Post pictures of you!

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New Member
Yes Goofette, they are in the "hometown pictures" thread. I have a few more waiting to be uploaded to my laptop.... I´ve been lazy lately... :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria

Wait til you see him "live" :cool: :animwink:

Maria..coming from such a fantastic specimine such as yuorself..i find that to be highly flattering... :kiss:


New Member
LoL! I love Tink! :p I was her for Halloween too! :p That pics on the thread "Post pics of you from when you were younger"!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDW*babe
Really? Kool! :p I love that movie too!! As soon as my sister sends it, I'm going to post the picture of me from when I was like 7. My mom made me the Alice dress for Halloween. And when we went to WDW that summer, I dressed like her. And I got my pic w/her. It was kool! ;p

I was thinking of dressing up as alice for holloween (yes..i know im a a little you sceptics)...if i do so..i will post pics ;)


New Member
Well one year my friends dressed up like the cast of the Drew Carey show, except the guys were the girls and the girls were the guys. I ended up being Mimi. You should have seen my friend as Kate. I will try to find those pictures and put them up here.


Well-Known Member
Last year me and a few friends did a "demented wizard of oz" theme for holloween..

I was the rusted tin man..carrying a chainsaw ;)

we had the bad girl dorothy..smoking...
there was the burnt scarecrow
the battered lion was......interesting...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc
yes..i know im a guy

But but but... the other site said you were a girl!!

I AM SOOOOOOOO CONFUSED!!!!! First it's a guy... then it's a girl... then it's a guy again... now he wants to be a girl!!!

I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :lol: :lol: :hammer: :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Hey "iluvepcot" Go to LSU? well, im assuming so. I'll be starting up there in about 3 weeks... what a small world (pardon the pun) you like it there?

vacation junkie

New Member
Here's a site that shows off what my hometown is famous for.

Here is where I will be moving to in a little over a week.

It amazes me that I am lucky enough to go from a great place to live to an incredible one. :)

***oh crap, im sorry i thought this was the hometown thread :lol:

can someone fix my dumbness? thank you


New Member
lol, I was thinkin the same thing. I've posted tons of pics of me. So I'm not gonna post more. But I think everyone should post! Like it's been said before, it's nice to put a face to who we're talkin to :p


Well-Known Member
Here is me but I got the eple spray stuff it really works!!!!!!



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