Question: Liing about the # of aldults in 1 room!?!


New Member
I was wondering...Well, actually me and 3 of my buddys r planning a trip 2 disney world this january... we would like to stay at a All-star resort...but dont have much ... Do we really need to tell them that we are 4 adults in the same room....? :zipit:

thank U all , 4 UR help....!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I don’t think it will be a problem. Disney unlike many hotel chains does not charge a room rate plus a dollar amount per person. The only restriction that I have come across is when you have more that 5 or more people that require a bed (i.e. infants don’t require a bed) but with 4 or less you should be fine.
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New Member
LOL, when you all see the small size of the little beds, you will probably wish you had another room so you could all have your own bed! The beds are SMALL.
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New Member
ricksouave said:
I was wondering...Well, actually me and 3 of my buddys r planning a trip 2 disney world this january... we would like to stay at a All-star resort...but dont have much ... Do we really need to tell them that we are 4 adults in the same room....? :zipit:

thank U all , 4 UR help....!
Wait a minute... what would you tell them other than there are four adults? Four adults can stay in a room... are you confused?
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Gail Hayden

New Member
There is an extra person charge of 10.00 per person for over 2 adults per room.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What should I expect to pay for a room at the All Star Movies? [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Just like the other WDW hotels, there are Value Season, Regular Season, Peak Season and Holiday Season rates. Rates begin at $77 a night. These are regular rate prices and do not include the 6% Florida Sales Tax nor the 11% county resort tax. Rates per room and are based on double occupancy. [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There is no charge for children under 17 years old when in the same room as the adults. Standard and preferred rooms have a maximum four-person occupancy per room. For each adult beyond the first two, there is a $10 per night charge per person. Maximum of 4 persons per room. [/font]

You will only get two keys if you only claim two adults.

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Well-Known Member
The beds at the all stars are full size beds, not queen size beds that most hotels now use as a standard bed. They will sleep 2 adults, my husband & I w/ the kids always stay at the all stars or pop. I suppose if you are willing you could bring sleeping bags or an aero bed to inflate/deflate daily. The rooms aren't spacious, but for us they are plenty big enough. If it came to squeezing at All Stars or not going...I'd squeeze any day of the week! Good Luck & have fun!
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Gail Hayden

New Member
Master Yoda said:
I don’t think it will be a problem. Disney unlike many hotel chains does not charge a room rate plus a dollar amount per person. The only restriction that I have come across is when you have more that 5 or more people that require a bed (i.e. infants don’t require a bed) but with 4 or less you should be fine.
That, unfortunately is not correct. For any adults over 2, there is an extra room charge per person.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What should I expect to pay for a room at the All Star Movies? [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Just like the other WDW hotels, there are Value Season, Regular Season, Peak Season and Holiday Season rates. Rates begin at $77 a night. These are regular rate prices and do not include the 6% Florida Sales Tax nor the 11% county resort tax. Rates per room and are based on double occupancy. [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There is no charge for children under 17 years old when in the same room as the adults. Standard and preferred rooms have a maximum four-person occupancy per room. For each adult beyond the first two, there is a $10 per night charge per person. Maximum of 4 persons per room. [/font]

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New Member
Actually, Disney does charge a dollar amount when there are more than two adults in a room. For the All-Stars it is $10.00 per extra adult. While, you could lie and say there are only two adults, the rooms at All-Stars are very tiny. I stayed only once by myself and i felt cramped. I can not even imagine what it would feel like with 4 adults.
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Gail Hayden

New Member
crazygirley said:
Never lie. That's when bad things happen and people get caught. I am sure the criminal penalty is stiffer than that little extra you would be charged.
I doubt greatly that there is any criminal penalty involved in this. Worst case, they make them pay. It is still dishonest.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I did not know about the ten dollar fee for more than 2 adults. I've stayed in the value resorts several times with 4 adults and have never been charged....just lucky I guess.
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New Member
Gail Hayden said:
I doubt greatly that there is any criminal penalty involved in this. Worst case, they make them pay. It is still dishonest.

