Redo of Disney's Hollywood Studios

Disneyson 1

New Member
Yeah, there's the "other" Fantasia ride. That one came first, I think. I seriously can't believe someone else thought of that! But a lot of people came op with the general idea for the TLM ride, so I guess anything's possible! Hey, Mr. Harrington, have you seen my version of the ride? <----here!

Wait... DID YOU CREATE THAT!?! That's amazing!


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Dont worry about "criticizing" me that i what i wanted i wanted to see where things could be improved.... Thanks DisneySon for the Fantasmic! insight... illl think about some of it, some of it i will do.... to tell y out he truth about the princess part i couldnt remember where it went, and couldnt think of lines..... SO i will rearrange it.... I will also relocate 20000LUTS, and maybe redo the Alice scene....

Im still thinking about CHernabog/Maly... I wanted it to be different, so i was trying to think of a BIG villian.... and i couldnt think of anyone else.... Personally im tired of MAly in EVERY Fantasmic! i know she is BIG and POWERFUL but there has to be another villian, IMO.... Ill think about it...

THanks Mharrington about hte GMR, ive changed most of it... I understand about Titanic, and ive researched more abotu An Affair to Remeber so i think it will be good....

FYI... The Fantasia Ride will be going in the the new land... Melody Way... NOT Animation Courtyard.... AniMaquie will go where OMD and TLM attractions are now... and YES i will be doing MK so OMD and TLM will go there... I liked the one you posted mharrington, but ive seen it b4 and thought something about it is weird... but i dont know what... I think ill take Disneyson's and tweak it a bit... to make it more of a "coaster" that ok Disneyson

THanks again for the helping... THat is exactly what i wanted...


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Ok Disneyson... i thought about it more today... and i think taht you are right... I dont know what you mean by alice scene... i only have a Queen of Hearts scene, i really like it but i dont know where it should go.... I have rearranged it and i think it will be better.... I have also deleted Chernabog from the shwo and replaced him with Maly.. after i thought i realized she would be ultimately better... so here is the revise lineup... I will post the revised show sometime within the next couple of days...and adde3d some video projectsions like the Mufasa adding more....

3-Pink Elephants
4-Peter Pan
6-Under the Sea
7-20000 Leagues Under the Sea
11-HAppy Endings
13- Steamboat WIllie

What do yout hink abouyt the new line up??? does it flow better...


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Here is the redone F!!... i only reposted the parts of where the redo starts which is after Peter Pan and Bubble scene... i hope you like it....

Once the barges pass and head backstage, the lights dim and the screens rise up with colorful images of under the sea with coral and such… Then the classic tune of “Under the Sea” begins to play… A smaller barge comes out with an AA Sebastian on it starting to sing…. The barge moves around the river, in circles and such around mostly in the middle of the river. Then a smaller float with Ariel on it comes out and “dances” around the river…. On the screen are the fish dancing… and some aerialist performers dance above the river and audience… Near the end of the song, the barges and dancers begin to leave… With the end of the song the screen changes to a darker and more mysterious sea/ocean. You hear:

Jiminy Cricket: Pinocchio! We're down here!

As bubbles continue to fill the screens and the theater we find several of Disney's underwater creatures, including Sebastian and Flounder on the screens, and Nemo, Marlin, and Dory puppets "swimming" by on rafts. A school of trout swim across the screens, accidentally awakening Monstro who glares at them with one eye. The music quickly changes to a "Jaws" like theme as Monstro attacks the fish, Jiminy, and presumably Mickey. Huge waves and splashes fly out towards the audience as the great whale attacks. A huge whirlpool consumes the screens as well as Mickey whom shouts out for help. Stressful violin chords cry out as all goes dark. Mickey's frightened eyes appear on the screens looking about. Giant splashes appear on the river… With giant waves and such… a “splash” machine moves across the river to seem like Monstro is splashing people… The screens go down… and you see GIANT waves around the stage…

On the stage you see Captain Nemo and Crew and on the left of the stage you see giant tentacles coming out of the water swishing at the crew… While Captain Nemo and crew try to protect there selves… This scene is only on a few moments then the water screens rise up again…

Aladdin and Jasmine fly above the audience on a magic carpet, while Snow White and her prince, Aurora and Philip, Cinderella and Prince Charming sail by on rafts decorated with glowing flower arrangements while Belle and the Beast waltz on the stage in a lavish ballroom. Fountains dance to symbolize the love in the air.

