There`s been some talk about these lately, and it looks like it`s the old GN screens, but hopefully in a more spacious Earthstation-like environment.
Yep, live WorldKey Information was a closed circuit 2 way tv system. The WorldKey digital information was spooled from Panasonic Laserdisc players in Computer Central - one player for each terminal; 10 terminals in Earthstation, 2 in Futurecom, 2 in the AT&T Lounge above, and 3 Satellites outside of Germany, Canada and on the Showcase link bridge - each satellite having 5 screens. Showcasing another 1982 innovention, each player was linked to it`s terminal via fibre optic cable. The main problem with this system was adding to the info; 29 new discs needed to be made each time. Indeed, when Life opened the Futureworld touchscreen map had `Wonders of Life` in wonderful superimposed pixelated text over what still looked like a berm.
Today, many office blocks and most shopping centers have these touch screen information systems. EPCOT Center - truely a showcase for new technology.