Question: Liing about the # of aldults in 1 room!?!


New Member
I was wondering...Well, actually me and 3 of my buddys r planning a trip 2 disney world this january... we would like to stay at a All-star resort...but dont have much ... Do we really need to tell them that we are 4 adults in the same room....? :zipit:

thank U all , 4 UR help....!


Well-Known Member
Unless their is a fee (tax) for booking through a travel service, which would not surprise me in the Orlando area. Mousesavers says specifically that rates listed are for the W Disney Travel Co.
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Well-Known Member
crazygirley said:
I feel bad for the people who rely on them to budget their trips or something.

That is actually better if they go by the 17% rate, since its better to have more $$ then have less....
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Gail Hayden

New Member
MickeyLuv'r said:
Unless their is a fee (tax) for booking through a travel service, which would not surprise me in the Orlando area. All Ears says specifically that rates listed are for the W Disney Travel Co.
Ok we will try this again. I specifically stated that Expedia's rates included a fee (tax and fee = 17%). I said nothing about All Ears tax rates except they are not added together and they are incorrect. OBVIOUSLY, All Ears is incorrect. It happens, tax rates change, they don't update their website daily, they have lives.
Regardless of what Mousesavers states the rates as, the fact is the tax rate is correct.
Also, ALL online travel services (Expedia, Travelocity, Priceline, etc) charge fees. They are not charities, they are businesses and as such need to be paid for their services.
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Well-Known Member
Back to original post...another way to save a few bucks to cover that extra $20 per night is to look for discount codes. We never pay more than $55 a night w/tax at the all stars or pop. discounts abound..just make sure you look for them. Also another way to help is to eat a late lunch at an all you care to eat buffet like in Germany etc., that way you get the lunch price but can make it dinner as well, then you just need a snack later on. Good luck and have fun!
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Gail Hayden

New Member
Dwarful said:
Back to original post...another way to save a few bucks to cover that extra $20 per night is to look for discount codes. We never pay more than $55 a night w/tax at the all stars or pop. discounts abound..just make sure you look for them. Also another way to help is to eat a late lunch at an all you care to eat buffet like in Germany etc., that way you get the lunch price but can make it dinner as well, then you just need a snack later on. Good luck and have fun!
GREAT suggestions. :)
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Well-Known Member
Gee, SOMEBODY gave me a neg rep...but didn't sign it...hmmm, who could it be?....
Well, to that SOMEBODY:

(I aplologize to everyone else, but that SOMEBODY didn't say who they were):

My original question was intended to be helpful. It was very clearly based on info posted on Deb's Disney page - which is usually a very reliable website, and which someone else had already quoted, but apparently SOMEBODY hadn't understood that info themselves:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What should I expect to pay for a room at the All Star Movies? [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Just like the other WDW hotels, there are Value Season, Regular Season, Peak Season and Holiday Season rates. Rates begin at $77 a night. These are regular rate prices and do not include the 6% Florida Sales Tax nor the 11% county resort tax. [/font]

This clearly makes it sound as though there is a 17% tax rate. Searching around, I found what looked like confirmation of this info on several other pages as well, so I thought that MAYBE a CM would be able to clarify (since I knew the Disney page shows 13%), but alas, no CM's came forward. I thought MAYBE it would help everyone to know what hidden charges were incurred by booking though an alternate webpage. Now, why would you fault me for that?
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Well-Known Member
MickeyLuv'r said:
Gee, SOMEBODY gave me a neg rep...but didn't sign it...hmmm, who could it be?....
Well, to that SOMEBODY:

(I aplologize to everyone else, but that SOMEBODY didn't say who they were):

My original question was intended to be helpful. It was very clearly based on info posted on Deb's Disney page - which is usually a very reliable website, and which someone else had already quoted, but apparently SOMEBODY hadn't understood that info themselves:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What should I expect to pay for a room at the All Star Movies? [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Just like the other WDW hotels, there are Value Season, Regular Season, Peak Season and Holiday Season rates. Rates begin at $77 a night. These are regular rate prices and do not include the 6% Florida Sales Tax nor the 11% county resort tax. [/font]

This clearly makes it sound as though there is a 17% tax rate. Searching around, I found what looked like confirmation of this info on several other pages as well, so I thought that MAYBE a CM would be able to clarify (since I knew the Disney page shows 13%), but alas, no CM's came forward. I thought MAYBE it would help everyone to know what hidden charges were incurred by booking though an alternate webpage. Now, why would you fault me for that?
I don't think anyone is faulting you for your question, it is the manner in which you reply to the answers to that question that is somewhat (dare I say it?) questionable.

From what I have read in this thread several people tried to help you with your inquiry. Including a cast member (Turkey). If you are not satisfied with the answers and suggestions given, you should move on and investigate the problem yourself instead of trying to belittle others. I did not give you a neg. rep. point, however, it is apparent why someone did.
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Gail Hayden

New Member
MickeyLuv'r said:
Gee, SOMEBODY gave me a neg rep...but didn't sign it...hmmm, who could it be?....
Well, to that SOMEBODY:

(I aplologize to everyone else, but that SOMEBODY didn't say who they were):

My original question was intended to be helpful. It was very clearly based on info posted on Deb's Disney page - which is usually a very reliable website, and which someone else had already quoted, but apparently SOMEBODY hadn't understood that info themselves:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What should I expect to pay for a room at the All Star Movies? [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Just like the other WDW hotels, there are Value Season, Regular Season, Peak Season and Holiday Season rates. Rates begin at $77 a night. These are regular rate prices and do not include the 6% Florida Sales Tax nor the 11% county resort tax. [/font]

