Rating the best princes and princesses


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Hi all, question:

Who is your favorite prince and/or princess and why?

I have no opinion on the princes really but I will go with Snow White cause I think she is the hottest cartoon AND she is actually funny "ooohhhhoho, you must be Gruuumpyyy....".
On that note, Prince Charming is actually creepy....Met a girl one time and then a year later....."Oh, there is her dead body surrounded by midgets in the middle of the forest, I shall surely have to give her a kiss...cause now I can....." What's this?!?! She's alive!!! Unacceptable. Well, I suppose we could be married, I did know her for 5 minutes.....:king:

Decidedly, uncharming.


Not so sure about the princesses, but Prince Philip is sooooo the hottest prince. He actually fought for his girl instead of having no name and just showing up. :)


Well-Known Member
Princess - Belle

Snow White is actualy my least favorite. Can't get over her hair. Those multi-colored sleeves on her dress don't help either. Heh, picky little things.



New Member
Princess: Belle- she's smart, a bookworm, expects people to have respect, and saw beauty in things others couldn't

Prince: Prince Phillip. Like someone said... he fought for his princess. Although Eric did too, but Phillip waltzed in a forest. He wins.

I'm probably the only person in the world who has Issues with Snow White. Don't even get me started on her but really, didn't someone tell her not to accept food from strangers? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Princess: Belle- she's smart, a bookworm, expects people to have respect, and saw beauty in things others couldn't

And she's a brunette :)

I'm probably the only person in the world who has Issues with Snow White. Don't even get me started on her but really, didn't someone tell her not to accept food from strangers? :lol:

You are not the only one. Lets see. Runs headlong into a forest to get away, she cleans a house, then eats an apple that somone hands to her at the door and falls asleep. Really not what I would call a dynamic personality.



Premium Member
Prince Philip. He's HAWT!!!!! :lookaroun

Aurora is my favorite princess and it's just by coincidence that they are in the same movie. :lol:


Prince: Aladdin - I just think he's fab! And it doesn't hurt that his best friend is a Genie and he has a flying carpet! And A Whole New World for your first date? Count me in!!

Princess - Tough one! Probably Jasmine because she's strong, independant and fights her father's decision that she "must be married". Girl power!!

I have to say that Snow White is my least favourite too. I love the film but I have to mute her when she starts to sing! It just sounds too much like nails down a blackboard for me!

My mum actually left me stood up a ladder that I couldn't get down from and played her singing "Someday my prince will come" and laughed and laughed because I couldn't put my fingers in my ears because they were covered in paint!:lol:

Actually, that was pretty mean...:lookaroun


Cinderella and Prince Charming! they are the ultimate prince and princess! and lets not forget how she became princess...all because a shoe fit! a glass slipper...every girls dream when it comes to shoes!:)


Active Member
Not so sure about the princesses, but Prince Philip is sooooo the hottest prince. He actually fought for his girl instead of having no name and just showing up. :)

Phillip, hands down. Oh Yea...! :kiss:

The other princes are either faceless or kind of selfish, really. But Phillip:

Good looking, smart, independent, brave and willing to give up his birthright; he went against the wishes of his father, the King, and charged towards an evil fire-breathing dragon as big as his castle... all for a peasant girl that he met once. If there was a little Prince Phillip in every man the world would be a much better place.


New Member
You are not the only one. Lets see. Runs headlong into a forest to get away, she cleans a house, then eats an apple that somone hands to her at the door and falls asleep. Really not what I would call a dynamic personality.


Glad it's not just me :lol: And, her prince doesn't even have a name. He's just Prince. Psh.


Active Member
As for princesses... I apologize in advance: I am probably putting too much thought into this but I am over-tired and I have actually thought about this before, wondering what Disney was thinking.

I can't say that I am really impressed with most Disney princesses. If you think about it, almost all of them are disobedient, disrespectful, selfish and/or rude.

Cinderella. Yea she worked hard but she really wasn't as sweet as we are led to believe. Think about how she mocked her stepsisters and stepmother and complained about doing all that work (I would complain too, but I am not in the running for favorite princess).

Jasmine. She wasn't too bad, however, she did run away from home and we NEVER want to encourage girls to do that. (Her brief stay in prison may have helped to cure her I'm-going-to-do-whatever-I-want-to-do attitude.)

Snow White. OK. Not very smart. And was she a child or a teenager? Throughout the movie she shows signs of both. The hunter called her "the little princess" and she sang and acted like a small child... but there was the whole love thing... And she was just plain annoying. (Sorry SW fans.)

Aurora. Although Sleeping Beauty is my favorite Disney film, Aurora, was not a very good role model. She was told, probably every day, not to speak to strangers, and what did she do? Uh huh, DANCED with the first guy she met in the woods and invited him over to her house for dinner! And think about how ungrateful she was after she found out about everything that people gave up for her. For 16 years her parents sacrificed the joy of being her parents and were constantly worried about her, knowing an evil witch was after her and never being able to get any report of her, not knowing if she was dead or alive. The three fairies gave up their lives as they knew them and the magical powers that they used as we use our limbs, just for her. The entire kingdom was preparing for an unparalleled celebration in her honor. And what was her reaction? Just like a typical teenager she put up a fight, pouted and cried.

I think Ariel is the worst princess/role model for a girl; in fact, I can think of nothing good about her except that she had a nice singing voice. Because of her almost the entire kingdom was lost to evil, and not because she was in love, it started because she didn't want to stay in the sea as her father told her (for her own safety). Turns out King Triton was right but he was still willing to sacrifice everything for her... and of course she got everything she wanted in the end. Brat.

*There should be a thread on the most tolerant King or Queen.

A little independence and free-thinking is a good thing. But they should be used in moderation along with intellect, kindness and common sense. Belle is your answer.

Belle was devoted, kind and self-sacrificing (to the point of offering to give her lifelong freedom for her father's). At the same time she was smart, independent and proud (not willing to accept a man who was considered a prize for all the wrong reasons.)

Mulan, although not an actual princess, comes in at a close second, for the obvious reasons.

Sorry again for the long post, but these are my thoughts on Disney princesses.


Well-Known Member
No questions, doubts, or second thoughts - Belle by an incredibly wide margin.

Unfortunately she is just a cartoon...


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