworked Fantasmic to the back into Produciton Ctyd taking up mostly where Catastrophy Canyon is now)

Basically the only land that has nothing done to it is Hollywood Blvd. EXCEPT the giant SOrcerer hat will be moved to the back of Animation the entrance of the new Fantasia attraction...

So far what do you think???? I will post more later...

Not bad.:)


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Here is a rundown of whats new and whats out:
Hollywood Blvd.
Out: Sorcerer Hat
New: refurb on land to spruce up and minor redos to GMR

Adventure Outpost (need help for new name)
Out: Indiana Jones ESS, 50's Prime Time (replaced by new restaurant themed similar to Adventurer's Club)
In: Indiana Jones Adventure, Pirates of the Carribbean (i plan on redoing all of wdw and have came to the conclusion to make the POTC mountain here as it is a movie)

Sci Fi City
Out: Sounds Dangerous
Moved; American Idol Experience (has new name in Melody Way called Disney Idol, more animated show then performance like now)
New: Alien Encounter (like the MK attraction, based more around the movie alien)

Muppet Studios
Out: nothing now
Moved: Mama Melrose's (moved to Broadway area), Honey I shrunk the Kids play area (moved to Pixar Place), Pizza Planet (moved to Pixar Place)
New: Gonzo's Pizza Palorium, Great Muppet MOvie Ride, Muppet Labs Banquet Hall

Production Ctyd
Out: Backlot Tour
Moved: Fantasmic is moved to here in a new and redone show
New: CineMagic! (similar to WDSP attraction), and unnamed show (an suggestions or help)

Pixar Place
Out: Walt Disney One Mans Dream (moved to MK main street when i get there)
Moved: Pizza Planet (moved from Muppet Studios), Princess Dot's Puddle Park (moved from Muppet Studios, renamed)
New: PT Flea's Circus, Wall-E Encounter, IncrediBlaster, Race Rally

Animation Ctyd.
Out: Playhouse DIsney- LOS
Moved: Little Mermaid (sort of moved to Broadway section, more like the show in NYC)
New: Animagic, Animator's Palette, In to the Screen, Mickey's Philharmagic (moved from MK)

Melody Way
New: Fantasia: A Animated Symphony
MOved: DIsney Idol (new name of AIE, a bit different though)

Out: Beauty and the Beast
Moved: Fantasmic! (Moved to Production ctyd)
New: Nightmare Before Christmas, Sally's, Behind the Scream, unamed "horror" show

Out: most of the shops
MOved: Mama Melrose's (from Muppet Studios)
New: Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins

Well that is it for the run down... What do yuou think??? any ideas i should add i will describe each land indepth next...


Well-Known Member
Here is a rundown of whats new and whats out:
Hollywood Blvd.
Out: Sorcerer Hat
New: refurb on land to spruce up and minor redos to GMR

Adventure Outpost (need help for new name)
Out: Indiana Jones ESS, 50's Prime Time (replaced by new restaurant themed similar to Adventurer's Club)
In: Indiana Jones Adventure, Pirates of the Carribbean (i plan on redoing all of wdw and have came to the conclusion to make the POTC mountain here as it is a movie)

Sci Fi City
Out: Sounds Dangerous
Moved; American Idol Experience (has new name in Melody Way called Disney Idol, more animated show then performance like now)
New: Alien Encounter (like the MK attraction, based more around the movie alien)

Muppet Studios
Out: nothing now
Moved: Mama Melrose's (moved to Broadway area), Honey I shrunk the Kids play area (moved to Pixar Place), Pizza Planet (moved to Pixar Place)
New: Gonzo's Pizza Palorium, Great Muppet MOvie Ride, Muppet Labs Banquet Hall

Production Ctyd
Out: Backlot Tour
Moved: Fantasmic is moved to here in a new and redone show
New: CineMagic! (similar to WDSP attraction), and unnamed show (an suggestions or help)

Pixar Place
Out: Walt Disney One Mans Dream (moved to MK main street when i get there)
Moved: Pizza Planet (moved from Muppet Studios), Princess Dot's Puddle Park (moved from Muppet Studios, renamed)
New: PT Flea's Circus, Wall-E Encounter, IncrediBlaster, Race Rally

