Pregnant with questions sort of.


New Member
Original Poster
Hi, I am 21 and pregnant,
I have not had any morning sickness at all.
I want to ride all the rides, I will be on the end of the first trimester beginning of the second trimester. Except the big drop one and test track. I have not been sick. I do not want to make anything dangerous but I am really set on riding all the rides except the worst one.

Anyway, please be nice lol I need advice.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Have a chat with your doctor/gyno before you go. They're the best judges of what you can and can't do and what the risks are.


Well-Known Member
If you don't want to risk your pregnancy, then do NOT ride anything where there is a sign stating "Expectant Mothers Should Not Ride". It is really quite simple. The warning is there for your and your baby's safety.


New Member
I feel your pain...I had just found out I was pregnant when we went to King's Dominion...a great themepark with great rides. I was super depressed to miss out on all the crazy rides. But here's the thing, IMHO. You don't want to look back and say...oh, if I hadn't ridden Expedition Everest I might have a 3 yr old right now. That's a crazy risk. I agree to just follow the warnings that are posted, and don't ride anything that is not recommended for pregnant women. Lucky for you, there is plenty of AMAZING things to do at WDW that a pregnant woman can do. Either be content to do those, or postpone your trip until you can ride the rides.


Well-Known Member
Morning sickness has nothing to do with it. Do you really want to risk your baby's health for the sake of a few rides? Time to grow up!
You are about to discover the first of many lessons of parenting...sacrifice. Think of your baby first not your own desires. If you're truly set on riding all the rides you only have two choices, either reschedule your trip until after the baby is born (hint the better choice) or know that the rides you choose to go on that are not recommended for expectant moms could put you or your baby at risk. It's a bummer you can't go on all the rides but in the grand scheme of life going on Space mountain is not worth risking the safety of your unborn child, ever.


Premium Member
I went to Disney last March and was 13 weeks along, I rode every single ride I wanted to, including the ones with warnings for expentant mothers. Before I get flamed let me say that I DID ask my doctor and she told me to go ahead and ride them!! That early in pregnancy there is nothing more harmful about the rides compared to taking off and landing in a plane. Of course if something HAD happened I would have questioned if my decision was what caused it, but that was my choice. I had a great trip and can not wait to take our new addition next year!!!


The Epcot Manifesto
My wife and I just returned from the world, and she was 32 weeks along. She decided that for the most part, heeding the warning signs was best. Her father is an OB/GYN, and for the most part, he told her to try and use common sense. Rides that are not much more crazy than something you would find in every day life (Dark Rides, Dumbo) are no issue. The only warning I think she ignored was for Kilimanjaro Safaris, which is really not that much more bumpy than a car ride down a badly paved road. Also, keep in mind that for the most part, any ride with a lap-bar (not counting gentle dark rides like Peter Pan), is probably not a great idea.

At that point in your pregnancy, you'll still be in the area where miscarriage is a danger, and really, it is not worth risking it for a ride on Space Mountain. You may want to take the time to rest as well, my wife was very glad for the chance to sit occasionally while I hopped off for a fastpass on something.

Just think of it as preparing yourself for what is to come. You'll spend the next few trips to WDW based nearly solely in Fantasyland for the kiddies anyway. Until your child reaches that magic 40" tall mark, they are not riding much anyway!


My wife and I went to WDW in September and she was about 24 weeks. Let me just say that we had a wonderful time. There is so much to see and do at WDW that you will not miss the handful of rides that you can't go on. Like Sshindle the only warning we ignored was the Kilimanjaro Safari. (I was worried about the bumpiness, but she said it wasn't that bad). We are now 37 weeks along and everything is going as planned. Take your time to appreciate all WDW has to offer, slow down, look around more, take in some shows that you normally wouldn't.

In the end you have to listen to your doctor, your instincts and the warnings and make up your own mind. I would rather err on the side of caution and think about all the wonderful trips ahead with your little one when he/she is old enough.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Hi, I am 21 and pregnant,
I have not had any morning sickness at all.
I want to ride all the rides, I will be on the end of the first trimester beginning of the second trimester. Except the big drop one and test track. I have not been sick. I do not want to make anything dangerous but I am really set on riding all the rides except the worst one.

Anyway, please be nice lol I need advice.

This is me being nice.
There's a list of rides that are deemed appropriate for expectant mothers. Find it, learn it, keep it on you, and don't chance riding anything that's not on that list.

The fact that you'd even think to ask such a question depresses the crap out of me. Because you're going to be somebody's mom, and your ability to ride a roller coaster seems to be more important to you than the safety and well-being of your unborn child. You seem...mentally ill-prepared for the challenges and sacrifices being a parent entails. If the baby is important to you, don't do anything stupid. If the baby's not important to you, why even ask us?


