Potter power: Universal sets 12-month attendance record.


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Original Poster

"Universal also continued to ring up record sales during the second quarter, as travelers paid higher prices to get into its parks and bought magic wands, mugs of butter beer and other Harry Potter paraphernalia. Resort revenue jumped 61 percent for the quarter, from $243.5 million to $392.2 million.

Universal gained in every category of spending, regulatory filings show. Ticket revenue rose 57.5 percent, food and beverage sales jumped 53 percent, and merchandise revenue soared 82 percent.

The resort's total profit for the quarter was $97.8 million, up from just $2.8 million a year ago."


WOW !! :eek: Nice going Universal! Does this mean that they'll have more money to expand Potter World now or will they wait until attendance starts slipping again before starting the expansion??



Well-Known Member
How dumb must Disney feel about this? This could have possibly put a nail in Universal's coffin, and instead, they're now a SERIOUS competitor to Disney.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm sure someone will be along any minute now to tell you how this is actually good for Disney, terrible for Universal and how it's all a passing fad either way.

Wait for it....wait for it....

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
How dumb must Disney feel about this? This could have possibly put a nail in Universal's coffin, and instead, they're now a SERIOUS competitor to Disney.
I hope you are right but I have a gut feeling they are going to plateau around 8-9 million. If they keep expanding that attendance should hold but I fear that if US gets complacent attendance will wane.


Well-Known Member
I hope you are right but I have a gut feeling they are going to plateau around 8-9 million. If they keep expanding that attendance should hold but I fear that if US gets complacent attendance will wane.

I don't see Universal getting complacent. They don't come across that way to me. I think they're going to expand and continue to push the boundaries for theme park attractions. They seem serious about giving Disney a run for their money. Disney just doesn't seem to be taking them serious yet.


Disney just doesn't seem to be taking them serious yet.

Pride comes before a fall they say. I just hope Disney wakes up and realizes what is staring them plain in the face.
Disney is not going to beat Universal with the dated and broken attractions that get talked about on these forums. Changes need to be made. The numbers don't lie.


Well-Known Member
How dumb must Disney feel about this? This could have possibly put a nail in Universal's coffin, and instead, they're now a SERIOUS competitor to Disney.

I'm sure someone will be along any minute now to tell you how this is actually good for Disney, terrible for Universal and how it's all a passing fad either way.

Wait for it....wait for it....

Isn't possible that the truth falls somewhere between these two statements? I realize SleepingMonk is playing devil's advocate, but I'm sure others out there share his sentiment so I'm quoting it.

I don't think this is either a death knell for WDW nor do I see them not securing HP as a huge loss, due to all the issues delineated on other threads.

US needed HP way more than WDW and it revitalized their parks. It was always going to be a hit and the naysayers were deluding themselves. It remains to be seen how long it will last. It has at least 10 good years, more if Rowling allows more books and movies.

Disney has some great things on the horizon and will get it's own bump over the next few years.

It was a huge win for US, but it isn't really a huge deal for WDW.


Well-Known Member
It was a huge win for US, but it isn't really a huge deal for WDW.

Anything that is a huge win for Universal is a huge deal for WDW. Do you have any idea of the publicity that would come out if one of the Universal parks beats out any of the 4 Disney parks in attendance for a year? No theme park has ever placed ahead of any Disney theme park in attendance since Disneyland opened almost 60 years ago. If it happens, it will be HUGELY embarrassing and humiliating for the Disney company.

The fact of the matter is Disney had a shot at HP. They turned it down because they were too cheap. That looked bad. Now, seeing how Universal has been so successful with it just makes Disney look stupid.


Well-Known Member
Anything that is a huge win for Universal is a huge deal for WDW. Do you have any idea of the publicity that would come out if one of the Universal parks beats out any of the 4 Disney parks in attendance for a year? No theme park has ever placed ahead of any Disney theme park in attendance since Disneyland opened almost 60 years ago. If it happens, it will be HUGELY embarrassing and humiliating for the Disney company.

The fact of the matter is Disney had a shot at HP. They turned it down because they were too cheap. That looked bad. Now, seeing how Universal has been so successful with it just makes Disney look stupid.

Okay, let's say they did accept the deal. Where would you put it? That's the only reason I find that point of view irrelevant.


Paging Rowdy......

How sweet, you think about me a lot. :) This made me smile. Sorry for the delayed response. Maybe I should make this website a bigger portion of my life.

Good for Universal, impressive numbers.

Although I wouldn't say it's "bad" for Disney. It's just not good for them.


Well-Known Member
Okay, let's say they did accept the deal. Where would you put it? That's the only reason I find that point of view irrelevant.

Either the Fantasyland expansion area that Disney announced after the entire theme park industry started calling them out for passing on HP, or the wasted space in the back of Hollywood Studios that is New York Street or the area that used to be part of the Backlot Tour.

The LAST thing Disney should worry about is space.


Well-Known Member
Either the Fantasyland expansion area that Disney announced after the entire theme park industry started calling them out for passing on HP, or the wasted space in the back of Hollywood Studios that is New York Street or the area that used to be part of the Backlot Tour.

The LAST thing Disney should worry about is space.

Potter world would stick out like a sore thumb in either of those places, of course land isn't a factor but keeping to a theme is...

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Regardless of any one fan's feelings towards this expansion, I think it's time this fanbase accepts that Disney really messed things up this time, and continues to do so every day management decides to sits idely by while Universal continues pushing the envelope.

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