Post your Toy Story Mania preview ride reports here


Well-Known Member
The story of this ride is that Andy got a new carnival midway mania playset, and as soon as Andy left the toys of course decided to set it up and run the carnival themselves. So we are riding through the toy play set the toys have set up and run. That's why the loading station is themed to look like Andy's room.

Just a couple notes. The tilt-a-whirl motion she speaks of is actually a 3.2.1 countdown at the end of each game and then the cart spins very fast as it makes its way to the next game. Also, it seems as if the water / air effects will hit both people in the vehicle regardless of who hit the target.

I actually don't like this. I can't stand spinning as it makes me very sick. I really wish the designers would put in an option to allow the guest riding to choose whether or not they want to spin. I can't even hardly ride the Cat in the Hat ride at Universal because of the spinning, I hope this isn't the same way.


New Member
simple answer....i loved was alot of fun and i belive that ll ages can have fun on this ride....i rode it three times my high score was 138,000


Well-Known Member

Trust Mr. Potato Head...Do you think he's kidding? Your life will not be mundania, after you play MIDWAY MANIA!

Medium Spoilers Ahead


Still ALOT To be finished. The gift shop, cafe, meet n' greets, and whole left side of the street is still under construction. Though from what I've seen, there is going to be lots of detail, and the whole are just looks beautiful with the trees and brickwork. I woudn't judge the area harshly, as again, it's still under construction, and even when done, there will be lots of cool little details showing up in the months ahead. The story here (As I mentioned before.) is that Pixar Place (Like Maroon Studios) is where all the Pixar magic takes place. The toys are all out in full force, because they're inviting us all to become Toys and see the great new Midway games they've set up. (Neat detail: Some of the CM door signs say to Keep out Pixar Studios Animators: Toys Only. This means that the Pixar Studios Animators from the outside are just as excited to shrink down and see what the Toy's are up too, just as we guests are.) After we pass through the beautiful glass hall, we are now TOYS! The Cast Members are Andy's Toys, keeping in grand MGM-Studios tradition. (RNR has their Parking Attendents, Tower its' Bellhops, and who could forget the Muppet Labs workers?)


Without a doubt, I can say I pitty Disneyland for once. (I know! Who thought I'd ever say THAT?) They have a nice building, but we have SOOOO much space, and the Imagineer's put to good use. At every twist and turn of the queue you'll find great details and your favorite childhood toys bigger than life! I can't possibly mention all of the details because there are so many (And spotting them is half the fun!), but I will point out my favorite: And it was clearly made for two groups, Imagineers; And us. After entering the queue, there are two giant viewmaster slides. Look for the Disneyland Tomorrowland one, featuring the Peoplemover and the Mighty Microscope!


After working your way to the back, you finally get the chance to meet Mr. Potato Head! He's fantastic, and the crowd LOVED him. One trip through he had some problems and had to go behind the curtain. (Themed to a giant blue hankie with Stars & Boots on it.) Yes, Jim Hill was WRONG. They do not "Just throw a sheet over it."

After all this build up, you finally pick up your bright yellow glasses in a house built out of Lincoln Logs. (And it's just about the size of a real house!) Then it's a trip up the stairs, and you get to see a great view of one of my favorite parts of the ride: THE LOAD AREA!

(Also be sure to listen throughout your trip through the queue and ride: the music made for the ride is really good!)


Andy's room in all it's glory! Again detail abound, and this room in HUGE! I won't go into details, but let's just say (Again) it follows the grand MGM-Studios tradition of theming. I'd say it's on par with Tower's Boiler Room, and RNR's Parking Garage. I'd go further to say it's the best load/unload area in all of WDW. Be sure to look for all the details! When leaving, be sure to pay close attention to a very large Golden Book featuring: Tin Toy!



Really, I'd have to say that you have a serious mental condition if you don't at least have "a really fun time" on your first go-around. If you don't, go ahead and just check yourself into Arkham Asylum. The beautiful details, great dark-ride sets, moving, twisting-and-turning gametrams all add up to an auroa of fun. And that's not even counting the games! All of them are so fun to play, and all four rides had new surprises and targets that had eluded me the ride before it. Four rides, we found a super-surprise combo that yielded some great bonus targets! I won't tell because that's the fun of it. Each time you go on, you'll find new surprises and details. Go and find them! Don't let the internet tell you. I can attest'll have a heck of a great time finding out the first way! Some things that I'm sure you're dying too know...

Yes, all the big voices are reprised by the proper voice actor. Hamm & Rex are the best! Keep an eye out for their peformances.

I, like you, kind of had a grudge against "Screen-based attractions", but this one (Unlike any other) breaks the mold. It's SO much fun, and the 3-D is so amazingly life-like, I forgot I was watching screens.

