Re-Do a Retheme!


Well-Known Member
Quick Service Restaurants

Re-Do: Golden Oak Outpost

Critter Country Jailhouse
----- (walkup, similar to original)
----- (Themed after a jailhouse with bars on the windows. This walkup sells various treats themed after the baddies of the land. One of the evil-doers even has his own attraction.)


Re-Do: Pecos Bill

Beavers Hollow Restaurant
----- (quick service, similar to roaring fork)
----- (The Beaver Brothers have taken hold of the property and have made it all out of logs. The establishment sells Campside foods like Burgers, Hot Dogs and Smores. Funny pictures are all throughout the establishment, featuring various members of the beaver family, like Daredevil cousin Beavil Knievel.)


Well-Known Member
Dr. Facillier’s Tower of Terror

Redo of Mission Breakout in DCA.

I’ve started to feel like Tiana might have been based on Walt’s own life story in recent years, and the intended theme of DCA 2.0 is largely Walt’s own life story, so it’s only logical that to replace an outside IP (I also toured with a Danganronpa retheme in an imagineering contest), it’s time to bring in something truly homegrown that would still fit the dark early 20th century veneer of ToT. The exterior does look largely unchanged from the original, though the entryway now shows vodun runes along the path and the sign. Mama Odie is responsible for the symbols along the path, and she wants the riders to help dispel the tower’s cruel curse. The ride’s story is that Charlotte stayed at the hotel for Tiana and Naveen’s wedding, then she ended up turned into a frog herself, with her appearing as an animatronic in the pre-show, telling you people have been vanishing inside the tower, showing animated footage of the disappearance. Get ready to board your elevator and dispel Facillier’s last curse and the wrath of the Friends.
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Well-Known Member
Dr. Facillier’s Tower of Terror

Redo of Mission Breakout in DCA.

I’ve started to feel like Tiana might have been based on Walt’s own life story in recent years, and the intended theme of DCA 2.0 is largely Walt’s own life story, so it’s only logical that to replace an outside IP (I also toured with a DanganRonpa retheme), it’s time to bring in something truly homegrown that would still fit the dark early 20th century veneer of ToT. The exterior does look largely unchanged from the original, though the entryway now shows vodun runes along the path and the sign. Mama Odie is responsible for the symbols along the path, and she wants the riders to help dispel the tower’s cruel curse. The ride’s story is that Charlotte stayed at the hotel for Tiana and Naveen’s wedding, then she ended up turned into a frog herself, with her appearing as an animatronic in the pre-show, telling you people have been vanishing inside the tower, showing animated footage of the disappearance. Get ready to board your elevator and dispel Facillier’s last curse and the wrath of the Friends.

Nice, that sounds like a winner. I'd love to go on it and experience it all.

Dr Facilier's version could work well in New Orleans Square as well, if they have the space.


Well-Known Member
Re-Do: Splash Mountain

Western River Expedition:
(Smaller scale version of the scrapped addition planned for Frontierland in the 70s.)
(This retheme will now have guests embarking on an adventure through the town of Dry Gulch as a musical score ensues with guests going through a 52ft. plunge down the waterfall to avoid the banditos later on in the climax.)

Geniuses think alike, I was thinking the same thing. But I'm going to put mine in my Frontierland Expansion instead.


Well-Known Member

Re-Do: Tiana’s Bayou Adventure

Country Bears Splashoree
----- (log flume ride, similar to splash mountain)
----- (Visitors finally get to see the world famous country bears in their natural habitat. Whether it be fishing in the local river, in the shower with a cap on or even the outhouse. Don't stay too long by the latter one or you might smell or hear something strange coming from within. You get to see the Bears like you never seen them before. But of course the bears can still also carry a tune as well. Singing some of their most famous songs. If that doesn't get you excited enough! A Christmas overlay would also be in the cards during the holiday season. Like they used to do for the show back at the Magic Kingdom. It sticks around like honey during the months of November thru January. This way you get plenty of opportunities to see it.)