Female: See your mind...and you can your imagination...tales of enchantment, beauty and romance, happily ever after.

Male: Tale as old as time...true as it could be...barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly...certain as the sun...rising in the East

Female and Male: Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, beauty and the beast.

Female: A whole new world! A dazzling place I never knew.

Male and Female: But when we're way up here, it's crystal clear, and now I'm in a whole new world with you!

Female: Someday my prince will come!

Male and Female: Someday we'll find true love!

Female: Tale as old as time...

Male: Song as old as rhyme...

On the screen are pictures of a little garden with may roses…. The screens lower again and you see the Queen of Hearts dancing around the stage with her cards…. She sings and dances…”Painting the Roses Red”.. Mickey appears on stage… and he messes her up…

Queen of Hearts: (yells) Off with his head..

The cards chase Mickey off stage… and the screen appears again…

On the screen is the Evil Queen’s Magic Mirror…. The voice of Snow White's evil stepmother fills the air.

Evil Queen: Slave in the magic mirror...come from the farthest space...through wind and darkness I summon thee...speak! Let me see thy face!

Thunder and lightning crash, the queen appears on the stage dancing around her cauldron.

Slave: Famed is thy beauty majesty, but hold; Lovelier maids I see, and hear, in Mickey's imagination. Beauty and love will always survive.

Queen: No! (With several chords of dramatic music, the queen rushes to her cauldron, conjuring up a wicked spell as evident by the green smoke erupting from within) A magic spell in the black of night, with a scream of fright...(Woman screams) and a bolt of light (Huge yellow firework shot up) turn my hair to white! (Dramatic chords of music, followed by several green fireworks. Each firework makes the shape of a distressed face. With an explosion of smoke and several orange fireworks there is an evil cackle, followed by the sudden appearance of the queen's evil hag form)

Hag: Now, I'll turn that little mouse's dream into a nightmare Fantasmic! Imagine this...(Laughs) Magic mirror on the wall, to all the forces of evil I call (Laughs)!

Slave: You have the power, to control...

The hag disappears and reappears briefly in the mirror, quickly replaced by Ursula.

Hag and Ursula: His mind! (Laugh)

Ursula: Oh yes, how exciting! Let's do it!

Ursula laughs as she appears on her barge and floats around the river dancing about as she sings a new rendition of "Poor Unfortunate Souls." Two giant Floatsem and Jetsem puppets swim around the waters as she laments. (One comes from each side of the stage)

Ursula: Hello...I admit that in the past I've been a nasty. They weren't kidding when they called me well a witch! Beluga Sevruga indeed! Ursula will take matters into her own tentacles! Ha! How nice! Mickey Mouse's mind...will be mine! And then I'll make him writhe...I'll see him wriggle like a worm on a hook! (Laughs) To obey my every whim! Why not? Let's do it!... Now its time to…

With a puff of smoke, and darkness, the barges quickly leave the river and the screens lower to reveal an AA Scar atop of the mountain singing “Be Prepared”… He finishes Ursula’s line…

Scar: … Be Prepared….

Over the mountain and some on the stage are a few AA Hyenas singing along… Throughout the show green flames come out from around Scar… and the water catches fire… The screens rise up and they show scenes of “climaxes” of movies, like
1. Scar hanging Mufasa over the Wildebeest Running,
2. Snow White biting the apple,
3. Jasmine in the Hourglass,
4. Aurora poking her finger on the spinning wheel
5. Cinderella turning back into a “maid”
6. Nemo getting flushed down the toilet

The screens lower to reveal Mickey and Maleficent on the stage…

Maleficent: Now you have to deal with the powers of my imagination!!!

Mickey: Oh no!

Red and orange fireworks blast into the air as Maleficent disappears in an explosion of smoke. The evil fairy cackles as flames devour the waters and the stage.

Suddenly the Queen appears on the screen cackling:

Hag: Imagine this!!