Actually, it is considered Fraud and prosecutable to the full extent of the law. I'm always a "better safe than sorry" person, but we did nail someone for this at one hotel.

Our neighbors were having an unrulely, loud, sexual party and we know the hotel only allowed 4 to a room, but there were about 6-8 voices. So we called management. Security came and checked them our and by 1am, all of them were on the street with thier information already taken by the hotel. The one who made the room reservation is responsible for the settlement. The management did tell us that much. They didn't tell us how much the settlement was for, but probably for much more than it would have cost for them to get one more hotel room.

Granted, we only caught them becuase it was midnight and they were having a wild party.

But this goes back to the age old "If you find a wallet with $300 and ID on the ground, do you return it?"

You are also adding to the hotel's liability. If there was a problem and someone was injured in your room due to something going wrong (It's disney, but it CAN happen), Disney could not be held liable for your friends beyond the 2 on the reservation.

In the end, IMHO, it's just not worth the risk, but I'm a "play it safe" sort of gal when i travel. :D
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New Member
Gail Hayden said:
I doubt greatly that there is any criminal penalty involved in this. Worst case, they make them pay. It is still dishonest.
Are you telling me that lying to get around a charge, and then having people stay for free isn't theft? You are mistaken. It is theft, and that is a misdemeanor if it is under $1000... a felony if more than that. These people, as you have ever so helpfully told us not once but twice, will be ripping Disney off $20 a night. If they got caught and Disney decded to press charges, they would be in trouble.

Care to argue, Gail?
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Well-Known Member
According to someone who works at the reservation center, it has to do with safety issues...I.E>...If there was a fire or some other reason to evacuate the hotel, they need a count of people in the rooms, to make sure everyone is out.
Not to mention its the proper thing to do!
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Well-Known Member
I for one think it is a stuipd rule, if you want to save $ and be uncomfortable but still stay with in the limits of the room size then why do they charge more for extra adults? It is all the same to Disney, (and no it doesn't cost Disney 10 per person in towels.) It is really dumb when it is all family, just the kids are above the age of 17.

If you only say there is 2 adults in the room, then you will only get 2 cards. This will make it difficult getting into EE or extra Magic hours (at night). They won't have keys to come and go as they want and you can't have your park passes on your room key (or charge to the room).

This is one more reason to love DVC, no extra person per room charge. (but they still have room limits.)
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New Member
WOW! There are a lot of strong opinions on this thread... :) Here's mine! :D

First of all are all of you over 18? if not then you don't have to worry about it. But if you are then you do need to make the hotel aware of all the guests as they need to know for security purposes...

Having said that, back in my misfit youth :D we put 9 people in one room at the All-Star Sports - they never said anything I guess b/c we were still respectful of other guests - but we were all on a budget so we just poured people all over the floors and beds - I wouldn't recommend this - but it has been done.
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Well-Known Member
I just finished going twice in the past month, and everyone gets a card to the room, adult or not. The big difference is in the cards that are valid for charging. For us, my brother and sister got the keys that weren't valid for charging, while my mom and I got the charge cards. The play 4 Days passes were also separate cards from the actual room keys. I don't know if what I said was irrelevant but whatever.

I also don't get the charging extra for the extra adults. I also don't get the argument of the rooms being too cramped. The rooms seem fine to me, and it's not like we're there all day so for what it is, the rooms are perfect. The only problem I can see ricko is that you might feel uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed with your friend. And before this gets taken out of context, I'll explain what I mean. I usually share a bed with my sister, and for me that's not a problem because we know our sleeping habits. However, when I decide to take my best friend to WDW, I may feel weird sleeping in the same bed with her because I toss and turn a lot so I'll be paranoid about making her physically uncomfortable with all the tossing and turning.

Make sense? Sorry if I didn't.
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New Member
LadyDarling said:
But this goes back to the age old "If you find a wallet with $300 and ID on the ground, do you return it?"

I did! :D Looked the person up in the phone book, called them for directions to their house, and took the wallet AND money to them.

Bet you guys never thought I was that nice. :lol:

:wave: ACE
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