Yep - when Earthstation closed some WorldKeys were moved to the wall next to the current GR doors. Can you remember what do they look like today? I have an awful lot of geeky pics to take in October.... walls, windows, curtains.... oh, scrap curtains. It`ll be shut.
What is now the Innoventions Entrance, to the right of the old Communicore entrance mentioned above (to the left of todays Electric Umbrella) used to be a curved glass wall, with a ramp inside of it curving down from Travelport into the outer seating area of Stargate.
What is now the GR entrance area used to be just a glazed wall, with Computer Central inside - at ground level. Once you passed SMRT-1 the rest of Central was at a slightly lower level. That`s one thing I miss from CCore; the varying floor levels. Not too much to make moving around difficult, but enough to make it interesting and define different areas.
Full of useless info arn`t I??!