Animation Ctyd.
Out: Playhouse DIsney- LOS
Moved: Little Mermaid (sort of moved to Broadway section, more like the show in NYC)
New: Animagic, Animator's Palette, In to the Screen, Mickey's Philharmagic (moved from MK)

Melody Way
New: Fantasia: A Animated Symphony
MOved: DIsney Idol (new name of AIE, a bit different though)

Out: Beauty and the Beast
Moved: Fantasmic! (Moved to Production ctyd)
New: Nightmare Before Christmas, Sally's, Behind the Scream, unamed "horror" show

Out: most of the shops
MOved: Mama Melrose's (from Muppet Studios)
New: Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins

Well that is it for the run down... What do yuou think??? any ideas i should add i will describe each land indepth next...

Not a big fan of moving Mickey's Philharmagic from Fantasyland to here.
I like it better over there.


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Thanks... I wasnt sure about that either.. it probably wont be moved out of MK, i think i will move it to ToonTown Fair for that redo later on..

THanks any more input... Tomorrow i will start with the Hollywood Blvd. redo...


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Hollywood Blvd.

Everything i bascically the same except NO HAT infront of the Grauman's CHinese THeater. As you enter the park as nomral it is 1930s Hollywood with (b) Oscar's to the right as you enter the park where guests can rent strollers and wheelchairs. Continuing on is (f) Sid's shop to the left as you enter the park selling Hollywood Souvineir's. Moving on on the left next to f is (a) Mickey's of Hollywood similar to how it is now selling Disney Souviner Merchandise, except not as big. Attached to Mickey's of Hollywood is (A) Hollywood and Vine, it was moved over to the Hollywood Blvd. side instead of the Echo Lake area. Across the street (c) the Dark Room and (d) Five and DIme are still in the same locations as they are now. Moving on (e) Keystone Clothiers is in the same place as well and across the street, (B) Hollywood Brown Derby is there as well just refurbished and extended a bit closer to the street with the iconic Hat icon. Finally down at the end of Hollywood Blvd. is (1) the Great Movie Ride, the classic DHS attraction in the Chinese Theater with several new additions such as teh extended Wizard of Oz scene and a few more added scenes that will replace others (any suggestions)

That is it for Hollywood Blvd.. i hope you like... any comments and suggestions would be appreciated.... ANy suggestiosn for scenes in GMR???


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Sci Fi City (now Commassary Lane)

Entering from GMR courtyard you first have Alien Encounter, on the left, where American Idol Experience is now, with entrance on where the audition entrance is now. The AA show will be similar to the one from extinct MK tomorrowland but will have two different shows, a extremely scary version (like the original planned) and the mild verison that was at MK. Moving on, across the street where ABC Cominssary is now will be (unnamed restaurant, suggestions???) themed to space or alien it would still be a quick service restuarant. Next to it will be Sci Fi Dine In Theater, which is there now, it will have minor refurbishments and spruce it up, someof the films willbe changed to include filmsfrom the area, like Star Wars, Armageedon, and Alien. Across from SFDI is Armageddon, the special effects attraction from WDSP that will be updated and added effects. THis will be where Sounds Dangerous is now and will have the entrance across the street from Sci Fi Dine In THeater. Now to Star Tours, where it is now it will be upgraded and have a new show. Across the way is Backlot Express, which is still there now. It will be themed to set pieces from space and sci fi movies instead of basically everything. Except in the morning it will have a character dining experience that would feature Star Wars characters. Between Star Tours and Backlot Express will be the Sci Fi City Stage featuring Jedi Training Academy, where a producer will now be teaching you with Darth Vader to be the proper jedi to help you audition for the role. (Since the whole theme is a film studio)...

That is it for Sci Fi City... What do you all think of everything?? Any comments or suggestions..

Also any names for the Unnamed Sci Fi Restaurant...