I said it!

I forgot. The games, animation, and all the Toy Story pals makes this one of the finest screen based attractions ever.

Gameplay! Unlike Men in Black, Buzz, and other "Shoot em' up" rides, this is the first one that if I've done poorly, I don't care. It's doesn't change how fun it was to play. As the box says, "Everyone's a Winner!" and unlike Midway Games of real; It's quite true. If you don't get an amazing score, you won't feel bad about waiting 120 Minutes. (I'm lookin' at you BUZZ AND MEN IN BLACK!)

Also, whatever new process they use to make the 3-D is amazing! No matter where you are in the building, no matter how you look at it, the space adjusts iteslf, as it would if it was actually there. (You know how Spiderman has to move the image in synch with the cars? Take that Spiderman! I can look up and down and it looks PERFECT!)


In summary, you may feel like a winner: But the real winner is Walt Disney Imagineering. I was so proud to be there in the first line for Midway Mania ever. And nothing could beat seeing and talking to the Imagineers there, as they were very pleased to see such a great reaction to the ride. I really think that this is a perfect addition to not only the Studios, but too all of Walt Disney World. Everest is amazing, but it's great to have a brand new E-Ticket that the WHOLE FAMILY can ride. (In the vein of Haunted Mansion and Pirates, everyone can ride: Everyone can have a great time.)

In short, get to Midway Mania as soon as you can! You'll have a great time: No Assembly required!*

*Some Assembly Required



Liker of Things
Premium Member
Thanks for the reports everybody (EpcotServo - your report was fantastic!). I can't wait to ride it in four short weeks.


New Member
I'm not 100% positive on this, but from what I understand they were only running one of the tracks for at least some of the preview today. That would be why some of you didn't notice any difference. Also, the front vehicle in the load station always takes track B, while the second vehicle always takes track A.

Very impressed by the ride today. Can't wait to ride it more this weekend.

Also, for those of you wondering about the high scores... Remember that operations has been riding around testing things for weeks now along with the people that worked on the ride (months now for them). They know all the hidden secrets and bonus points...


Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting tidbit I noticed... if the rides stops momentarily, you can still fire the guns and "practice" but all of the targets are worth 0 points!!


Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting tidbit I noticed... if the rides stops momentarily, you can still fire the guns and "practice" but all of the targets are worth 0 points!!

I know! Isn't that great? Gives you something to do while you wait to get moving again. Everything (From both a guest & cast standpoint) was thought out REALLY well.



Premium Member
I'm going to be rediculously picky not as good, are you refering to the detail of philharmagic or the quality of the 3D? What I'm curious of is the 3D quality in line or better than philharmagic?

The 3D is not as good as Philharmagic. I dont know for sure, but it looked like TSM was using an LCD rear projection system, whereas Philharmagic is using giant format film. It was very good quality, considering it was being generated in real time. You could see a small amount of pixelation, and the 3D effect was not as deep as Philharmagic. Having said all of that, it's been excuted very well, and I dont think you will have any complaints with the display. Hope that answers your question, let me know if you have any more questions and I will try to answer it based on my rides today.

Jose Eber

New Member
You know what, I wasn't even paying attention to how the screens were displayed.

They are rear projection, so they aren't as bright. Its not like they have a bunch of barcos in there.

Its good enough. And the three d isn't overwhelming which is nice.

The water and air effect is really seamless.

OH! And there is a little 'closed caption' button you can press.

SOOOOO Swanky!


Account Suspended
Yes, if you look across the way from the attraction where the green army men are hanging the scrabble board they will have a quick serve food location as well as a merchandise shop.

There's a food place like 100 yards from there by the Backlot Tour, why build a new one so close?


Hello all, I rode today. Only got to ride once, because I overslept.

The queue was amazing. Everything was really well done. Mr. Potato head wasn't working for a while, and he was behind a curtain. You could only see his eyes peering through at everyone. It was a pretty neat effect. As we passed him, he started working again. Everyone was cheering and talking to him. It was really, really, cool.

The whole place is a sensory overload. There's just so much to look at! The detail is phenomenal!

The ride itself was a tad bit underwhelming. When I say that, I guess I mean that it felt like I was in a giant room with a bunch of monitors and I was just waiting for my car to move on to the next screen. Especially the finale, I expected a bit more.

But I'll be damned if I didn't walk away with a huge smile and a craving to go back for more. It was just pure fun. It's a great edition to the park, and the masses are going to love it! I'm going to go tomorrow and try to get a few more rides before work in!