New Member
Think of this trip as a time to walk around and take in the sights and sounds of Disney. People-watching can be a lot of fun, too! There IS a lot you can ride...but there are some things that you really should not's just not worth risking your child's life. Once you get there, I think you'll be able to think sensibly and make the right decisions :animwink: You might want to get a copy of "Passporter's Open Mouse" to read--there's a section on visiting WDW when you're pregnant.


Well-Known Member
The biggest risk is misscarriage, cord around the neck, or jostling enough to maybe cause placental seperation. It has nothing to do with sickness.

It's a risk you have to weigh. Pretty much every ride will have a warning but use common sense. No roller coasters!! Slower rides like HM or SW or IASW would prolly be fine. The main thing you need to remember is you can always go back to WDW another time. You can't repeat this pregnancy. Even if you got pregnant again, it won't be the same baby. Also, could you live with having lost a child or a child with severe disability just because you couldn't wait a few months to ride a coaster or other ride? I went pregnant and, basically, any ride my 2yr old could ride, I rode. That was pretty much just slow rides like jungle cruise and whatnot. personally, I wouldn't have issue riding test track as my DH's driving is MUCH worse LMAO

*We are not medical professionals. If you do anything we say and it results in unwanted consequences, we are not responsible.
It seems to me that your thread title (pregnant with questions SORT OF) suggests that you don't really have a question. You want to ride all the rides except Test Track and Splash Mountain. You'd like for all of us to tell you that you can. You'd rather someone didn't tell you that it might be a bad idea. You've come to a decision and you'd like someone to back you up. And you want us to be nice about it. ;)

All joking aside--unfortunately, the decision is ultimately yours to make. I think many people on this forum will tell you that it might be a bad idea to ignore ALL "expectant mothers should not ride" warnings for the sake of your own wants. I think you'll also find folks who say go for it, that the signs are just overprotective means of keeping lawsuits at bay. I think there's some validity to both those points of view. But I think the comment that EVERYONE, regardless of opinion will make, is that ultimately the choice is up to you, and that you will have to be okay with any consequences, regardless of how slim or likely the chances there will be any. You just have to let your own conscience determine whether you should ride, and know that, if something bad happens, it COULD be because of the choice you made.

If it were ME, I'd do everything in my power to avoid a negative outcome, as my husband has already had to live through the devastation of a stillbirth (in a previous marriage) that he will remember and will affect him for the rest of his life, and also because I have my own issues that will make having a normal pregnancy difficult. But, again, I'm not you.

The Mom

Premium Member
I only ignored one warning sign when I went to WDW & US when I was pregnant, and that was the one for ET at US.

I had ridden it before, and knew it would not be an issue for me. I was around 28 weeks, but had only gained 7 pounds (due to complications) so my baby bump wasn't an issue.

But I followed all of the other warnings. And I'm soooo glad I did, as I had a life-threatening complication that was picked up the day after I returned, and I was put on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. :eek:

As others have said, ask yourself if it's worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
I agree avoid a negitive outcome. I have been when i was 3mo along and did everything I could to keep my feet on the ground.


New Member
I went to disney during both of my pregnancies! The first was in 08 with the twins and the second was in 09 with my son. The only things I did not ride were the roller coaster and anything was really bumpy like the safari. Other than you should be fine on anything else!


Well-Known Member
I hope this is not your first or only trip to the World. If so, and if it is at all possible, I'd reschedule it to a time when you can really enjoy it. Just remember to give yourself a minimum (more depending on how your idividual situation) of six weeks post delivery to recover. You will also need to discuss taking your baby out of the house on a trip like Disney World with the peditrician. I took my son for the first time when he was 9 months old. That was a great age. You may not want to or be able to wait that long. People take younger babies than that. Again, all of that is up tp you, your OB/GYN, the baby's ped, and your work schedule.

If you do go while pregnant, you can have a great time without feeling like you've missed out on too much. There is no better place to be than the World when those food cravings hit. :slurp: There are also lots of places to shop for your little one (even if you do not know the gender). There are more things you can do than not. I went at six months. Here was my list of avoids with an explanation. My OB/GYN was a World frequenter so he knew what to advise me against.

MK Rides
1. Space - the seat design, the bumps, sharp curves at those speeds
2. Big Thunder - seat design, bumps
3. Splash - surprisingly not the drop but the seat design coupled with the drop
4. Stitch - restraint on seats

1. Test Track - speed, sharp breaking, etc...
2. Mission Space - the Gs and seat design

1. Tower - the drops
2. Aerosmith - lots and lots of reasons :)

1. Everest - lots and lots of reasons :)
2. Safari - it was very bumpy (I had issues in the beginning with internal bleeding - they cleared up early in the first 12 weeks, but I didn't want to take the chance)
3. Dinosaur - it's rough

Morning sickness is actually an indicator of a healthy pregnancy. It has nothing to do with what your limitations are. Just think of it this way. For the most part, you can ride things while you are pregnant that you would ride with a baby.

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