Well-Known Member
Sci Fi City (now Commassary Lane)

Entering from GMR courtyard you first have Alien Encounter, on the left, where American Idol Experience is now, with entrance on where the audition entrance is now. The AA show will be similar to the one from extinct MK tomorrowland but will have two different shows, a extremely scary version (like the original planned) and the mild verison that was at MK. Moving on, across the street where ABC Cominssary is now will be (unnamed restaurant, suggestions???) themed to space or alien it would still be a quick service restuarant. Next to it will be Sci Fi Dine In Theater, which is there now, it will have minor refurbishments and spruce it up, someof the films willbe changed to include filmsfrom the area, like Star Wars, Armageedon, and Alien. Across from SFDI is Armageddon, the special effects attraction from WDSP that will be updated and added effects. THis will be where Sounds Dangerous is now and will have the entrance across the street from Sci Fi Dine In THeater. Now to Star Tours, where it is now it will be upgraded and have a new show. Across the way is Backlot Express, which is still there now. It will be themed to set pieces from space and sci fi movies instead of basically everything. Except in the morning it will have a character dining experience that would feature Star Wars characters. Between Star Tours and Backlot Express will be the Sci Fi City Stage featuring Jedi Training Academy, where a producer will now be teaching you with Darth Vader to be the proper jedi to help you audition for the role. (Since the whole theme is a film studio)...

That is it for Sci Fi City... What do you all think of everything?? Any comments or suggestions..

Also any names for the Unnamed Sci Fi Restaurant...

:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy: Great idea!!!

For the Sc-fi restaurant, Galaxy Bites.


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I forgot to post this land, it is now in the same area as Echo Lake and where IJESS is now.. THere isnt really much going to be here... I like Galaxy Bites... THanks

Adventure Outpost

It is basically the Adventureland of the park.. Echo Lake will stay as well as Gertie becasue they will be apart of the Hollywood blvd. area... Part of Echo Lake will be in each land...

Once in Adventure Outpost from Hollywood Blvd, next to Hollywood and Vine is going to be an updated and somewhat tweaked Adventurer's Club concept... It will be Adventurer's Club, it will have two seperate entrances, one in the park, and the other outside the park... Inside the park will be the sit down restaurant with an abbreviated show of the original from PI. The outside entrance will be for a much smaller show then the original at PI but will have the basically the same as the original at PI, if you all have ideas feel free to post. Next to AC is Pirates of the Carribbean, an attraction the is more like the movie, and is like a mountain with a giant drop. The mountains is not fully surounded with the "mountain" covering to show that it is on a soundstage. Then moving on to where IJESS is now, is Indiana Jones Adventure, it will be much like the DL one with minor upgrades, and same scenes....

If you have any suggestsionf for this land, i know it needs help, FEEL FREE to post!!!


Very interesting ideas. I was hesitant about no Beauty and the Beast until I saw Little Mermaid more like the Broadway version.


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Here is the next land:

Muppet Studios (Mama Melrose Area and current Muppet area, as well as some of NY St.)

Moving from Sci Fi City, you first have Gonzo's Pizza Palorium, a quick service restaurant where Pizza Planet and Mama Melrose's is now, across from Muppet Vision... THis is similar to the concept of the proposted Muppet Studios idea for DMGMS. Across from GPP is Muppet Vision 4D, the current attraction with a few added scenes and is updated a bit. Near the exit to MV4D is (unamed Muppet Store, suggestions for names???). Moving back, near the old Backlot THeater, yo have Great Muppet Movie Ride, a attraction simialr to the proposed and much wanted attraction for DMGMS. It will feature the Muppets in classic and famous scenes from famous movies (any suggestiosn for movies to be used, any apprecieated???) Finally, moving on towrd Production Cytd. is Muppet Labs Banquet Hall, where Studio Catering Comp is now. It will be enclsed and become a character dining breakfast and lunch, and a table service dinner. IT will feature famous Muppets such as Kermit, and Miss Piggy. And the Head Chef is the Swedish Chef...

So what do y ou think??? ANY SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.... Tomorrow i will post Production Ctyd.


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On to Production Ctyd...

Moving from Muppet Studios. You enter into Production Ctyd, the area of where the Backlot Tour is and LMA... Once in the land, you have CIneMagic to the left along the outskirts of the park. Then you have Lights Motors Action! Stunt Show, where it is now. It will be updated and such. Next to LMA is a (unnamed stunt show, any suggestions???) Then if you walk towards the Great Movie Ride back building youhave Starring Rolls Cafe along the back of the attraction, it is a quick service bakery like now in DHS. Backlot Tour is GONE and is replaced with many props and wide open spaces. ALso you have the walkway to Fantasmic! along with the newly build Fantasmic! Amphitheater in the very back of the park, near where Catastrophe Canyon is now.. FInally, near where the Backlot Tour entrance is NOW, will be Hollywood Scoops, a snack/ ice cream counter service that serves ice cream and will seem like a news stand in the courtyard. Nextdoor is (an unnamed shop, suggestions???)