I can't wait to learn the secrets of the game, and crack the leaderboard. (which shows the top 3 scores of the day, and the top score of the month)


So today I slipped behind the fence for the first time and took a spin
on the new ride -- twice, actually. This post may have some spoilers,
but to be honest, if you know the premise already, there's not much to

First things first: I stand by my original predication that this ride
will be MASSIVELY popular. There is just no substitute for having a
family-friendly bona fide ride in a Disney theme park. Good thing it
has FastPass and single rider queue. I think it will become the most
popular thing in the park, ahead of RnR and TOT.

Now, for the bad news: The ride will not actually deserve its popularity.
It's not that TSM is bad. It's fine, sorta good, I guess. How's that
for a glowing review? The problem quite frankly is that it is a ride-
through DisneyQuest attraction. This is the EXACT same technology as
the Pirates of the Caribbean thing at DQ, right down to the pull-
string cannons. This is GOOD technology, but not put in service of a
story. It is simply 5 separate games, all of them roughly the same

I hate to be one of those Disney geeks that complains about story, but
for a ride with the word "Story" in the title, this thing has none.
I'm not even talking about plot. I'm talking about any sort of
conflict, progression, resolution, anything. You ride through, you
play the game 5 times, you're done. It is the equivalent of walking
down any midway carny area and playing 5 game booths in a row.
The games themselves are well done. I do like the fact that the
"bullets" that you're shooting change from game to game. The
technology is pretty impressive, actually. The gameplay mechanics are
very fluid and intuitive -- MUCH more user friendly than Buzz or MIB.
The bullets are color-coded to the color of your gun, so it's easy to
keep track of what you're shooting at. To cap it off, the 3-D aspect
is bright and colorful and a nice addition. Much more advanced than
PotC at DQ.

Within each game, there are targets worth 100, 500, 1000, 2000, and
5000. Possibly there's more depending on how well you do. The
downside to them is that the targets don't vary substantially. It's
not like the 1000 point targets are that much harder to hit than the
100 point targets. There's just fewer of them. For the duration of
your gameplay, the lack of variation isn't too much of a problem. I
found the hardest game to be the Buzz Lightyear ring toss, as you are
trying to capture the aliens with your rings, rather than simply blast
them. All the other games involve blasting something of some sort.
There were not as many 4-D effects as I thought there would be. A few
occasional puffs of air, and one time (out of 2 rides) I got a little
water spurt. Maybe these just aren't working yet. But the normal 3-D
movies like HISTA all out-do this ride on that front.

When we rode, the ride did have some technical difficulties, and
seemed to be a bit of a slow-loader, but I can chalk this up to it
being a preview. Eventually they'll get these details ironed out.

The sets inside are nothing special. It is essentially a dark room
with various video game stopping points. They have some flat cut-outs
of boardgames and things for transitions. Nothing elaborate.
I really enjoyed the queue area, which has things like a Candyland map
on the floor, a Lincoln-Log cabin, some giant Viewfinder slides, and
of course the impressive Potato Head AA figure. The loading area is
large (probably the original Millionaire arena) and themed to Andy's
bedroom. There are some nice Tinkertoy scaffolding and christmas
light strands, but a lot of the room is simply 2-d painting of Andy's
bed, the dresser, etc. I would have loved to see some giant sets
here, and there is the occasional toy block, but mostly it's just a

The shop/snacks/character greeting areas on the opposite side of the
street are still walled off. I think the decorators actually made a
mistake stringing a big strand of Barrel-o-Monkeys across the street
and putting Army Men on the rooftops. They look garish and out of
place with the brick facades and really detract from the architecture
of the thing.

I don't think people will mind it, necessarily. Many will profess to love it. But I think that love will be based on ignorance, because they don't realize that it could be so much better, rather true love of what is actually there.

Next up: Hollywood Studios Karaoke Adventure (Fall 2008)!


Well-Known Member
I hate to be one of those Disney geeks that complains about story, but
for a ride with the word "Story" in the title, this thing has none.
I'm not even talking about plot. I'm talking about any sort of
conflict, progression, resolution, anything. You ride through, you
play the game 5 times, you're done. It is the equivalent of walking
down any midway carny area and playing 5 game booths in a row.
The games themselves are well done.

My favorite quote...ever.

"We don't really have a story, with a beginning, an end, or a plot. It's a more a series of experiences building up to a climax. I call them experience rides."
-Marc Davis, 1969

I don't think people will mind it, necessarily. Many will profess to love it. But I think that love will be based on ignorance, because they don't realize that it could be so much better, rather true love of what is actually there.

Next up: Hollywood Studios Karaoke Adventure (Fall 2008)!

Wow, that's just grossly inappropriate. I respect your opinon, but it's a little mean to say that anyone who likes it, likes it out of ignorance.


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