POTC: Grafitti in the queue.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine was sharing this link on Facebook. http://twitpic.com/cd9t7w Unfortunately, I'm sure that this sort of thing happens all the time but how long will it be there before it gets a coat of paint?

I would love to meet these aspiring artists....and toss them all into the loving arms of the Orange County deputies for "deportation" to Jail!



Well-Known Member
Kongfrontation queue, Universal Studios Florida.

I loved that ride, even though it took half a lifetime to get through the queue! Did get tired of listening to the looped news report though.

I escorted two young functionally challenged men to Florida years ago and took them on that ride. At the part where Kong is along side the ride, I happened to glance over at them and for a minute I thought they were going to die (so did they).:eek: It never occurred to me that they didn't know that it wasn't real. The color had drained from their faces by the time I noticed. I leaned over and said, "Hey, guys, this isn't real that's just a make believe Gorilla". Thankfully, they believed me and relaxed, but that was all they could talk about the rest of the day. The phrase I remember the most was..."boy, that King Kong is scary, boy!" :D


Well-Known Member
Just posted this in another thread but thought it would be relevent for this one too since it is graffiti in a queue :/ Big Thunder Mountain's brand new 48 hour old painting:


Already ruined..


Well-Known Member
Just posted this in another thread but thought it would be relevent for this one too since it is graffiti in a queue :/ Big Thunder Mountain's brand new 48 hour old painting:


Already ruined..

unbelievable, yet in fantasyland they made sure to put the precious phil holmes portrait up high so it couldnt be touched. I say swap the two, put his in thunder mountain instead and let them have at it lol.....no but seriously that looks awful I hope they just remove it because it looks worse with it there. Great try on imagineerings part, sad that people have to make their mark.


Active Member
They need to rigorously enforce the Lifetime Ban from all Disney parks for those who abuse them, none of us need their type there.
When we were there on Wednesday March 13th, the right line into the Pirates of the Caribbean was changed...they had broken down the wall to the right and diverted the line through the 'new' passageway. Normally you'd walk straight in for about 15 yards make a U turn and walk back down the adjacent cave and on through the queue, now that section is closed off...is this part of the upcoming PotC refurb? What do they have planned here?
left line-------------------------------------------+ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
right line------N-\------------------------O-+XXX| XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
........XXXXX E |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L |XXX +--------------------+
........XXX+--W-/------------------------D-+XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |


Well-Known Member
This MUST be the work of Brazillian Tour Groups!

Do not get me started on those Brazilian tour groups. Yes, they bring revenue to Disney, but yet, they're such a liability to Disney for the damage they incur. A few years ago, my wife and I stayed at the Disney All Star Music Resort and there was a Brazilian tour group staying there. I have never, ever, in my life, seen a bunch of entitled ingrates.....:mad:

Ok...I've said enough. I'm going to go chill out. Just posting this is stressing me out. :mad:


Well-Known Member
He does have a point has anyone here been there on cheer leading tournament days? If so then I hope your ears have healed by now cause mine haven't.
unfortunately, had the privilege of visiting earlier this month while the cheer-leading tournament was going on. While they were nice to look at, their behavior was poor at best. They were yelling and screaming in ques,running through the parks at full speed with no regard for other guests, ect... Why doesn't everyone get on them all the time? or the pee wee football players that have massive brawls at the hotels. I've been around the Brazilians many time before, and haven't seen much disrespectful behavior at all (aside from cheering before fantasmic which has seemed to stop as of late.) I think alot of it has to do with race frankly.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
unfortunately, had the privilege of visiting earlier this month while the cheer-leading tournament was going on. While they were nice to look at, their behavior was poor at best. They were yelling and screaming in ques,running through the parks at full speed with no regard for other guests, ect... Why doesn't everyone get on them all the time? or the pee wee football players that have massive brawls at the hotels. I've been around the Brazilians many time before, and haven't seen much disrespectful behavior at all (aside from cheering before fantasmic which has seemed to stop as of late.) I think alot of it has to do with race frankly.
There are often threads complaining about cheerleaders and pee wee footballers. I think the abundance of complaints about Brazilians has much more to do with fact that they cover months rather than just the few weeks that the cheerleaders are there. The cheerleaders are also there at a traditionally slower time attendance wise. I think with those things combined fewer guest encounter them as opposed to the Brazilians who are there during some of the busiest times of the year.

HiYa Pal

Active Member
I was in line for TSMM one evening and this dad was carrying his child, that in my opinion was too old to be carried, and the child was ripping the paper off the crayons every time he could reach one and the dad did nothing to stop him. I told the CM when we got to the point where they split you off and even pointed the person out, I just got a blank stare. They were just luck I didn't see a soap box to stand on and have a full on Julia Sugarbaker rant!!

Darth Tater

Well-Known Member
There are always going to be people that want to ruin things for others...Sad.
That pretty much nails it. It's not the fact they're making graffiti, it's the fact they're distorting something that isn't theirs to mess with. Kinda the same immature mentality of people who want to kick over a snowman or sand castle that has been perfected. The idea of destruction (even small doses), just gives some sad people a cheap thrill.

As a saying goes: Some people cannot look at a beautiful painting without wanting to smear their hands on it.

Jake Wilson

Active Member
Not one person that enters Walts world of fantasy with the vision he had would do this. The culprits are those that have no idea the way Disney fanatics see the park. It will always be just an attraction or theme park to those that have lost their imagination....

Too bad for the people that will never see the real "DREAM" land that Walt worked so hard to give the world.

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