The hag cackles, followed by Ursula, Scar, and Queen of Hearts all laughing. Following Queen of Hearts the faces of numerous Disney villains scroll down on the screens, those villains including Cruella Da Ville, Jafar, Hades, Frollo, Gaston, the Hyenas, Shere Khan, Kaa, the Siamese Cats, the Cheshire Cat, Hopper, Madame Mim, Madame Medusa, Governor Ratcliffe, Brer Fox, Zurg, Stinky Pete, Captain Hook, the Phantom Blot, Judge Doom, Clayton, Syndrome, and Ratigan, all of them laughing. Chernabog breaks up the celebration of evil by roaring. The screens then show Maleficent transforming into a dragon… The screen lowers to reveal…

Mickey appears on stage, with a giant AA dragon…

Mickey: You may think you are so powerful… but this is my dream!!!

Mickey pulls out the sword from the stone to the right of him… he holds it toward Maleficent and a BEAM of BRIGHT WHITE light hits him in the eye…

Maleficent: NOOoOOO!!!

The water screens rise up and Chernabog appears on the screen retracting from the light and screaming, followed by a screaming, Jafar and Ursula screaming and falling, and the old hag turning back into the evil queen, both screaming. The Maleficent dragon soon appears on the screens, exploding into thousands of brilliant colors, the entire theater dark.

The screen dims and Mickey (back in normal clothes) dances around with the fountains around the stage to put out the fire…

The screens reappear and theater becomes bright with colors and the screens reveal Happy Disney Endings…
1. Snow White and Prince walking off into the sunset
2. Simba becoming king
3. The Darling children getting to Neverland
4. Bolt finding Penny
5. Prince Edward marrying
6. Remy having his own restaurant
7. The Incredibles being a good family
8. Mowgli finding the village
9. Nemo and Marlin reuniting
10. Mulan defeating the huns
11. Hercules becoming a god
12. Beast turns back into prince
13. Eric and Ariel marry
14. Winnie the Pooh and Friends birthday party
15. Pongo and Perti with puppies

At the end of the medley, Tinkerbell comes from behind the mountain and flies above the audience… while Flora, Fauna, Merrywhether, the Blue Fairy, and Fairy Godmother are on the screens spreading the magic... After flying above the audience, TInkerbell goes behind the screen, and goes onto the screen… she hops from screen to screen spreading pixie dust and lighting up the theater…

The screens go down again and the lights fully are up and Steamboat Willie boat comes from the left of the stage and circles the stage… having many Disney characters on it… Also on the stage are more characters waving ribbons and dancing and having fun… After the boat passes Dumbo flies from behind the mountain to above the audience (on a zipline)… All the characters on the stage leave as Dumbo passes to the audience…

Sorcerer Mickey appears on the top of the mountain now… and plays with the fountains and such and colorful lights…. Dancing brooms come on stage (about 6)… They have buckets of water…

Mickey: Some Imagination??? Huh!

On that last note of huh! The brooms release the water… and fountains spray, and fireworks release... and Mickey has disappeared from the top of the mountain…

What do you think???? I kept the QoH scene in... but i feel it doesnt fit... i like it but i dont know where it could go... any suggestions??? or should i just get rid of it???

Disneyson 1

New Member
I think that the QoH scene should go right after the 20k Scene. With the Alice thing, I meant that Alice could take the place of Mickey. The scene could start out with the cards and Alice dancing to the card dance music (they could even change colors like how they do in the movie!) and the Queen could come out by the end. Everyone bows and Alice is the last to do so. The dance resumes after the Queen of Hearts (YAAAAAAYYYY!!!) & the king (...) have their introductions, then the cards could form a line and Alice accidentally tips the first card over, creating a domino effect where every other card falls over "Rockette Style", then the Queen screams "Off with her head!!!". A chase scene begins around the island AND on the screens at the same time, and finally Alice finds the "Drink Me" potion on the island. She drinks it and becomes huge on the mist screens, when the Fantasmic! fanfare plays like how it does in the Peter Pan in DL and the Pocahantas Scene here. The music segways into the Princess Music.