Re-Do: Big Thunder Mountain

Big Bad Wolf Mountain
----- (rollercoaster, similar to big thunder mountain)
----- (It tells the story of the 3 little pigs and the infamous and downright evil big, bad wolf. It shows the wolf’s success in blowing down the first 2 houses, but his eventual failure with the last one. There will be other animals shown that are also afraid of the wolf. They too take refuge in holes, trees and other hiding spots. Luckily for them he only has eyes for the plump little piggies.)

Goofy Ninja

Well-Known Member
I think it's a slippery slope if we start changing everything based on sensitivity.

Because it will change the Disney World we know and love and make it unrecognizable. Like Tiki Room and Haunted Mansion. They are like total classics that shouldn't be changed. If they want they can always just put a warning by the entrance. Because most people in the world aren't easily offended by things. Let's not let the Karens and Darrens decide what belongs.


Well-Known Member
Re-Do: Big Thunder Mountain

Big Bad Wolf Mountain
----- (rollercoaster, similar to big thunder mountain)
----- (It tells the story of the 3 little pigs and the infamous and downright evil big, bad wolf. It shows the wolf’s success in blowing down the first 2 houses, but his eventual failure with the last one. There will be other animals shown that are also afraid of the wolf. They too take refuge in holes, trees and other hiding spots. Luckily for them he only has eyes for the plump little piggies.)

I actually like this better than the Big Thunder ride. It's always not had much of a story to it. You know? This puppy would add some to it that the kids would really love. .... Plus big kids like myself. hahaha


Well-Known Member



Re-Do: Country Bear Jamboree

Critter Country Hoedown
----- (stageshow, similar to country bears jamboree)
----- (Clara Cluck and Alan-a-Dale host the show with special guests from past attractions like america sings, splash mountain and country bears holiday hoedown’s (randy the skunk). Clara secretly loves alan, but much to her chagrin he doesn’t feel the same. which becomes apparent throughout the country western show. Clarabelle and Peter Pig, who are close friends of Clara also make appearances as well.)
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Well-Known Member
three little pigs.png

Other Establishments in Critter Country

Re-Do: Westward Ho and Big Al’s

Three Little Pigs Outpost
----- (walkups, serving hot dogs, sausages and vegan options)
----- (Meant to resemble the trio’s various homes, made from different building materials. Each walkup sells a different type of dog and different snack option.)

Re-Do: Diamond Horseshoe

Country Bear BBQ
----- (family platters, similar to diamond horseshoe)
----- (Big Al and the gang also have a big appetite for country fare. Chicken, Pork and Ribs come slathered in barbecue sauce. Mosey on over for dinner if you want to see your favorite country bears in their seasonal attire.)

Re-Do: Prairie Outpost and Supply

Mother Hen’s Pantry
----- (store, similar jolly holiday bakery)
----- (This would look like the inside of a hen house. Baby chicks would align the ceiling area along with nests. Plus signs that say no foxes or wolves allowed.)

Re-Do: Frontier Trading Post

Big Al’s Mercantile
----- (store, similar to previous store)
----- (This place would be for all of the merchandise of the land, especially the Country Bears. The atmosphere would look like a shed inside with various farming equipment.)


Re-Do: Restrooms


Randy’s Outhouses Restrooms
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Well-Known Member

Re-Do: Tom Sawyer’s Island

Ghost Island

The area would be rethemed to a haunted island, centering around well known specters of Disney lore. That have become the stuff of legends.

Each will each reside in their very own themed sections, separated by one old rickety covered bridge. The northern part looks like a ghost town to fit with the western atmosphere nearby. While the southern area looks like a colonial farming town, that would fit with nearby Liberty Square.


Well-Known Member

Northern part

In an abandoned mountain range area where the townsfolk don’t tread lies the infamous mountain. The mine collapsed in 1885 killing anyone who was working there. But the phantom is so evil he won’t let anyone get off of a day of work… even if they are dead.


Phantom Mountain
----- (bobsled rollercoaster, similar to matterhorn)
----- (The ride is a combination of both The Phantom Manor and the Matterhorn. And is filled to the brim with not only ghosts of humans, but also dearly departed canaries, horses and goats too.)

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