Pure Disney Trivia


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RIGHT! It was a time capsule. Bonus point if you know what they put in it. In all honesty, I don't, and I was there when they buried it. I hope to take my family out there when they pull it out in 2035. Well, I'll give you another question to work on. This next week I'll be out of town doing research with one of my professors, but I'll be back to play more next Thursday.

Q: What are the dimensions of the Tree of Life in the Animal Kindom? i.e. height, width (top, trunk, bottom), how many animals, how many branches, how many leaves, how many color of leaves.

I'll see ya'll in a week, hope to see you then. :)


Well-Known Member
The Tree of Life
145 feet in height
170 feet wide at the base
50 feet in width at the trunk
8,000 branches
approximately 103,000 leaves
more than 325 animals depicted
Five shades of green leaves
Individually placed and actually blow in the wind


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I'm back and ready for more. Good job Enderkari on that last one! Now, When was Walt and Lillian married? How many kids and their names?


New Member
Walt and Lillian:July 15, 1925
2 Children
Diane Marie Disney born December 18, 1933
Sharon Mae Disney born December 21, 1936 (adopted)


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HoW said:
Walt and Lillian:July 15, 1925
2 Children
Diane Marie Disney born December 18, 1933
Sharon Mae Disney born December 21, 1936 (adopted)

Good HoW. My sources said July 13th, but I could check on that. It turns out that his wife was one of his first employees and they got married in Idaho, something I didn't know.

Q: Walt named a thing/object in his park after his wife. What was it?
Q: When Walt told his wife that he wanted to build an amusement park, she asked why and stated that they were so dirty. What did Walt say in reply?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Q: When Walt told his wife that he wanted to build an amusement park, she asked why and stated that they were so dirty. What did Walt say in reply?

OK I'm paraphasing here, but it was something to effect of that he wanted to change the whole concept of amusement parks and build something that the whole family could enjoy.

Or is this from some other conversation?


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Good job ISTCPilot1989 and Enderikari!

Q: What is the name of the castles at Disneyland and Disney World?

This one is a piece of cake but I'm going to get technical to make sure it is exactly right like my manager did to me. :)


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Oh snap! I thought I was going to get you on that one. I always said "Cinderella's castle" instead of Cinderella Castle. Oh yes unkadug, plenty more cake ahead. :)

Q: Minnie Mouse had a bird that appeared in 1 cartoon along with Figaro from Pinocchio. What was the bird's name?


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Good Job! I think you must be Walt reincarnated. :lol:

Q: In Beauty and the Beast, when the town is singing about Belle, that she doesn't fit in, what did the animators do to show she doesn't fit in?


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Correct! You're good.

Q: In the Animal Kingdom, looking southward towards the tree of life from either Africa or Asia, there is a hidden Mickey on one of the animals that is visible at a good distance. Which animal is it?


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There is no Disney question that you don't know. How do you fair in other subjects? Maybe you should go up against my cousin, Ken Jennings. I don't know if you watch much Jeaopardy, but he won 2.5 million dollars on it.

Q: It's rumored that Walts eye for animation was so good, he could pick out a misplaced frame while the reel was running. His employees want to test that so they replaced on frame. What was it they put in?
Q: Is this story true or false?

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