Kinda like that. And yeah, take FG. PLEASE tweak some stuff. I sort of thought of the 1st part as a darkride and the 2nd part (starting with the lift on "Bald Mountain", the Acceleration being Chernabog's dark magic and the brake run being Yensid parting the waters) being the Roller Coaster. There's a lot of coaster in the ride, but I can see some more starting at "The Rite of Spring". There, the ride is foreboding and VERY dark, so a short coaster section right into the "scare" with the dino would be good. Really, change whatever you want.


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Thanks for the QoH idea.... I think itw ill fit better there...

So it goes...
-Under the Sea
-20,000 LUTS


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HEre are the updated ride layouts for teh GMR...

1-Footlight Parade
2-Singing In the rain
3-Mary Poppins
7-Raiders of teh Lost Ark
9-An Affair to Remember
12-Wizard of Oz
14-Lord of the RIngs

Here is the real line up for Great Muppet Movie Ride
1-Peter Pan (Kermit-Peter Pan, Piggy-Tinkerbell, other suggestsions???)
2-Music Man (Gonzo with band of chickens)
3-Pirates of the Carribbean (this is where a pirate will take over your ship, any suggestions for character use??)
4-Frankenstein (Beaker and Dr. HOneydew)
5-Jurassic Park (Giant Pigs)
6-Jaws (Gonzo)
7-Chronicles of Narnia 1 (lamp post)
8- CoN 2 (WW lair, Pirate is turned to ice, and regular tour guide is back)
9-Star Wars (suggestion for charactters????)
10-Terminator (Kermit)
12-Titanic (thinking of using Kermit and Miss Piggy, any better suggestions???)

What do you think??? Any better suggestions ofr characters in the GMMR???

Studios Fan

Active Member
I would probably put Fozzie and Rowlf in there. Maybe put Fozzie in place on Gonzo in Jaws. Then put Gonzo as the Terminator. I think Kermit as Luke, Piggy as Leia, Gonzo as Vader, and Fozzie as Chewbacca is usually what is gone for Star Wars. You could add Rizzo as Emperor Palpatine.


Well-Known Member
What no Meet the Robinsons in the waterscreens Mater? :/
Also I'm thinking the villain waterscreens are a little overloaded. Unless it's a practical thing like getting the Final Boss fight ready.

ALso, Jurassic Park in the Muppet Movie ride would be funnier with the dinosaurs as giant chickens.


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Thanks Tahu for your imput... No Meet the RObinsons b/c ive never seen it so idk where or what to put....

What do you mean by overloaded VIllian screens??? like too mnay scenes on the water...

I like the Chicken idea... tahnks... your right it would be funnier...


ANy other suggestiosn for the rest of the park???


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tahu for your imput... No Meet the RObinsons b/c ive never seen it so idk where or what to put....

What do you mean by overloaded VIllian screens??? like too mnay scenes on the water...

Yeah, too many scenes on the water. The excessive use of waterscreens at WDW Fantasmic now already is kinda bad for the pacing. Also, the villains should be kept to the best or the meanest.

I was thinking for RObinsons representation having Mickey finding himself in the Bowler Hat Dystopia from the climax of the film as a lead in before the final fight. And something in the happy ending montage.


New Member
Hollywood Blvd. That is it for Hollywood Blvd.. i hope you like... any comments and suggestions would be appreciated.... ANy suggestiosn for scenes in GMR???

I would like to see Gone with the Wind or Star Wars in the Great Movie Ride. I think a City Lights scene would be awesome too!

I love your idea of putting an Alien Encounter type ride in- I have been pining for that ride ever since they changed it in MK. :sohappy:


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Thanks for all the imput so far... I have finished the lineup for the Great Movie Ride and almost finished tuning up Fantasmic! as you said the baddest villians and most evilst (is that a word)... i dont see the Bowler Hat guy as a Bad and EVIL villian, but then again ive never seen MtR...

Thanks any other suggestions for other attractions... ANYONE want to to the NBC dark ride???? PLEASE

Now for all of you who liked helping me with this Please please come on over to the Redo of Magic Kingdom thread and help out... It would be greatly apprecieated...

Studios Fan

Active Member
I would like to see Gone with the Wind or Star Wars in the Great Movie Ride. I think a City Lights scene would be awesome too!

I love your idea of putting an Alien Encounter type ride in- I have been pining for that ride ever since they changed it in MK. :sohappy:

I would like to see Star Wars replace Alien in the GMR.

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