Rating the best princes and princesses


New Member
Princess- Ariel. I totally have a thing for redheads and I love to scuba dive so that would have to be my pick. I remember being a little kid and wishing on my birthday cake every year that I would be turned into merman just so that I could have the chance to meet Ariel. :lol:

Prince- Eric. There is this guy at work that looks just like him, although sometimes he looks like Aladdin. All the girls at work are crazy about him, and being one of two guys in my office none of us know his name, we all just refer to him as Prince Eric.


New Member
I pick Ariel because she's a red head :)
And Prince Eric is my favorite Prince. I hate octopuses so if someone defeats one for me I would love it!


Well-Known Member
The three classic princesses, Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora: All lived peasant lives even though 2 of them were princesses. All were young and fell in love at first sight, and for 2 of them, first dance. All were denied their first love after first seeing them, thus making the attraction stronger. All had a bit of a crying fit when they thought they lost their man.
Aurora went to sleep soon after that and awoke to a kiss.
Cinderella, depending on which movie, fought a little for her man and made it to him in time.
Snow White accepted her fate, and moved on with a new life, even while still hoping to see her prince again. However, she too was asleep soon and awoke to a kiss.

If we go with "Stitch in Time", Cinderella would be the most admirable princess; being able to forgive and even help her tormentors and having some serious spunk when attempting to reclaim her man. However, if you skip the sequels, Snow White is the most admirable, for she found a way to move on with her life despite being abused so terribly.

Modern Princesses: Ariel, Belle, Jasmine: Again, 2 princesses and a peasant. Ariel and Jasmine actually lived as princesses and as a result became whiny, spoiled princesses. "I don't want to live with the challenges that come from all the rewards of being a princess." It's kind of like a movie star that doesn't want fans to bug them.
Ariel is the worst role model ever. Constantly disobeying her father. Putting her kingdom and her father's life in jeopardy over a man she's seen once. I will give her that she did take the opportunity to really get to know him and fall in love with him when she had legs.
Jasmine did behave like a spoiled princess at first, but she showed spirit and gumption and creativity and intuitiveness when danger arose. And she gets credit for falling for a peasant rather than a showy prince.
Belle, while not a princess, is the most admirable of the Disney Princesses. She didn't fit in, like Jasmine and Ariel, and she too had dreams of a different life. However, when danger ensued, she gave up all her dreams and her life to save her father's life. And when she fell in love, it wasn't for looks at all, it was for what is underneath.

Classic Princes:
Cinderella's Prince Charming: Danced with the prettiest girl at the ball and then mobilized his entire kingdom to find her, but didn't go out himself, sent others to do it.
Snow White's Prince Charming: Sang with a pretty girl in a garden. Later found her asleep in the woods with 7 men, kissed her, and took her away.
Prince Phillip: Heard a pretty voice, danced with a pretty girl, was willing to give up his kingdom for a pretty face. But when danger ensued, he used all in his power to fight for his woman and save not ony her, but the entire kingdom. Well done Phillip.

Modern Princes:
Eric: A very modern prince. He understands his duties, but also wants to participate in a regular life, such as working on a ship. He's also comfortable strolling through town, and rowing a boat. He faces danger and was willing to give up his life for his girl. Great all around guy.
Beast: A pain in the butt to begin with. Spoiled brat. And really, a pretty face turned you around. Still... When someone he didn't even like all that much was in danger, he risked his life to save her.
Aladdin: A street rat. No getting around that he stole. He could have gotten a job. But he didn't. He liked his freedom too much. It would have been better for Aladdin if he had earned his way to the top, but instead, he charmed his way into it. Still...He is brave and resourceful.

Seriously long winded post.


Well-Known Member
For me
Belle: For all of the above listed reasons. I have always felt a bit of an affinity for her. Brunette, check, bookworm, check, dreamer, check.
I always thought Eric was the hottest of the princes.

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