Premium Parking coming to Walt Disney World's parking lots?


Active Member
Learn something new every day! Your reference to the ferries is confusing, though. Can you elaborate? Parking lot ferries were a day one item, weren't they?

Not the same ones you see today, smaller steamships which required a lot of care and attention to maintain.
Susceptible to bad weather, fog, rain etc. Wasn't long before they commissioned new craft


Well-Known Member
Magic Kingdom I was the original. Magic Kingdom II came in 1972 and Kingdom Queen in 1976. They were supplemented by the two Osceola Class side paddle steamships Ports-o-Call and Seven Seas.

There were also only six MKIV monorails until 1972 too.
Actually, according to this website, there were two steamships prior to the MK I and MK II and are actually the ones seen in your photo above with the parking tram.


Active Member
Magic Kingdom I was the original from mid 1972. Magic Kingdom II came in late 1972 and Kingdom Queen in 1976. They were supplemented by the two Osceola Class side paddle steamships Ports-o-Call and Seven Seas.

There were also only six MKIV monorails until 1972 too.

Actually, according to this website, there were two steamships prior to the MK I and MK II and are actually the ones seen in your photo above with the parking tram.

I always thought the two original ships from opening day were the Osceola class steamships called "ports o call" and "southern seas" which were joined shortly after by magic kingdom 1


Park History nut
Premium Member
I always thought the two original ships from opening day were the Osceola class steamships called "ports o call" and "southern seas"
They were. The larger ferries came on line on the dates I mentioned above. Apart from my typo. Oops.

Here's what would have greeted guests in 1971:



Well-Known Member
Compared to some of the other cuts, I don't mind this much. If there's a place to make money, this is one of them.

I think, by the end of all of these cuts and price increases, some of you will be longing for Tom Staggs the same way we long for Michael Eisner. A year ago, everyone was complaining about quality and such, and now we are making comparisons to last year and painting it in a brighter light. Kind of like how people hated Disney and Eisner in 2005 but now realize how much better he was. You don't know what you have till you don't have it anymore.
These are the very types of moves that Tom Staggs has championed since the 1990s, the last time a Consumer Products boy was brought in to clean up the theme parks.


Resident Curmudgeon
These are the very types of moves that Tom Staggs has championed since the 1990s, the last time a Consumer Products boy was brought in to clean up the theme parks.

Yes and we all know what a disaster Paul Pressler was took people getting killed at Disneyland to end his reign of destruction. Motto 'The only moving things in a Disney park should be cash register drawers'.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I have no problem with them adding this. Most large venues seem to have something like this.
I'd never use it mind you, but I have no problem if they implemented it. It makes sense.

I don't mind the option either, and may find it useful one day. We are renting a car & staying @ AoA, so regular parking is included.
Only if we were running late would I shell out the extra $15. What's spending 2% more that day to make sure the big bucks I've already spent will be experienced to its fullest by my family?

But I understand the aggravation. We're getting squeezed more & more, while often receiving smaller food portions, lower attraction capacities via fewer staffed CMs, less comps, etc. WDW's reaching the tipping point where guests decide a better option is to go somewhere else until all these new lands open.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The cost overruns at Shanghai Disneyland must be through the ceiling. Also, maybe Disney is attempting to pay for their fabulous new parking garages at Disney Springs. First dynamic pricing on one day passes, then rumors of resort fees and extra parking fees. What increases will we see when Avatar, Star Wars land, and Toy Story land open?

When Avatar, Star Wars land, and Toy Story land open? Probably pay 50% more for a "Premium FP+" to get you more selections, upcharges for viewing areas, paid previews. They'll imagine 1,001 ways to charge more, knowing there's plenty who will spend.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
RFID now enables WDW to see everybody's spending. They are making it harder to not pay what *they think* is your fair share. Where savvy experienced guests used to gain an advantage, WDW is now charging. They scrutinize "hacks" & insider tips, then price them at a premium. Look at FP+ viewing areas & Dessert parties... used to be the suggested "best locations" on fansites, back when they were open to all.
WDW new business model is "Less people through the turnstyles spending more."