That is it for Prodcution Ctyd... ANy suggestiosn PLEASE PLEASE state... COMMENTS... ideas for another stunt show and shop would be grea...

Tomorrow i will post Pixar Place...


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Pixar Place

Entering from the Production Ctyd., Pixar Place is in the same area that it is now, just EXPANDED into the Backstage Area and such...

First you have Princess Dot's Puddle Park on the left, near where the entrance to the Backlot Tour is now. (it will be the old Honey... Playset) In front of you is the building that is currently in Pixar Place. IN the empty portion of the building is Remy's, a table service restaurant serving lunch and dinner, and will feature sometimes the AA LCI Remy, and a Lingoni character. Next to Remy's is Toy Story MIdway Mania, where it is now. Except it will have interchanging themes for certain times iof the year. For SUmmer it will have the current version, for spring it will feature spring-ish ones, WInter will have CHristmas and such, Fall will have THanksgiving and Haloween themed ones. Moving on to where teh Narnia attraction is now will be the moved Pizza Planet Restaurant, it will be a replica of the one in the movie, it WONT be a Character restaurant, just a quick service that is highly themed. Moving to the current backstage, Where the creatvice costuming is now, will be Wall-E Encounter, a 3D/Simulator attraction that will take Wall-E and Eve back out into space to get one forogtten piece... Behind Wall-E Encounter is Monster's Inc Door Adventure, the concepted rollercoaster that guests board doors and follow Boo and get her from Randall, through the door scene. Keeping moving, in the back is Radiator Springs Race Rally, the TT type attraction that will be going to DCA, will be changed a bit and a bit different. Half of the ride will be where the Cast Parkign Garage is while the other over little buidlings. Next to RSRR is IncrediBlaster, an incredibles attraction (havent fully thought of a type or story, but will)... FInally, next to the PDPP is PT Flea's CIrcus, a FOLK type show int he round that has PT Flea's Circus performing their acts. ANd near the entrance is Atta's a small souviner shop...

Any suggestions on ANYTHING??? COMMENTS... Good or BAD... Tomorrow i will post Animation Ctyd....


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Pixar Place

Entering from the Production Ctyd., Pixar Place is in the same area that it is now, just EXPANDED into the Backstage Area and such...

First you have Princess Dot's Puddle Park on the left, near where the entrance to the Backlot Tour is now. (it will be the old Honey... Playset) In front of you is the building that is currently in Pixar Place. IN the empty portion of the building is Remy's, a table service restaurant serving lunch and dinner, and will feature sometimes the AA LCI Remy, and a Lingoni character. Next to Remy's is Toy Story MIdway Mania, where it is now. Except it will have interchanging themes for certain times iof the year. For SUmmer it will have the current version, for spring it will feature spring-ish ones, WInter will have CHristmas and such, Fall will have THanksgiving and Haloween themed ones. Moving on to where teh Narnia attraction is now will be the moved Pizza Planet Restaurant, it will be a replica of the one in the movie, it WONT be a Character restaurant, just a quick service that is highly themed. Moving to the current backstage, Where the creatvice costuming is now, will be Wall-E Encounter, a 3D/Simulator attraction that will take Wall-E and Eve back out into space to get one forogtten piece... Behind Wall-E Encounter is Monster's Inc Door Adventure, the concepted rollercoaster that guests board doors and follow Boo and get her from Randall, through the door scene. Keeping moving, in the back is Radiator Springs Race Rally, the TT type attraction that will be going to DCA, will be changed a bit and a bit different. Half of the ride will be where the Cast Parkign Garage is while the other over little buidlings. Next to RSRR is IncrediBlaster, an incredibles attraction (havent fully thought of a type or story, but will)... FInally, next to the PDPP is PT Flea's CIrcus, a FOLK type show int he round that has PT Flea's Circus performing their acts. ANd near the entrance is Atta's a small souviner shop...

Any suggestions on ANYTHING??? COMMENTS... Good or BAD... Tomorrow i will post Animation Ctyd....

How about an Up attraction?


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That would be great except i have not seen UP yet..

Would you like to work on that attraction?? it is fine if you do..

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