This clearly makes it sound as though there is a 17% tax rate. Searching around, I found what looked like confirmation of this info on several other pages as well, so I thought that MAYBE a CM would be able to clarify (since I knew the Disney page shows 13%), but alas, no CM's came forward. I thought MAYBE it would help everyone to know what hidden charges were incurred by booking though an alternate webpage. Now, why would you fault me for that?
Why don't you just call the resort and ask? 407-939-7000 We have all tried to help and informed you that obviously Deb's site was: a: confusing in it's wording and 2: not up to date. I even dropped her an email telling her this. 3: Tax rates change all the time and since Deb does have a life outside of her website, probably did not get to changing them. 4: Disney's site would probably be the most accurate as that is what they do. 5: Tureky is a CM, but, apparently you did not like the answer, so you discounted it.
What hidden charges are you talking about? There is nothing hidden through Expedia or Travelocity. It is disclosed as "taxes and fees". Most of us read those disclosures before we even attempt to book via one of those sites, so, they are not hidden.
You came here asking questions, did not like the answers and became arrogant, not exactly a way to get cooperation from anyone.
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Well-Known Member
I think this shall be my last response to this, as I'm really not out to anger anyone. The whole thing isn't a big issue, certainly not something to get upset over. It was merely a curiousity on my my part. Earlier, I tried to clarify my question, I don't know why anyone would find that rude, and I don't see how that could be arrogant. If you find my posts to be so, then again, I am truly sorry. If someone has an issue with my posts, then I think the best way to remedy the situation is to let me know who they are, rather than sending an anonymous insult, that is the only reason why I made the post today. But so be it.
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New Member
All I would say is whether you tell the truth or not, I'd make sure that the buddies that are going with you are very very good friends, the rooms are small, and the beds, well lets just say they are so small that you could become very good friends with your buddy and not even mean to. If it were me I'd the sleeping bag thing or pony up for an extra room. Or all four fo you chip in a little extra money and stay at the next level of resorts.
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Well-Known Member
Teamdisney said:
All I would say is whether you tell the truth or not, I'd make sure that the buddies that are going with you are very very good friends, the rooms are small, and the beds, well lets just say they are so small that you could become very good friends with your buddy and not even mean to. If it were me I'd the sleeping bag thing or pony up for an extra room. Or all four fo you chip in a little extra money and stay at the next level of resorts.

Keep in mind if you stay at the next level it cost more per extra person (I think 15 a night instead of 10, 25 for Deluxe.)

Try to get some codes to save some money as Dwarful suggested, that is a good idea.

I still think the paying extra for extra adults is a shame, but that again that is a personal pet peve of mine :brick: .
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New Member
I didn't know so many people were in favor if this stupid rule. Wow

Every hotel chain pulls this stunt, and they all get away with it. Does it really cost the hotel $10 extra person per room per night? No, of course it doesn't. The only thing that's used more when you have extra people is water and maybe a little more power.

They still change all of the sheets. They still clean all of the room. They still change all of the toiletries. Everything is maintained the exact same as it would be if there were only 2 people in the room. If it does cost $10 more for 2 people's worth of water and power, then there are some shady dealings going on.

You don't get a $10 discount if there was only one person in the room, do you? Nope.

This rule is rediculous. Assuming I am not in a big group, its only two people in a room for me. I have no problem sharing a key and sleeping on the floor.

I don't do this to spite Disney. God knows I spend enough money in their parks as it is.

It's not a matter of being cheap. It's a matter of being practical. Honesty goes both ways.

That is all
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New Member
Before people try to tell you how immoral you are and how cheap you are, I just would like to say that I agree 100% with everything you said.

Now...let the bashing begin!:)
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Gail Hayden

New Member
DigitalDisney said:
I didn't know so many people were in favor if this stupid rule. Wow

Every hotel chain pulls this stunt, and they all get away with it. Does it really cost the hotel $10 extra person per room per night? No, of course it doesn't. The only thing that's used more when you have extra people is water and maybe a little more power.

They still change all of the sheets. They still clean all of the room. They still change all of the toiletries. Everything is maintained the exact same as it would be if there were only 2 people in the room. If it does cost $10 more for 2 people's worth of water and power, then there are some shady dealings going on.

You don't get a $10 discount if there was only one person in the room, do you? Nope.

This rule is rediculous. Assuming I am not in a big group, its only two people in a room for me. I have no problem sharing a key and sleeping on the floor.

I don't do this to spite Disney. God knows I spend enough money in their parks as it is.

It's not a matter of being cheap. It's a matter of being practical. Honesty goes both ways.

That is all
Some places charge for more than one in the room. Happily, Disney does not do this.

We all spend a ton of money in the parks and I am happy to see that you don't do this to "spite" Disney.

Honesty does go both ways, but, in what way is someone being dishonest?
It is an industry standard. I often wonder about it, but, I do have the choice of not staying at a hotel where I disagree with the policy. There are some out there that immediately tack on a phone fee, even if you don't use the phone, some charge you for the room key, others charge you for the room safe key, even if you don't want it. In scoping out hotels, motels, resorts, and etc. I have been totally amazed at the extra charges that are tacked on.
Disney, in fact, tacks on the least amount of charges.
The above formentioned are businesses, in business to make money. I will totally agree some are out for blood and I chose not to stay with them.
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Well-Known Member
My friends and I are planning the same for 2005. Since the resorts are big you should be fine. Yes, it is dishonest and unfair. Then again, you're not the first to do it. Good Luck!
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Gail Hayden

New Member
imagineer99 said:
Before people try to tell you how immoral you are and how cheap you are, I just would like to say that I agree 100% with everything you said.

Now...let the bashing begin!:)
I agree with about 95% of what the poster said.
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