What an utterly unsurprising response, seeing as how you've consistently demonstrated that you're completely humorless, uptight, and unwilling to let even the smallest and most ludicrous "argument" go.
Have you, honestly, never partaken in some good natured ribbing? Is everyone bully in your world? Do you truly expect that your completely non-mainstream opinions, opinions which you post frequent novellas about and appear to have small tantrums about, won't be met with some raised eyebrows and sidelong glances?
"Good natured ribbing" would have smileys and such. You came across as dead serious. I'm not the only forum member who thought you were being rude, as someone else called you out on it.
I wouldn't say I've written 'novellas" about my love of Toontown and the Snow White ride. Just enough to pay tribute to them. And what is so "completely non-mainstream" about being a fan of Mickey Mouse, the "Fab 5", Toontown, Snow White, and Snow White's Adventures? "Non-mainstream" to me means you're into "obscure" stuff that most people haven't even heard of!
Ever been in Toontown when it's so packed and you can barely get through Mickey and Minnie's Houses, there are so many people inside?
If being a fan of these things is so "completely non-mainstream", then where are all those people coming from? I've heard LOTS of guests in the parks saying they will really miss Toontown. Just because that is not a popular opinion in Internet-Disney-fandom-land, does not mean many members of the general public won't feel differently!
No "tantrums", either. Didn't say a word to anyone about it. I'm actually a very quiet person. Unless you consider expressing unhappiness on the Internet a "tantrum", but it's not like I cursed anyone out or anything. I simply expressed disagreement with the decision. I believe I simply used the word "Boo" and a bunch of

's in my first post after I read that it was confirmed the ride was closing. Nearly everything else I posted in the thread today was simply defending my position against people who were attacking it. I can see how I may sometimes come off as "passionate" about the things I enjoy, but then again, I'm a passsionate kind of person. As Chris Lowe of Pet Shop Boys once said, "I don't like much, do I? But what I like, I love passionately".
Of course, you are apparently unwilling to "let it go" as well, as some of your antagonizing of me in this thread today began even before I said anything to you. (almost like you were trying to "bait" me into the topic). Another was a response to someone else about me after we had already had our words. And another time, (in the past), out of the blue when I wasn't even talking to you, you took cheap shots at me and implied something was wrong with me simply because I have a Dumbo avatar. On a Disney forum, a Dumbo avatar. How "controversial" and "non-mainstream"!
I would truly love to meet you in person some day. Oh, and if you didn't notice, I called myself a "goof", as well.
The feeling is most certainly NOT mutual. I don't keep company with people who are looking to publically insult me and make trouble for me. I may have different opinions than other members, but I am not into making it "personal".