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Another tactic WDW uses is the old bait & switch... Google style. They roll out something new like food tasting, dessert party, villian party, etc. Initially lower priced with better food. Then once all the good reviews show up, they increase the cost & lower the offerings. They know part of Google's algorithm is page views, so the old favorable reviews will always show up on the first page. The older posts always have more page visits because they've had more time to accumulate. Hmmph, not nice.


Active Member
It appears that the premium parking upcharge will begin on March 15 for the Magic Kingdom and Epcot Center. This supposedly will only be a "test" for a limited time.

No Name

Well-Known Member
These are the very types of moves that Tom Staggs has championed since the 1990s, the last time a Consumer Products boy was brought in to clean up the theme parks.
So? I didn't say Tom Staggs was a perfect leader. I'm just saying, things did not go downhill from when Tom took over Jay Rasulo's spot as much as they are now under Bob Chapek. So while people thought it was bad then, now they are looking at 2014 and 2015 in a positive way.

That's why it's almost exactly like Eisner to Iger. Eisner made cuts and pushed price increases. People thought Eisner was bad and ruining the parks. But now we (or at least most people) realize how much better he was, especially for the long-term future of the company, because we've seen worse.

As for Paul Pressler, things actually got better after he left, in profits, quality, and safety. That's why he is hated all around.


Well-Known Member
I still don't understand. The premium parking has absolutely no impact on anyone other those that want do pay the money to do it. It isn't against anything or anybody. Maybe some of the prime up close parking areas may be inaccessible to the unwashed. Boo Hoo, you have to park with the rest of us and ride the tram! It's increased revenue for Disney WITHOUT penalizing those the cannot afford it. It's simple... DON'T USE IT! With that it doesn't do anything at all other then waste space. It does indicate a change in policy but it does not take money out of the pocket of everyone, just the ones that are willing to pay the extra price because, to them it is worth the money. It's a perk that actually is available to anyone with an extra $15.00. Most of the people with cars to park are not paying the ransom price for hotel rooms, so again, who is getting hurt by it that isn't willingly signing up for the extra. People that stay on site should be pushing for a $15.00 increase in the entire parking lot preventing a $15.00 increase in the ticket prices that everyone has to pay.

All this talk about how this is just another sign of the eminent failure of Disney is really working their disaster imagination overtime. There are many targets, this isn't one of the important ones.

No Name

Well-Known Member
I still don't understand. The premium parking has absolutely no impact on anyone other those that want do pay the money to do it. It isn't against anything or anybody. Maybe some of the prime up close parking areas may be inaccessible to the unwashed. Boo Hoo, you have to park with the rest of us and ride the tram! It's increased revenue for Disney WITHOUT penalizing those the cannot afford it. It's simple... DON'T USE IT! With that it doesn't do anything at all other then waste space. It does indicate a change in policy but it does not take money out of the pocket of everyone, just the ones that are willing to pay the extra price because, to them it is worth the money. It's a perk that actually is available to anyone with an extra $15.00. Most of the people with cars to park are not paying the ransom price for hotel rooms, so again, who is getting hurt by it that isn't willingly signing up for the extra. People that stay on site should be pushing for a $15.00 increase in the entire parking lot preventing a $15.00 increase in the ticket prices that everyone has to pay.

All this talk about how this is just another sign of the eminent failure of Disney is really working their disaster imagination overtime. There are many targets, this isn't one of the important ones.

Well said. There are "up-charge things" that hurt the regular guests, and then there are ones that do not hurt the regular guests. For example, Universal's Express Pass is something that makes the experience great for those who pay extra, but everyone else is adversely affected by it because the wait time for each ride becomes longer.

This parking price idea will hardly hurt most people's days. Some guests will be irritated by the fact that the front of the parking lot is empty and they had to park so far back. But seriously, it's a little bit of extra exercise, not a big deal. In fact, other guests will actually be happy that they have the option to park closer and walk less. This might actually be a good change, depending on how you look at it.

Put some solar panels over the premium spots to provide shade and maybe even car charging as well. If money needs to be made somewhere, this is certainly not a bad place to do it.

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